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Arena Game 2: Team Deathmatch
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Hello, and welcome to the second game of the Arena! This game will be in the style of a Team Deathmatch, meaning there will be two teams that fight to destroy the other. I've added a new aspect to the game: potions! These will give you temporary boosts to your stats or even heal you a small bit. The prize for winning this game will be 200 Credits to each member of the winning team!

    The Rules
    Changes to the rules since the original posting have been written in red. Changes to the rules since the last change have been written in orange.

    1. Before the game starts, players will sign up in this thread and be placed into one of two teams. Each player will choose a class, two of that class's abilities, and two potions. A class, its abilities, and/or potions may be randomly given by the Host if a player so chooses. The potions players may choose from include health, strength, defense, agility, and luck, but players may not start with two health potions.

    2. Spectators may place bets on players at this point like so: Player Name: Wager. Please open an account at the Bank before betting. When the application period is concluded, all bets will be locked in.

    3. Each player will start with 40 health points. A player may not be healed over the 40 HP cap.

    4. At the start of the match, the Host will perform a 1d20 roll for initiative for each player, determining the combat order for the first round. If there are equal initiative rolls, additional rolls will be used to determine who comes first. After the combat order is determined, the Host will post for all to see.

    5. At this point, the Host will ask for all players to Personal Message them what their stances and actions will be like so: Stance, Action, Target (if applicable), Potion Action (if applicable). The players will have 48 hours to PM their action (72 hours on the first round).

    6. There are two stances: offensive and defensive. Stances are set/changed right before an action is performed and will stay the same until changed again before another action.
           a. Offensive stance is the default stance and has no effect on damage given or received. Some abilities require one to be in offensive stance to perform.
           b. Defensive stance reduces damage taken by 1d10. A player in defensive stance may attack, but their attack is a 1d20-10 roll. Negative damage is counted as a miss.

    7. There are three basic actions: attack, block, and use an ability. Only one action may be performed per turn.
           a. The regular attack is a 1d20 roll, which the Host will perform.
           b. Blocking reduces all damage targeted at the player by half (rounded down). Blocking can only occur while in defensive stance. Blocking will last until another action is performed on the next round.
           c. Each class has a different special ability which only it can perform. Unless stated otherwise, each ability can only be performed once every three rounds, and each ability has a separate cooldown. For example, if a player uses one ability on round 1 and the other ability on round 2, they may use the abilities again on rounds 4 and 5, respectively. Passive abilities last until the player performs another action on the next round. Again, some abilities require one to be in offensive stance to perform.

    8. There are five types of potions: health, strength, defense, agility, and luck. Players may only hold up to two potions at once. Potions will be consumed before performing an action and last one turn. Each player may pass a single potion per round to another player if the passing player does not consume any potion that round and the receiving player has an empty potion slot. The receiving player may only consume the received potion starting the next round.
           a. The health potion heals the player for 10 HP.
           b. The strength potion increases the player's next attack by 5 damage.
           c. The defense potion decreases the player's damage received from each attack by 3 damage.
           d. The agility potion increases the player's initiative by 10. Note: this may change the player's place in the combat order.
           e. The luck potion allows for a reroll for a specified action, and the higher roll is used.

    9. If a player does not perform an action, they will receive 1d5 damage. Each subsequent turn of inactivity will increase the die by 5, meaning the second turn would be 1d10, the third 1d15, etc.

    10. Each player’s action will literally occur in the combat order (unless affected by changed initiative from certain abilities or the luck potion). For example, if a player is going to perform a block, but another player with a higher initiative attacks them first, then the block will not reduce any of that damage as the blocking player had not acted yet; however, if another player with a lower initiative attacks the blocking player, then the damage will be reduced as the blocking player had by then already acted.

    11. The results of the round as well as the combat order for the next round (determined by new initiative rolls) will be posted by the Host at his discretion, though in a timely manner. The process will repeat until only one team remains.

    12. At the end of the battle, the winning team will receive their prizes, and the betting spectators will either gain or lose credits depending on their wagers. This will all be recorded in a post at the Bank, and the relevant Bank accounts will be updated.


    There are 14 classes in this game. There are several changes to the classes from last game, including 5 new classes (the Alchemist, Commander, Death Knight, Druid, and Mystic), so make sure to read through each and not assume they'll all be exactly the same. Abilities with an asterisk* must be performed in offensive stance. I created the classes myself, so if you have any feedback on their balance, please let me know.
    The Alchemist can only give potions to players who have an empty potion spot, and he may also keep them for himself if he has empty potion spots.
    Make Health Potion: Creates a health potion. May be used once every four turns.
    Make Strength/Defense/Agility/Luck Potion: Creates a strength/defense/agility/luck potion of the Alchemist's choice. May be used once every two turns.
    Charm: The target cannot perform an action for two turns or until he takes damage.
    Confuse: For the target's next two turns, their targets are chosen at random among their enemies.
    Fear: Decreases the target's attacks/abilties on their next two turns by 5 damage.
    Dodge: You have a 50% chance to not be affected by each action targeted at you for two turns.
    *Rage: Deals 1d25 damage. Reduces initiative on next round by 5.
    *Sprint Attack: Increases initiative by 10 and deals 1d22 damage to the target.
    Bless: Increases the target’s attacks/abilities on their next two turns by 5 damage.
    Heal Other: Heals the target for 1d20 HP. It cannot be casted on oneself.
    Resurrect: Brings a dead player back to life with 1d15 HP. May only be performed once every 5 turns.
    *Call to Arms: For up to three targets, increases their next attacks/abilities by 4 damage each, and increases their initiative on the next round by 5.
    *Rally: For up to three targets, decreases their damage received from each attack/ability by 4 for one turn.
    *Rout: For up to three targets, decreases their attacks/abilities by 4 damage each for one turn, and decreases their initiative on the next round by 5.
    Death Knight
    *Cursed Blade: Deals 1d30 damage to target and 1d5 damage to self.
    Sacrificial Healing: Heals the target for 1d25 HP, and deals 1d5 damage to self.
    Unholy Wrath: Takes two turns. All damage you receive on the first turn, you deal to a single target on the second turn. Is not affected by target's block or defensive stance. Must be in offensive stance on second turn.
    *Beast Form: Causes you to turn into a beast that may only perform regular attacks, which do 1d20+3 damage, and must stay in offensive stance. At the end of each turn, has a 50% chance to return to human form.
    Call Wolf Companion: Calls a wolf companion for one turn. You may have the wolf attack a target for 1d22 damage, or you may use it to absorb up to 20 damage targeted at you.
    *Leech Life: Deals 1d15 damage, and heals you 1d5 HP.
    Receives two random abilities at start. After the use of each ability, it is replaced with a new random ability. The two ability slots have separate cooldowns, and abilities will be given to the Mystic through PM.
    Holy Ward: Decreases the target’s damage received from each attack/ability by 3 for two turns.
    Pray: Increases damage dealt and decreases damage received by 2 for two turns.
    *Smite: Deals 1d25 damage if the target's last action dealt damage to another player. Deals 1d12 damage, otherwise.
    *Double Shot: Deals 1d10 damage to two targets.
    *Precise Shot: Deals 1d15 damage and is not affected by the target’s block or defensive stance.
    *Rapid Shot: Increases initiative by 10 and deals 1d20 damage. Increases initiative on next round by 10.
    Evade: You take no damage and are not affected by abilities.
    Set Trap: Sets a trap that will deal 1d8+5 damage to the first enemy player to enter defensive stance or 1d10+5 damage to the first enemy player to block. Is not affected by the trapped player's block or defensive stance. Acts like a separate entitity from the Rogue, so is not affected by abilities that are dependent on or would affect the Rogue: Smite, Flame Cloak, Counterattack, Reflect, damage-altering abilities, or the strength potion.
    *Sneak Attack: Deals 1d18+5 damage if the target's last action was an ability. Deals 1d10 damage, otherwise.
    *Acid Spray: Deals 1d15 damage, then on the next round deals 1d8 damage that is not affected by the target's block or defensive stance.
    Flame Cloak: Deals 1d20 damage to anyone who attacks you.
    *Lightning Bolt: Deals 1d10+5 damage and has a 50% chance to deal 1d10 damage to a random enemy.
    Counterattack: Reduces damage taken by half. Deals 1d10 damage to anyone who damages you.
    *Power Attack: Deals 1d23 damage.
    *Whirlwind Attack: Choose an initiative value. Deals 1d10 damage to any enemies within 3 initiative of that value.
    Dispel: The target cannot use abilities for two turns.
    Reflect: Any damage or abilities done to you, you do back.
    Slow/Hasten: Decreases or increases target's initiative by 20 for one round, 10 for two rounds, or 5 for three rounds.

    Blue Team
    Colberius X -- Cleric Colberius: Bless, Heal Other; Health, Defense
    Mathyland -- Ranger Mathyland: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot; Health, Strength
    Rasdanation -- Death Knight Rass: Cursed Blade, Sacrificial Healing; Health, Luck
    Sapphiron -- Commander Sapphiron: Call to Arms, Rout; Health, Agility

    Yellow Team
    Crushita -- Ranger Crushita, "The Bow of the Faithful": Precise Shot, Rapid Shot; Health, Strength
    Elbbsas -- Alchemist Elbbsas: Make Health Potion, Make Other Potion; Health, Agility
    taulover -- Paladin Tau: Holy Ward, Smite; Health, Agility
    xXTheHydraXx -- Rogue Hydra: Set Trap, Sneak Attack; Health, Strength
    5 people like this post: Sapphiron, Rasdanation, taulover, Mathyland, Elbbsas
    « Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 01:55:42 AM by Gerrick »

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • Hurrah, its back! :))
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  • ^_^
    I'll probably get my character up tomorrow. It's too late today :P
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  • Yay!! 😄
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  • I'll need to look over the classes and such tomorrow morning, but you can count me in!
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    Colberius X
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  • I think a team game would be a good way for me to be introduced to the Arena.  ^-^
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, Rasdanation

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  • I shall of course join again!
    Ranger powers activate!
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  • If this wasn't a team battle, I would absolutely pick Mystic. Maximum chaos! Other than that, the Alchemist, Cleric, Rogue, and Wizard classes look fun.

    Quick questions: are people able to use potions on one another? (eg use health potion on Crush)

    Also, is passing potions limited to the Alchemist, or can anyone do that?

    Is passing potions a free action? (Or will it replace the drinking-potion action/other action?)

    Sorry if the answer is in the original post and I haven't spotted it. =D
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  • I shall of course join again!
    Ranger powers activate!
    Note that I nerfed the ranger a little bit. :D You did the most damage by far last game.

    Quick questions: are people able to use potions on one another? (eg use health potion on Crush)

    Also, is passing potions limited to the Alchemist, or can anyone do that?

    Is passing potions a free action? (Or will it replace the drinking-potion action/other action?)

    Sorry if the answer is in the original post and I haven't spotted it. =D
    Good questions -- I'll need to update the OP when I get time.

    Though it may change, for now people may pass potions to one another if the receiving player has an empty potion slot, and they would be able to use it in the next round. So you cannot "use" a potion on another player as it would be like forcing it down their throat. :))

    Yes, passing and using potions are free actions, meaning you can also attack, though you can't both pass and use a potion on the same turn.
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  • You can count me in! :) I have some questions so I'm completely sure I know how this works. I hope to ask all these questions in only one post.

    1. Can team members talk to each other in private?

    2. Are the Mystic's abilities publicly announced, or announced via pm to the Mystic?

    3. For abilities that have a cooldown, can you first use those abilities immediately? Or do you have to wait for that cooldown time before using them the first time?
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  • I'm interested.
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  • Great! Seems like we have quite a few people wanting to play. Also, me randomly choosing teams is also in the lead by quite a bit, so we'll probably go with that.

    I'll leave signups open for a few more days before creating teams, and after that, everyone will post their classes, etc.

    1. Can team members talk to each other in private?

    2. Are the Mystic's abilities publicly announced, or announced via pm to the Mystic?

    3. For abilities that have a cooldown, can you first use those abilities immediately? Or do you have to wait for that cooldown time before using them the first time?
    1. Absolutely. I'll create a group PM for each team after they've been selected.

    2. They'll be through PM with the Mystic.

    3. You'll be able to use them immediately as you start off fresh. Also, all abilities have cooldowns, and your abilities have separate cooldowns, meaning if you use one ability on round 1 and the other on round 2, you can use the first ability again on round 4 and the other on round 5.
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  • 3. You'll be able to use them immediately as you start off fresh. Also, all abilities have cooldowns, and your abilities have separate cooldowns, meaning if you use one ability on round 1 and the other on round 2, you can use the first ability again on round 4 and the other on round 5.

    I'm assuming the Mystic's replacement ability is the exception to this? So the cool down for the Mystic's first ability is applied to the replacement? (Ability in slot 1 is used, three round cool down, ability in slot 1 can be reused). Otherwise, things could get bad. :D

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  • Well, let's go in.

    Death Knight Rass
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  • Well, let's go in.

    Death Knight Rass
    Sacrificial Healing
    Unholy Wrath
    Quote from: OP
    I'll create a poll for people to vote on how they'd like teams to be selected -- team captains choose their teammates, players just decide among themselves their teams, or I randomly select -- unless I can be persuaded one way or another before then. After we've decided that, I'll probably keep applications open for a little bit longer, depending on how long its been. Then teams will be selected. You'll probably want to discuss among the people on your team at this point what classes you'll want so that it's balanced. After that, everyone will post their classes, abilities, and potions. Finally, we'll start the game. :)
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    Ambassador to Balder: 1 December 2016 - 1 March 2022
    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
    Werewolf XIV host: 20 January 2018 - 23 February 2018
    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
    Speaker of the 28th Underhusen: 10 June 2018 - 7 August 2018
    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
    Commendation of Wintreath: 24 September 2020
    Peer of the Overhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021
    Vice Chancellor of the Landsraad: 26 May 2021 - 15 September 2022
    Arena Game 8 Host: 10 June 2021 - 19 July 2021
    June 2021 Wintreath's Finest: 5 July 2021
    Regional Stability Squad: 28 February 2023 - present
    Minecraft Server Admin: 8 March 2023 - present

    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
    Plebeian: 16 April 2014 - 21 July 2014
    Patrician: 21 July 2014 - present
    Adeptus Mechanicus: 24 October 2014 - 16 November 2014
    Co-founder of New Hyperion: 29 October 2014 - present
    Lord of Propaganda: 16 November 2014 - present
    Mapmaker for Official Region RP: 27 November 2015 - present
    WACom Delegate: 11 November 2017 - present
    Other positions: Hyperian Guardsman, Hyperian Marine (Rank: Scout)
    • Seeker of Knowledge
    • Posts: 13,242
    • Karma: 4,263
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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