1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen? What should the main goals of the 20th legislature be?*
Well, obviously, the big thing is China, and Russia, and Mexico, and all the Muslims. They're a problem. Each. So they're like, four problems. Except Russia is run by Putin, which, he's a great guy, he know how to take people and 'Putin' 'em to the right place, know what I mean? He's a great guy. And great guys solve problems. I'm a great guy. I solve problems.
So that's three problems. And I'm going to solve them. We're gonna renegotiate, and we're gonna build a wall, and we're gonna just not let any Muslims in. And then kick all the Muslims here out. Because they're, they're dangerous, they're rapists, and they're criminals, and I mean, probably some are good people, but that's not all good. That's a lot of why Wintreath isn't great anymore. We gotta make Wintreath great again. And so we have to get rid of all the not great things, and put in the great things. Like me. I'm great. And I know great people, just the best. I love great people.
*Still not a candidate; still committed to the bit.
2. As we all know, for an civilisation to remain successful and prosperous, it must find ways to expand. What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond? Are there strategies other regions employ that you believe we could adopt to increase our growth? No, other regions, they're not great. Well, okay, China, China's never had a Mexican problem, and they have a wall. A GREAT wall. Coincidence? No! So we can take that idea. That's a great idea. But they're still a problem, so we gotta rebrand, gotta change the name. The Great Drump Wall. I love it. It's incredible.
3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?Definitely China. There's billions of them. But they're okay, I guess. I love China, I love the Chinese, I make a lot of things in China, but then also in America, so they say made in America on them, except the parts where they're made in China. So we gotta deal with the Mexicans. There's, you know, they're sending over just these terrible people. Like, like Marco, he sounds Mexican. Look at him. Low. Energy. That's not a good person, that's not even an okay person, he's, he's a mess. I know these people are low energy, I hired some, and they were, just, so low energy, so of course I didn't pay them. Just not good at the work. Terrible.
4. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?Well, I'm a politician, so, y'know, definitely me. I'm a, I'm a great guy, I love all these people, but y'gotta love yourself first.
So me. I'm the favorite, because I'm the best. Ask anybody, they'll all tell you, me, I'm a great guy, I'm the best.
5. What is your favourite form of government? Why?Definitely a democracy. I mean, people are gonna vote for me, because I'm incredible. I love the uneducated.
And then I'm gonna, y'know, take away their freedoms and rights and transition this into an autocratic theocracy.
God-Emperor, baby. Full
Catholic Space Nazis. Except we'll be protestant, the Pope is awful, he's just terrible, terrible ideas. They touch little boys, y'know, that's terrible. And Nazis, wow, that Hitler. He knew what was up, he made Germany great again, and wow, what great hair. And space. Everyone loves space. And the uneducated. I love the uneducated.
So that's my real favorite form of government.
Protestant Space Nazis. Can't go wrong.
6. The next question is definitely not brought up because of the current state of politics globally. What do you think makes a democracy stable and successful? How can we ensure demagogues do not infiltrate our own community?Step 1: Wall. 20% tax on Mexico to pay for it. Look at all those Mexicans coming in illegally and demagoguing. They're illegals! They can't say these things, we'll just deport them.
Step 2: Two words: Muslim registry. Because two other words:
Radical Islam. And then don't let any more Muslims in. And then also kick out all the Muslims we registered, they're living on welfare and stealing our jobs.
Step 3:

Step 4: I'm a businessman, I'm an investor, I'm a billionaire, I make a lot of money, you think I don't know how to profit? Step 4 is profits is what I'm saying.
7. Are there any other questions that you believe candidates should answer? As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!Uh, where is the birth certificate? We need to know. Where is the birth certificate? WHERE WERE YOU BORN, WINTER HUSSEIN MOOT, WAS IT KENYA!? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM THE WINTREAN PEOPLE!?
8. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?Well done, because, I mean, my whole job is well done, but I'm also an incredible, I mean just a great, just, wow, what a cook. And you know what they say, I, everything I do, well done. But I'll do it. I'll take it rare. Rare things are expensive, and I mean, I'm a billionaire, I can afford it, I'm worth a lot of money. So I'll buy rare, but make it well done, because it's just so rare that things are done well, y'know, but luckily I know a lot of good people. We'll get it done. We'll make this steak great.