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Krone Session Fork: Land System
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  • This discussion is a fork from the Krone Brainstorming Session to further discuss Wintermoot's idea of creating a land system which you could construct buildings on that would have some sort of effect. Please be sure to read the topics in that post before posting here. :)

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  • Okay so theoretically the land one owns would be displayed on one's profile in a new tab of the "Actions" section, alongside "Classic Profile," "Show Posts," etc. Maybe call it "Property." As for structures, I can't really go into detail about how the functions of selecting a position on the land where the owner wants it. That's for the coders to decide.

    However land could have trees and other naturally occurring items determined at random I imagine, with a certain limit of course. Don't want someone's land starting out covered with too many stuff to build. Maybe though this could be remedied by allowing land owners to chop down the trees on their property and use the wood to build sheds, barns, cabins and other basic structures. Rather than have construction completely reliant on purchasing the desired buildings, small wooden buildings could be built using materials available both on one's land and from the market itself. Of course one could also purchase the finished structure at a higher price if they don't want to purchase or gather the materials themselves.
    1 person likes this post: Gerrick
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • I think this is something I could get down with.

    To take it further, however, I think not only could people be capable of buying land and building a home...but I think they should be capable of buying items for the inside of their homes as well.  They could show off their new additions such as a stable, shed, or other factors, and likewise they could show off the interior of their additional rooms (with the price increasing for each room upgrade), and buy furniture/furnishings for each room.  They could even go so far as, to use Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur for example, buy exotic things and turn a room into a smithy, or alchemy room, or anything of the like.

    They could even buy animals/pets, and have them on display either on land or inside the house.

    To counter things, to use 10KI's system as an example, weather and disasters could be introduced.  Tornados, earthquakes, winter season, spring, and other factors for example could either destroy homes, bring things such as coins or new items to their door, or leave enough damage to where they'd have to pay for repairs.

    Those are just some ideas...but I could actually see this land idea really taking off.
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  • I concur. It'll probably take a good bit of time getting everything in order establishing the system, but I think it could turn out quite nice.

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  • Of course. I'm sure it wouldn't be an easy task, but that's why it's worth it. Also maybe there could be an additional tab (I'm thinking call it "Cities" or "Communities") that opens a display of towns and/or cities people can join by purchasing property within it. Alternatively the user's own land could be added to the city instead.

    And perhaps there could be certain distinctions between the types of cities. Towns could be small rural areas that can't have large structures such as skyscrapers. They'd be mostly residential with minimal business-related buildings. Maybe a factory or two, possibly a mine.

    Then there'd be large urban areas with skyscrapers, large apartment complexes, business and entertainment districts, etc. For example an area serving as Wintreath's capital city would be a large urban area containing numerous government buildings (Frosthold Castle anyone?) as well as booming business structures like factories, mills and whatnot.

    Still just brainstorming but I think these are very real possibilities even given our minimal resources.
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • Aren't we recreating SimCity and the like at this point?
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  • Eh...I agree with Tau on this.  I'm down for everyone having their own houses that they can earn krones and buy stuff for...and of course there should be shops to sell such items.  However, I do think we should keep it down a notch until things get going before we talk about cities and the like.  Start with the simple, grow over time.  I think we should still go all for it with building up the lands and properties, but keep it strictly to that for now.  The more members we get and the more houses that people buy...then we can start talking about full fledged towns...and maybe further down the road we can get into skyscrapers, factories, and other innovations.

    Think of it as going the pre-civilizations of Wintreath route.  Pretend we're starting out in a non-modern, almost medieval setting to where there may be a castle or two (though since we'd be starting off on the same foot, nobody would have a castle yet except maybe Moot)...and as we progress, both the number of buildings as well as the type of technology we'd delve into (IE, progressing into having factories and the like) would slowly change over time as our population grows.

    It's going more of the Age of Empires route to where we're starting off primitive, and working our way to that age of marvel and wonder.
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  • I also thought of some things that could be adequate gold sinkers:

    Rather than having randomly generated trees and the like that one could cut down, people could buy the plants and outside decor for their property.

    Taking the place of being able to cut down trees on your property, there could be a game of sorts with the following options:

    Axes (1 use per cost)
    *Stone axe : Costs a small amount of Krones, rewards minimal amount of wood.
    *Metal axe: Costs a fair amount of Krones, rewards a decent amount of wood.
    *Golden axe: Costs a large amount of Krones, rewards a large amount of wood.
    *Platinum axe: Costs an exceptional amount of Krones, rewards an exceptional amount of wood.

    Pickaxes (1 use per cost)
    *Stone pickaxe: Costs a small amount of Krones, rewards a minimal amount of stone (5% chance of mining a rare stone).
    *Metal pickaxe: Costs a fair amount of Krones, rewards a decent amount of stone (15% chance of mining a rare stone).
    *Golden pickaxe: Costs a large amount of Krones, rewards a decent amount of stone (30% chance of mining a rare stone).
    *Platinum pickaxe: Costs an exceptional amount of Krones, rewards an exceptional amount of stone (60% chance of mining a rare stone).

    Bows (1 use per cost)
    *Bow with wooden arrows: Costs a small amount of Krones, rewards a minimal amount of fur (5% chance of obtaining a rare horn/treasure)
    *Bow with stone arrows: Costs a fair amount of Krones, rewards a decent amount of fur (15% chance of obtaining a rare horn/treasure)
    *Bow with metal arrows: Costs a large amount of Krones, rewards a large amount of fur (30% chance of obtaining a rare horn/treasure)
    *Bow with golden arrows: Costs an exceptional amount of Krones, rewards a large amount of fur (60% chance of mining a rare stone).

    And other tools to reward other items (IE cloth, silk, etc...) could be added or introduced later as well as we'd progress.  There could even be a shop dedicated to selling the materials should members wish to go that route.  Items earned through these means could be traded/crafted into furnishings or decorations (ones that can also be bought in the stores) to be used or sold for a decent price (rare rewards could be sold as valuables or used to craft unique items that may/may not be found in the store).  Shabby items would require the least amount of material to be made, while nicer items would require quite a bit.

    Seeds could also be bought for players that wanted a garden (floral or for food), and differing disasters/weathers could have an added effect on those (IE making the plants grow more rapidly/into something more unique and thus more valuable, or destroying them and leaving the player to either replace the plants or remove the garden entirely).
    « Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 05:00:06 AM by Pengu »
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  • Actually I quite like the idea of starting primitive and progressing forward over time.
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • I'd still prefer we just use the world of Weissreich's regional lore. It's already unique to Wintreath and could give more flavor to the land system. If we had progressing time, how would we determine at what rate time advances? Also, we'd have to try and determine what buildings, etc, would work for that time. It just seems a lot more complex than it needs to be.

    We also need to make sure not to add too many superfluous aspects to this right at the start. I think we should keep it simple at first, then possibly add more features if its wanted.
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  • We have historical precedent to determine what buildings belong in which time so at the very least that's one thing taken care of.
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • The issue with Weissreich's lore is that it involves a very unique gearpunk tech system. As a consequence any artist creating the tiles for this land system would need to do quite a bit to make sure Weissreich's vision is accurately carried out.
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  • Additionally my design skills are probably not up to the task for such a complex theme.
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

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  • So if we're doing graphics, we'd just use a historical theme. Fair enough.

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  • That's actually a small part of the reason I suggested a progressive cycle as well.  Graphics will be less demanding if we start off simple (IE in the primitive stage).  If this turns out successful, then by the time we progress to the next stage, we'd have more artists to dedicate the time for more demanding types of graphics.  Likewise, we might even be in a position to where we could even pay people to where we could take it pretty far.
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