Warning: Most people will probably find this boring.
This isn't exactly ready for prime-time, but I've been putting some work into it and thought I'd share with the community. One of the things I've wanted to do since I was in Spiritus is be able to track member posting stats easily. There are many benefits to this, such as being able to catch people we seem to be losing in the community, seeing how much people are contributing compared to anyone else in a given month, and gauging the overall health and diversity of the community. I'd like to eventually integrate this into the website and member profiles, but for now I wrote some SQL and the backend and arranged the data into a spreadsheet.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsDbnTE4IuGRdEtMMTRBLXVsc2lXcnNZaHYxazB6N2c&usp=sharingBecause of the difficulty of getting this all in a formatted spreadsheet, it only includes members that have contributed at least 1% of posts made for any given month. I'm really mostly concerned with people that are/were active community members, so if your name isn't on the list it's because you haven't posted enough, basically.
Yes, there's a lot of numbers and colours.
On the names column, if the cell is blue they're a Citizen, if it's orange they're an ambassador to Wintreath, and if it's grey it means they're not involved in the region on any formal level (probably ex-Citizens). For each data cell for a Citizen and month, if it's dark grey the poster didn't make any posts at all that month. Light grey means that this is the month they joined up, so obviously there's no previous data to compare. Green means they posted at least one more post a day than the previous month, while red means they posted at least one less post a day, symbolizing growth or decline. Yellow means they stayed within one post per day from the previous month, symbolizing stability. The actual data in the cells make up for rows consisting of:
Total number of posts made that month
Posts per day for that month / Change from previous month
Percentage of total posts that the user contributed
Absolute rank for that month compared to everyone else
For those that don't want to deal with all kinds of colours or numbers, I give you two particular rankings I find interesting.
Top Posters December 2013
1. Wintermoot - 315 posts / 24.63%
2. Charax - 116 posts / 9.10%
3. Denth Rowan - 95 posts / 7.45%
4. Chanku - 79 posts / 6.20%
5. Reon - 76 posts / 5.96%
6. Weissreich - 69 posts / 5.41%
7. A.Pierangelli - 59 posts / 4.63%
8. Butterspring - 45 posts / 3.53%
9. Drexyl Nox - 42 posts / 3.29%
10. The Golden Persian/Azure - 37 posts / 2.90%
Change in Posts/Day From November to December 2013
Note: This does not include Butterspring, Controlled Interests, Ducky911, Henry Devereux, or The Golden Persian/Azure because December was their first month posting and there's nothing from November to compare it with. Combined, they contributed +3.9 posts per day for December.
+1.65 - Reon
+1.28 - Chanku
+1.10 - A.Pierangelli
+1.06 - Denth Rowan
+0.45 - Alterra
-0.04 - Weissreich
-0.40 - kerotan124
-0.54 - Saeturn Valerius
-0.55 - Drexyl Nox
-0.65 - Ceardia
-0.67 - barrios
-0.94 - Wintermoot
-1.07 - Insenjar
-1.09 - Libetarian Republics
-1.11 - Horse
-1.14 - N. Cetus (Brokkoli)
-1.15 - Crya
-1.43 - Charax