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Casual At-War game?
Posts: 2 Views: 399

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  • I was thinking perhaps we could start up a casual game of at-war between Wintreans?

    Casual games have turns that last either 12, 24, or 48 hours each.

    I was thinking the first game would be 24 hour turns, with the eventual results being posted here. This wouldn't necessarily be a common thing, but something that I feel could be fun for people who might wanna play a bit of a strategy game in a more 'relaxed' setting :P.

    If anyone is interested feel free to respond!

    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Citizen
  • *googles At-War*

    ...This looks interesting. I'm about to go out so I can't have a good, close look, but I do enjoy Risk/Civ games. I'm not very good at them, but they are always fun.

    I'll take a poke around when I get back home!
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