Round 20Elbbsas ran over to Martin Breakshield and -- just as Taurus had done to her -- held her hands out over the Commander's corpse. Slowly, his wounds began to close. Martin then suddenly began to cough and gasp for air as Elbbsas helped him to stand up.
The Mino attacked Hyrda, biting and scratching him for 11 damage.
Dr. Taurus Valeria drank his Strength Potion then attacked the Sabertooth Lion, slashing it with his sword for 16 damage.
Hyrda cast a Holy Ward on Taurus, enveloping him in a protective cyan light.
The Sabertooth Lion then attacked Taurus, but its claws were unable to penetrate the Ward.
On the other side of the Arena, Rosashia Byrnweave, hoping to bide her time as the other team tried to fight off their beasts, cast a Charm spell on the Great Wintrean Termite. The Termite looked at her but had no urge to attack her, so it just stood and clicked its giant mandibles.
On both sides of the Arena, the gates began to open. Both teams anxiously looked to see what would come out as they had not yet defeated their current waves. From Team Water Balloon's gate came a giant Snow Tiger and a Mino that appeared to have lost an eye. From Rosashia's gate came a lone Wintrean Wolf, which growled at her.
Current Stats

Cooldowns: The number listed is the round in which you may use the ability again.
Potions: H=Health, S=Strength, D=Defense, A=Agility, L=Luck
The Combat Order for Round 21 is:
19,19 - Mino
19,8 -
@Doc 18 - Sabertooth Lion
11 - Snow Tiger
6 -
@Hydra 5 -
@Elbbsas 4 -
@taulover 2 - Mino (one-eyed)
13 - Great Wintrean Termite
4,24 - Wintrean Wolf
4,2 -
@AetheliaThe round will end around 1pm ET on Friday, December 8.