Round 2Dr. Taurus Valeria and Hyrda, both invigorated by their teammate's Call to Arms, prepared to attack. Taurus quickly downed his Health Potion, then nodded to Hyrda. The Cleric targeted the Mino, while the Mystic targeted the red Troll, and together they ran and drove their swords deep into their enemies, both of which let out screams. Pulling their swords out, the two beasts fell down, dead.
Mathyland attacked the injured Goblinite Salthile, lunging at his with his sword and dealing 6 damage.
Rosashia Byrnweave used her other spell, charming the unharmed blue-painted Wintrean Troll. The Troll slowly changed from its angry, barbaric self to become more calm and docile. It lowered its weapon and began to shuffle about, not caring about the battle going on around it.
The Carniboar, still fearful, charged at Mathyland with its sharp tusks, dealing 14 damage.
The Goblinite Salthile attacked Martin Breakshield, but his increased defenses reduced the damage to only 3.
Martin attacked back at the Goblinite Salthile, cutting it with his sword and dealing 5 damage.
Elbbsas the Reka and Wintermoot -- both with their targets already killed this round -- prepared for the next round.
Yvonne the Merciless, however, didn't move at all. The Arena guard sent his hawk to attack the inactive player, dealing her 5 damage.
Current Stats

Cooldowns: The number listed is the round in which you may use the ability again.
Potions: H=Health, S=Strength, D=Defense, A=Agility, L=Luck
The Combat Order for Round 3 is:
Goblinite Salthile
@Aethelia @Wintermoot @taulover @Mathyland @DocWintrean Troll (blue)
@Lily PolisesulCarniboar
@Elbbsas @Hydra We're gonna switch to round results getting posted every other day since they take a bit of time to calculate and write, and I don't want to give you guys less than 24 hours. So,
the round will end around 1pm ET on Tuesday, October 31.