Round 19The Mino attacked Taurus, jumping at him for a bite at his chest, but the Cleric shifted his weight back so that the beast only bit his forearm for 4 damage.
Hyrda tossed his Health Potion to Taurus then targeted the Great Wintrean Termite. He ran to it and swiftly plunged his sword down into where he assumed its brain was. Regardless of whether or not he was correct, the beast finally died.
Elbbsas the Reka somehow materialized a hazy shape that looked like a bow, similar to Hyrda's from several rounds ago. She nocked what looked like two arrows then released the Double Shot at the Mino and the Sabertooth Lion. The arrows hit their targets for 5 damage each, then the bow and arrows disappeared.
The Sabertooth Lion attacked Hyrda, scratching him with its claws for 10 damage.
Dr. Taurus Valeria drank his Health Potion then ran over to Hyrda, held his hands over him and healed him for 6 health.
On the other side of the Arena, the Great Wintrean Termite attacked Rosashia Byrnweave, stabbing her with one of its huge spiked legs for 15 damage.
Rosashia badly injured -- but not going down without a fight -- attacked back. She swung her sword at it but dealt only 3 damage.
Current Stats

Cooldowns: The number listed is the round in which you may use the ability again.
Potions: H=Health, S=Strength, D=Defense, A=Agility, L=Luck
The Combat Order for Round 20 is:
20,19 -
@Elbbsas 20,10 - Mino
19 -
@taulover 12 -
@Hydra4 - Sabertooth Lion
18 -
@Aethelia 14 - Great Wintrean Termite
Apologies for the delay, everyone. Hectic weekend.
The round will end around 1pm ET on Wednesday, December 6.