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Incoming Bank and Commerce bills
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Lord Belmont
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  • Hello all,

    It has come to my attention that some of you have some concerns about the incoming bank and commerce bills being introduced by beautifulthing and I, so I am posting this topic to solve that. Please, anyone with any questions, comments, or concerns post them here and I will answer them all as quickly as possible.

    Thank you,
    Gabriel Belmont
    CEO, Belmont Inc.
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
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  • Why have you not yet posted the bills? The best way to deal with any concerns or issues are to post them and allow people to read it. After all the best disinfectant is sunlight.
    2 people like this post: BraveSirRobin, taulover
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Well we're working on it but adding commerce to the region is a big thing so we're making sure that we have everything right. Don't worry it'll be up soon. :)

    p.s. the best disinfectant is sunlight? I've never heard that.
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
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  • Then if it's still being worked on this thread is effectively useless.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • not at all, you see there have been rumors about these proposals, one being that we wanted to charge people to make posts, i wanted to use this thread to say that is not true. I also wanted to use this thread to answer any other questions that people might have. people who have concerns or questions on how the bank or commerce will work can ask here. sure the bill isn't done but that doesn't mean people don't have questions.
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
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  • People have questions because they lack a bill to read. If the bill is unfinished then this entire thread is useless as anything in it could change. Further even if the bill is unfinished you can still work on it publicly and, you know, but the bill up while still working on it.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • chanku it just seems that you really want to see the bill, don't worry it'll be up for review soon.
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
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  • Yes, it is because it is somewhat nonsensical to have questions about a bill that has yet to even been seen by anyone but the two drafters.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • this is just for people who were confused about rumors like the one i mentioned earlier. after the bill is posted this will also serve as a place for people to talk about it.
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
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  • I have to kind of agree with Chanku on this.  While it's greatly appreciated that you're making a thread to thwart any confusion...the best way to do that is to just introduce the bill itself.  There's always going to be confusion until the proposal bill has been made, which will clear most of that out.
    2 people like this post: BraveSirRobin, taulover
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  • Jesus H. Christ, just give them a chance to find their bearings.
     This will be their first bill, so why doesn't everyone just calm the fuck down and see what happens?
    4 people like this post: Sapphiron, Weissreich, Michi, taulover
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  • So, a few questions - I very much agree with Lau that we should give people a chance to find their feet before leaping down their throats, but at the same time I do have a couple of issues I'd like addressed.

    Primarily, to what extent would this Banking and Commerce legislation be RP and to what extent would it be legislative?

    How would legislation affect RPs currently underway and any future RPs? What sort of requirements might there be for those involved?

    What, aside from activity, are you hoping to achieve with this Act? I'll admit to being a little bit confused by the way you're talking about buying and selling goods - is that all 'virtual' or would any of it be 'real'?

    I commend your initiative in pushing for increased activity both legislatively and region-wide, but until these questions have been answered I can't in good faith put my support behind this proposal. To me, it seems a bit like you're trying to enforce something on people who aren't necessarily that into RP, but I'll readily admit I don't yet have a handle on your full proposal.
    2 people like this post: BraveSirRobin, taulover
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • Chanku and Pengu have a is hard to evaluate a bill that has yet to have been proposed. I'm not sure what rumours were going around, but it seems the best thing to do is to complete and propose a bill so we can have a knowledgeable discussion about it.
    3 people like this post: Chanku, BraveSirRobin, HannahB

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  • Jesus H. Christ, just give them a chance to find their bearings.
     This will be their first bill, so why doesn't everyone just calm the fuck down and see what happens?

    I don't think it's really a matter of getting worked up as more just making suggestions to quell confusion.  The reasoning worded for making this thread was to quell any confusion that rumors may have caused.  If anything, there was just another suggestion being made that the best way to quell that confusion is to introduce the draft of a bill or a topic that explains the intentions of the bill in depth so that people have more an idea of what you're proposing.

    Weiss' post is somewhat of an example, since if I'm correct, this bill would be about us implementing the Krone finally within our forums entirely...possibly RP wise but mainly as an active currency.  My guess on the bill would be that it would lay out options of what we could do with the currency to make it effective, such as suitable sinkers so that it doesn't become bloated.
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  • If I may, I haven't heard any of the rumors and I'm a little out of touch with the actual poitics of the region. Perhaps a summary or synopsis of the bill''s I tent and effect? If the bill is still in progress then it wouldn't make sense to post it. But a little info couldnt hurt.
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