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The Third Robin Steak Fry
Posts: 18 Views: 4752

Finrod Felagund
  • Former Citizen
  • Conte di Integrazione

    Surely, given your current surroundings, you'd be burning him at the Steak?...

    *plays cricket sounds over bluetooth speaker*

    Why do I even have that mp3?
    5 people like this post: Red Mones, taulover, BraveSirRobin, Elbbsas, Gerrick
    « Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 05:39:19 PM by Finrod Felagund »
    Finrod Felagund
    • Conte di Integrazione
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    • Her young ones feast on blood and where the slain are,there is she
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    Surely, given your current surroundings, you'd be burning him at the Steak?...

    *plays cricket sounds over bluetooth speaker*

    Why do I even have that mp3?

    This steak burning is officially approved by the church!

    *Burns Finrod at the steak, a convoluted stake fashioned of steaks.*
    4 people like this post: BraveSirRobin, taulover, Hydra, Red Mones
    Held Positions
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  • 1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen?  What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be? 
    Being active and doing it's job.

    2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand.  What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond?  Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? 
    To be fair if we want to grow beyond NationStates, then we gotta stop investing so much into time and effort into NS as a whole and move away from it. If we want to become a more generalized community, especially a generalized gaming community, we need to make headways into other communities, so we need to just stop looking at NationStates and the regions here. We need to look at the communities for the games that we want to include under our banner. We should also maybe get some other game-servers and events up. At the time we are still basically an NS region that wants to act like it isn't really just an NS region.

    3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
    Leaving our roots as an NS region. If we want to generalize ourselves, that's fine, but we can't just do it half-assed. Doing it that way will lead to failure.

    4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?
    Don't really have one...

    5. What is your favourite form of government?  Why?
    To be fair a Constitutional Limited Autocracy if I'm at the top, otherwise probably something along the lines of a Constitutional Republic.

    6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally.  What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful?  How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?
    Because we aren't a democracy, and definitely not a republic. 2/3rds of our Government is appointed, demagogues also don't seem to do very well here. They would have to engage with the community enough to win.

    7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer?  As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!  :)
    I don't think it would be fair considering that I've been absent most of this election cycle.

    8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?
    Medium please.
    1 person likes this post: BraveSirRobin
    See you later space cowboy.
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