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Request for the government
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • To which stance are you referring, and to whom are you referring?
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  • I'm referring to Govindia and his choice to belittle my goals here despite of the fairly lengthy and explanatory discussion.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • Hmm. You might want to read what he said again. If anything, it seemed he was criticising my comment. :P

    EDIT: Oh. I see. Since he quoted me, that's what it looked like at first glance, but it seems to indeed be directed at you, not me.
    « Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 10:39:03 PM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • I even came close to encouraging Govindia to actually do something in this election to show his resolve. If that's the stance you're choosing over the whole discussion that has happened since, you can forget any support from me in your campaign.

    It sounds petty, but you might want to for once focus in your own effort. I entered this election with extremely open mind, and it's still not too late for you to at least try. Give it a good effort and maybe, just maybe you wont be automatically dismissed at every chance. Show us you're serious. Standing against me is a good start, but you really should take that to the Election subforum to gain as much benefit as you can.

    It's not my stance, do not assume.  I will definitely have more to comment later, my comment above was just in response to what Laurentus was saying.

    Just like how I pointed out Pelosi's comment to state that you shouldn't have to vote on a bill to know what the provisions are, you shouldn't have to be a part of government to do something.  You can still do something and not be a part of the government.

    I will comment in full on your stance later after I post my campaign platform, after I return home and all.
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • I will be curious to see if that happens and if at that point you go through this whole thread.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • Of course giving such abilities to everyone would be harmful, but giving more gravity to our politics would increase our overall credibility as a politically driven region, which after all is a fair percentage of our activity.
    I don't recall Wintreath being a politically driven region nor do I believe it should ever be. In fact, the focus on community and having fun is one of the "pull" factors that convinced me to join and remain as an active member. Political debates are fun and promote activity, but the last thing I want to see is a slugfest burning up in flames. Perhaps that's just me.

    That said, you mentioned that you are challenging candidates "from getting votes for just who they are". That's a fine goal, and seeing candidates putting in the effort to campaign is great, but I believe it shouldn't be something that is enforced or pressurized by the government, whichever branch you are referring to. Peer pressure from fellow candidates would be a better alternative. Though I must say personality traits will probably still be a rather significant factor when it comes to voting.
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    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Count of Highever
  • Personality traits are significant. Someone with excellent ideas, but piss-poor people skills and a god-complex, will obviously have a hard time getting in.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Personality traits are significant. Someone with excellent ideas, but piss-poor people skills and a god-complex, will obviously have a hard time getting in.
    You referring to anyone in particular?

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • Someone with piss-poor people skills AND a god-complex? God, I hope not.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Someone with piss-poor people skills AND a god-complex? God, I hope not.
    I was being serious -_-

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • So was I. :P
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • So was I.[emoji14]
    Who exactly are you referring to?

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • No one. Only person I can think of matching all those criteria would be Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg.
    2 people like this post: Michi, taulover
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Duke of Wintreath
  • I ask that all relevant parties spread out the word of the Underhusen Elections. We are living interesting times since the Constitutional Convention took a severe setback, perhaps this would be worthy situation enough to highlight the elections even via our embassies? Having a notification of it in the Region Page would be generally beneficial and specifically helpful boost for recruiting.
    I have done so :)

    I would also suggest looking into possibilities of revisioning a precision crafted recruiting telegram for this instance. The Keepers of the Call isn't practically all that active so if anything is to be achieved in this matter, perhaps someone in the government could temporarily take the reins? For the common good.
    Not really my area of expertise, but if Mootles thinks it might not quite work out I'll go with the wealth of experience he has on this topic :)

    However, updating the Regional info portion at the top of the NS page would not be wasted effort, I reckon.

    I also ask for the government to put in some official effort to push candidates into active campaigning and help build the election period into a coherent event instead of a scattered and half assed periodical compulsion. Innovate! ;)

    Thank you for reading.
    I think this is a fair request to make, and one I'll do my best to act upon.

    Beyond these, though, I think Sapph is pretty much bang on the money - we're not really a political region, we just have active political goings on. I think the real area we should be focusing on is the gaming and cultural aspects of Wintreath; from what I've seen, Minecraft and weekly gaming things could be quite a recruitment draw, as could active and well-run RPs :)
    « Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 01:00:05 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • What I see:
    • Regular and already highly visible elections
    • Recruitment telegram that devotes one third for politics
    • Large column dedicated for government on the forum front page
    • 39.5% government related topics (and with applications taking 20%, it's as good as half)

    Just to clear up how I made my mistake.
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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