SIGN-UP for secondary character.
Name: test subject 24 (real name unknown)
Age and Gender:20, male
Appearance:dark hair, blue eys, 6'1",
Personality: because of not knowing much of the world and only knowing the prison he's been in since 10 (personality unknown) all that he knows is nothing will get in his way...
Alignment: calm and unpredictable.
superpowers: Intangibility (can phase in and out when wanting or needed to if a bullet hits him as soon as it hits it will phase through him) can go through locked doors, walls, people (can stop phase in someone) and can't hold anything but the phase bow/sword when hands are phased.
phase lock: can phase himself so nothing can hurt him. to phase lock he must be calm, to be upset or angry the phase lock would be unpredictable. (if used for long periods of time in phase lock he gets weaker by the hour)
weapons: phase bow is a 5' bow which can be used when in phase lock arrows fired by this bow can phase in the out (can fire through walls, armour and people)
phase sword is a 5' sword which can be used when in phase lock it can phase in and out (hits can phase through walls, armour and people)
weapons made by Arcadia
Biography: he was imprisoned at the age of 10 (by Arcadia for unknown reasons) tests on TS24 was long and painful. he tried to escape from Arcadia but all attempts failed his prison was a maze phasing all day and all night there was no exit not knowing to TS24 the door was only going to show it self after Arcadia's life signs are no more. his past before 10 are unknown, painfully hoping to find out his own questions like "who am I" "why was I important to him" "time for fun?"
p.s. its for when Arcadia is killed :')