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  • So let's get right into it.  I still support an open assembly, and I intent to work towards making it more acceptable to dissenters and getting it through within the next term.  I'm not deterred by what I saw in the ratification thread, as far as comments from citizens go.  Although I generally supported most of what came out of the Constitutional Convention, I was one of those that barely commented.  That's a total bummer and I'm not happy about it, but we're gonna move on and do better.  I will, of course, keep an open mind to solutions that don't involve an OA.

    I am, however, interested in seeing how keeping discussion and basically anything other than VOTES out of voting threads will change the atmosphere of the discussion.  There was some interesting discussion about mandatory private voting, and that's something I'd like to explore.  I'm not sure if I'm 100% in favor of that yet, so that's an area I'd like to explore.

    tatte also invited an interesting conversation in the Citizens' Platform lately, and I wonder if there isn't some way for the UH to act on some of his proposals - i.e. giving more power to ordinary citizens. 

    So that's really all I got.  Not a lot here, I know, but these are just some of the things I'd like to talk about with my colleagues if I win this election.  Let's get this done, yeah?

    Any questions?

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  • No real questions but out of interest, wouldn't giving citizens more power in terms of the UH be kind of redundant when introducing an OA would make all citizens hold equal power over legislative matters (i.e. proposing, discussing and voting on law)?
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • From what I saw of tatte's proposal, it seemed like he wishes for citizens to have a bit more executive power, not necessarily just more legislative power.
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  • Yes, and yes.  I feel that the OA will give us more power in that sense...but is everything outside the legislature considered "executive" ?  I feel like there are some things that are just run by the executive out of convenience or because there isn't someone else to do it.
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  • We do have to remember however that if we're looking at creating these posts we need to have the activity to back it up.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • Ooh I very much approve of this thread. Excellent title!! :D
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    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

    Résumé/A History of Robin on NationStates
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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • What do you intend to do differently this Underhusen?

    Why should you be voted for?
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  • What do you intend to do differently this Underhusen?

    Why should you be voted for?

    Honestly, I won't do anything . I've been pleasantly surprised by my own activity lately, and I intend to maintain it. I'm going to remain a hardliner about the procedure rules and see that their followed to the letter. I'm going to continue to provide critical input to all proposals. I'm going to continue to push myself and my colleagues to a higher standard.

    I deserve your vote because I have a proven pedigree in this region, I recognize the urgency of our task, and I'll think outside the box to creatively solve our problems.

    We really need to get this underhusen situation resolved. The region is in consensus that change is needed in our legislature. It may not take the form of an OA; the form might not even change significantly. It's tempting to look at the recent bump in activity as a sign that things are OK, but it's just activity for activity's sake. We can't sustain it forever. It has a goal, and we need to realize that goal before we get burned out.
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  • Deep-fried cabbage
  • Honestly, I won't do anything .
    What a delightfully GWBian slip. :D But seriously, great answer. That's why I came here, I have to bury it before the voting starts. ;)
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • ...differently. I won't do anything differently.

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  • ...differently. I won't do anything differently.


    This is politics, dude, using out of context statements to demonize your Opposition is the norm :]
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  • Hi PB! Welcome to the campaign...overall, I think highly of you as a member of government and a person in this community, but this is a tough election, and I'm still trying to decide who to vote for, so I have some questions.

    You have been a Skrifa a number of times, and a member of government in general for awhile now. What do you feel your greatest contributions have been and why? What do you bring to the table that your opponents won't or can't bring? You mentioned that you barely commented in the Constitutional Convention...why is that? Do you feel that you maybe haven't been as active or involved in things as you should have been at times, and if so, how do you plan on making sure that isn't an issue during this term, especially since you are in the Cabinet as well?

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  • "Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" - Orwell.

    Hi PB! Welcome to the campaign...overall, I think highly of you as a member of government and a person in this community, but this is a tough election, and I'm still trying to decide who to vote for, so I have some questions.

    You have been a Skrifa a number of times, and a member of government in general for awhile now. What do you feel your greatest contributions have been and why? What do you bring to the table that your opponents won't or can't bring? You mentioned that you barely commented in the Constitutional Convention...why is that? Do you feel that you maybe haven't been as active or involved in things as you should have been at times, and if so, how do you plan on making sure that isn't an issue during this term, especially since you are in the Cabinet as well?

    My greatest contribution to the  I would say my greatest achievement would be winning Citizen of the Month last year.  Every time I interact with someone here that I helped welcome or that requests a mentor, I feel like my hard work pays off and it's all worth it.  I'm not in it for the titles or the fame, I just love this community and want it to grow. 

    I believe I have an excellent ability to bridge divides and to bring people of opposing viewpoints closer to a compromise or acceptable resolution.  People skills are still necessary, even when you aren't communicating face to face.  I also love to think outside the box, explore creative solutions to problems.  No task is too ambitious or risky.  I'll try anything.  I'll also dedicate stupid amounts of time into projects that I'm passionate about - to the detriment of homework and other assignments, but grades don't matter so it's all good.

    I followed the convention closely, and my inactivity there wasn't because I wasn't around, but more so I was content with observing the process and taking note of the progress we were making.  As a member of government, I expected to be involved or impacted in some way with the implementation of whatever system we came up with, so I suppose you could say I was waiting my turn.  By running for a seat this term, I'm announcing my intention to get more personally involved in this process.
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  • "Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" - Orwell.

    My greatest contribution to the  I would say my greatest achievement would be winning Citizen of the Month last year.  Every time I interact with someone here that I helped welcome or that requests a mentor, I feel like my hard work pays off and it's all worth it.  I'm not in it for the titles or the fame, I just love this community and want it to grow. 

    I believe I have an excellent ability to bridge divides and to bring people of opposing viewpoints closer to a compromise or acceptable resolution.  People skills are still necessary, even when you aren't communicating face to face.  I also love to think outside the box, explore creative solutions to problems.  No task is too ambitious or risky.  I'll try anything.  I'll also dedicate stupid amounts of time into projects that I'm passionate about - to the detriment of homework and other assignments, but grades don't matter so it's all good.

    I followed the convention closely, and my inactivity there wasn't because I wasn't around, but more so I was content with observing the process and taking note of the progress we were making.  As a member of government, I expected to be involved or impacted in some way with the implementation of whatever system we came up with, so I suppose you could say I was waiting my turn.  By running for a seat this term, I'm announcing my intention to get more personally involved in this process.
    -Grades do matter. They impact your job, your education, and in the long run, your life
    -What counts as a "stupid" amount of time? Is there a difference? What is the line between passionate and foolish?
    -I can respect your intentions, but they seem rather vague to me. How will you do x, y, and z?
    -Type of breeze, please. I prefer a slow, tropical one...
    there will be something here...soon...
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