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A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
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  • Duke of Wintreath
  • It will get off the ground soon, but as you say this is a busy period for a lot of people. EU referendum makes for a shittonne of busy work for me :( I'll do what I can to get things moving though!
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • It will get off the ground soon, but as you say this is a busy period for a lot of people. EU referendum makes for a shittonne of busy work for me :( I'll do what I can to get things moving though!
      You for in or out? 
    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

    (Ravenclaw is the best!)

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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • hey can i still express interest to join? i wanted to do an rp for a while but didnt want to try to join one thats already started...
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
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  • hey can i still express interest to join? i wanted to do an rp for a while but didnt want to try to join one thats already started...
    Of course you can! Signups are open and will remain open even after the RP starts, which should be less than a month away. Busy period for me atm haha.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • k thanks  :P
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
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  • i have a question though. I understand that this industrial and stuff but will magic be allowed?
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
    • Belmont Inc. CEO
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  • Magic in the setting is of a similar style to that in Lord of the Rings. Barely anyone can use it (and player characters certainly cannot), it's very poorly understood and is a holdover from ages long since past. You might stumble across a relic or artifact as you roleplay, but for the most part magic isn't a thing you guys will know about.

    It is a thing, it does exist, but most people (see: 99.9999%) have forgotten it exists save for some fragmented documentation in various holdfasts and archaeological sites.

    By the way, industrial doesn't quiiiite cover it; think a combo of steam-punk and magitech style for technology, though everything is made through industrial means (so no enchanting, but things can do stuff you wouldn't expect them to do based on size/look etc).

    I'll detail magic properly in a later post, but think... well, think GoT (seasonal, strengthens and weakens) combined with LotR (only 1 in a thousand people can use it, it's not well defined, it can be obscenely powerful or barely worth noting etc).

    EDIT: A POST WILL BE MADE EXPLAINING MAGIC IN DETAIL. There's a lot more to it than what I've outlined here. If you want, I'll be in the IRC to explain things personally before making a post or you can PM me and I'll explain it that way :)

    EE: In fact, just ask questions here, I'll reply as and when I can :)
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, taulover
    « Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 06:18:59 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • ok thanks good to know
    Zobek: An unusual hiding place, for the Prince of Darkness. Don't you think?
    Gabriel: Zobek...
    Zobek: Yes, old friend. It is I.
    Gabriel: Where have you been, all this time?
    Zobek: Out there, amongst the living. And what of you? Why have you been hiding all this time... ... Gabriel?
    Gabriel: Don't you dare call me that! Eu sunt Dracul!
    Lord Belmont
    • Belmont Inc. CEO
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  • Here we go, if you have any questions feel free to ask me :) To be clear, you guys won't need to worry about magic unless I explicitly tell you - you'll have innate 'boons' (minor boosts to skills etc) that I'll decide and enact, but otherwise magic isn't something major in Wintreath. For the time being.

    Notes on Magic: A Forgotten Force

    Mention magic in all but a vanishingly small number of places in Wintreath and you would be laughed out of the conversation. The advances of science, the marvels of gearwork, the industry and ingenuity sweeping through the nation in the last 400 years all seem to disprove the very existence of magic. Science, after all, seeks to explore and evaluate everything around it.

    So where's magic?

    Although at the surface this does appear to be true - that magic, if it ever was a thing in Wintreath's monolithic history, has long since faded from the world - one with a bright mind and a ready eye might start to notice some... incongruities in the narrative. The Saraneth Falls in the east of the nation once marked a different course, but some unexplained power shifted the watercourse miles from its original bearing. Halden, the mysterious gateman of the Far North, has lived for over five hundred years if the rumours be true, and His Majesty Inric I is equally venerable.

    Dig a little deeper beneath the surface and a new narrative begins to emerge, caught only in fleeting glimpses and fragments of ancient texts, a powerful force that's always been intermingled with reality. Though modern day Wintreath has all but forgotten it, or put it down to weirdness yet to be explained away by science, the evidence of magic is in fact right in front of even the casual observer. Wintreath's many and varied microcosms and their assortment of religious beliefs.

    The tribes of Dalen Eksil heritage are somewhat famed for their ability to heal the body of many wounds through the application of focused group meditation and a laying on of hands, a practice handed down over thousands of years. In the ruins of the Årn ad'Imrich cave networks, inscriptions and carvings provide light in the presence of people or reveal hidden doors where before only solid rock was in evidence.

    Magic, laid bare, is an all-pervasive force that flows throughout Wintreath and its surroundings, a remnant of the powers that created the continent the nation now resides upon. It is a tool to be wielded and a system to work within all at the same time, and it is nigh incomprehensible even to those who've devoted a lifetime of work to studying the whispers and stories of magic. To modern day Wintreans, far removed from the original bloodlines of the land, the active and directed manipulation of magic is - consciously - impossible.

    Magic, however, lives on in several unobserved forms.

    The World
    Though magic exists within everything, it flows freely and can 'pool' in certain locations. As things age, magic amasses, limited mostly - but not always - by the size of an object. A building thus accrues magic, but so too does a town, a road, a river. Even Wintreath at the level of a nation and society collects magic in this way.

    This buildup of magic serves only a fraction of its intended use, adding barely noticeable layers of power over its vessel's purpose. An old inn on a high road through a dangerous, bandit-plagued pass would rejuvenate those who stopped over there whilst simultaneously but subtly discouraging violence. Old roads might speed you on your way, halt the advance of weariness or get you lost in the woods. Libraries passively encourage the acquisition of knowledge and peacefulness, and there's more to the silence of their many shelves than politeness.

    Gearwork is a direct relation of magic, harnessing some fundamental principle known visibly to Wintreath as a shadow of what it truly is. Though gearwork shouldn't work, it does, and this is because of the magic that resides within the very idea of it, hailing back to the forebearers of the land.

    Faith and Conviction
    Although bereft of the ability to tap into the well of magic directly, its effects are still felt in modern day Wintreans. Magic likes knowledge. It likes discovering new things and experiencing the world around it, and in its own way it rewards those who pursue such things. These rewards are never quite superhuman in nature, but they do come close. The more you understand something, the more in tune you are with magic.

    A cook who's spent his entire life training to be the best chef in Frostlake City will be deft of hand with a keen eye and nose for the scents of cooking. His power will be in instinctively knowing which herb to throw into a dish, the right moment to add a crucial ingredient. The more he trains, the more dedicated he becomes, the more pronounced the effects become.

    The owner of an aerovessel, born and raised on its decks by his self-made aerotrader father, would have a keen sense of the wind, an innate understanding of the forces acting on his ship, a feel of the ships weight and, due to the residual connection from his father, a vague sense of where the vessels crew and passengers were. As he's effectively lived on the vessel his whole life, the owner/captain would have a strong 'bond' with his ship, meaning the ship itself would respond to his growing magical might by becoming swifter or easier to handle.

    Another example would be someone who, in their spare time, trains with a favourite rifle. As their familiarity with the weapon grows, as they become more comfortable with it and confident in their skills, so too will their skills be subtly enhanced. A rifle might fire half again as far and still just as accurately in the hands of its owner compared to a stranger, even if that stranger was an accomplished marksman themselves.

    This kind of magic is in everyone, and although it never blooms enough to notice, there's a reason that the famed knights, captains, artisans and politicians are as capable, a reason why the humble craftsman in a small home can produce works of finer quality than the best machinery.

    Houses benefit from the accretion of magic too - those born into a Line specialising in shipping would be able to find their way around any ship and understand the basics of sailing them within minutes aboard; a scion of a House that was renowned for its painting would too possess a great eye for art. The collective association with the House itself has a trickledown effect to that House's members, though they can and do create new associations.

    The truth of magic is that it's subtle, so barely there that it's almost not worth noticing. Its impact is barely felt but pivotal nonetheless, often credited to something else entirely. This is how magic works in Wintreath, and though it fluctuates over time it appears that magic is, for a given definition of the word, dormant in the nation. It exists, it gently aids and enhances, but it doesn't grant great power.

    Not without relics or artifacts from bygone eras, or in hallowed halls old enough to overflow with potential. A conflagration of events can create a magical shockwave that will buoy those caught in its radius for good or for ill.

    One thing is for certain, though. Magic is not understood.
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, taulover
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • How does a person's age progress? You said that the average lifespan is 110-130 (real life lifespan is about 70-90), but you only really get old a few years before death, plus you had your character studying from age 16-22. Does this mean, people in this world age like in real life until about 20ish then age slower until a few years before their death when they get older faster? I created a table below where I tried to put what I thought each age matched up. By this table, your character would be about 52. Do I have it close to correct? Or does age progress differently?
    IC Age    RL Age
     0-20        0-20
      20           20
      30           25
      40           30
      50           35
      60           40
      70           45
      80           50
      90           55
     100           60
     110           70
     120           80
     130           90

    Also, I've wanted to create a character, but I don't know what kind I should go with. Most people so far seem to be "good" guys, so I don't really want to do that. Are there any roles or anything you were secretly wanting someone to fill?

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • It's poorly understood IC but OOC it's roughly as you've described - you age at a normal pace from birth to about 25, at which point your body glaciates (IC technical term for the aging process slowing down to almost nothing) from 25 til around 100, at which point you start aging normally again. By the time you're at 110, you're feeling your age, but the body only really shuts down properly in the final few years. There's no 100% accurate "this age IRL = this age IC" because, frankly, magic.

    Magic is bullshit, and it's doing all sorts of weird things in the genome of Wintreans on top of the Origin biomodification and hereditary gene-sequencing they were carrying out back in their day.

    Characterwise, most of the 'baddies' are going to be NPC, and most player characters are meant to be on the side of Wintreath. You can of course be whoever you want within this world, but most of the plot is roughly linear. What you do outside of the plot (so secondary characters) is up to you, but for the most part you'll be fighting the good fight to protect your country.

    EDIT: A little expansion - you're all meant to be nominally good characters in that you're fighting to protect Wintreath from whatever threatens it. How you go about achieving that 'good' is up to you, so you could be a footsoldier, a general, a wall builder, mechanic, researcher, businessman.

    You can pursue your own interests too, going off to search out ruins of ancient civilisations or artifacts that hail back to the Origin or even before. You have free reign to do what you wish to so long as you're following along in the tracks of the plot. Plot progression isn't going to shoehorn you into anything, it'll be moving alongside your own character arc, if that makes sense.

    I'll be PMing individual players plot-relevant information that they might have because of their family, history, interests, places they've visited etc etc
    « Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 06:35:45 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Ah, I see. So most people look relatively young, and people who look like they're getting older are really getting up there? Like, a foreigner would probably have a difficult time trying to guess the age of most Wintreans, and they might have difficulty guessing which is the father and which is the son?

    And I think I see what you're saying about the characters, though: pick a character that would fight for Wintreath when the time comes and are capable of doing something for the greater good. That actually helps quite a bit.
    1 person likes this post: Weissreich

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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    Wintreath's Finest: February 2017
    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
    Wintreath's Finest: September 2019
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of the Year: 2019
    Commendation of Wintreath: 27 June 2020
    Citizens' Council Member: 14 September 2020 - 8 March 2021
    Skrifa of the 43rd Underhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021 🔥

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  • I've added a, uh.... "short" history of Wintreath to the OP, and included it below in spoilers for those of you who want to read up and get a good idea of what the hell has gone on and led to now. It's not written as if by someone in the setting itself - that'll come later, as the RP progresses - but it's written by me so that you can understand the contexts of the setting before the RP starts.

    Wintreath is, as the name suggests, a rather cold and blustery place. Before the ice swelled down from the Far North and covered much of the landmass, Wintreath was a mild and temperate land covered in forests, rivers and wide plains of grass and scrub. When the ice came, it stayed for around 250 years (a small ice age), covering the entire map down to a line that roughly went (on the map) from Jormving on the west coast to Foret, then to Cetera, then to Arnocen Academy and across to Janth and the east coast.

    Below that, the land was still temperate and covered in forests far larger than the ones that exist today in Wintreath. The Edilian Republic was the first native Wintrean civilisation to emerge beyond hunter gatherer tribes and loose nomadic communities when magic still flowed thick in the blood of men. The Edilian peoples were closer in blood and stature to the Forebearers who created Wintreath at the dawn of time, allowing them to actively manipulate the magic in their bodies and in the world around them, creating great cities (Lenth, a city that's part carved into the peaks of mountains and part floats on massive Storm engines, is an example of their creative prowess) and new technologies that blended magic with the new disciplines of science and industry.

    When the ice sheets that covered the Central Plains (aka that stretched down to that line I told you about earlier) started to melt, the volume of water that was suddenly liquid again washed much of the Edilian civilisation away, leaving only a few small settlements and the ruins of their capital city, Utorim, to carry on their legacy. As the years passed, the remnants of the Edilian peoples left Wintreath interbred with those across the Southern Peninsulas (the two bits on the bottom left of the map that go off the edge), distilling their blood. Slowly, magic slipped out of living memory and became a myth, often thought to be a misremembered tale of lost technological artifacts and the like.

    When civilisation slowly began to return to Wintreath (it was mostly uninhabited after the meltwaters washed away the Edilian Republic, save for small tribes and the few remaining Edilian settlements, where magic practitioners passed into legend as the mouthpieces of the old Gods) it was in the form of the De Falvosa Line. Germaine De Falvosa was a bold and intelligent man with a following of several tens of thousands, and where others balked at the sights of the foreboding forests that now covered all of the south of Wintreath, he and his people pushed on, rediscovering Palar and Stranglor and inhabiting them as stepping stones into the wider landmass beyond the forests.

    The De Falvosa Line pretty much shaped modern Wintreath into what it is now; it was under their guidance that the mega forests were cut back to something approaching their current sizes, and it was their will that had construction begin on many of the settlements that would later grow into the cities Wintreath has today. When the Kingdom of Arraia came into existence some 3000 years ago, they quickly conquered much of their surroundings with the first noted use of mounted archers (think Mongol bowmen), but the De Falvosa Line used similar tactics as well as better chain link armour, and the Arraian people fell under their sway.

    No one knows if the Hunt Clan were the reason for the Origin that followed, but from their arrival just over 3000 years ago a constant war raged for some 200 years, with the youthful civilisations and societies of the south banding together in desperation with the hopes of merely surviving the onslaught.

    It's at this point that the Origin show up. No one knows much about them, save for the fact that they could construct marvels of metal that defied all understandings of what should work, things that floated without visible Storm engines, devices that could kill a man from a thousand yards, huge towers in the sea that despite the distance between each was linked by crackling blue fire that spat out towards the East (Norloch Spire is one of these) towards unknown targets... They're like the aliens of the setting that arrived, did a hell of a lot of shit that no one could fathom for around a thousand years without anyone ever seeing one in the flesh, and then vanished. Some theorise that it was they who truly drove off the Hunt Clan, not the men of that age, but as there's none of them left to ask no one knows for certain.

    A lot happened during the thousand years from 3000 to 2000 years ago. It was during this period that Innail became the home of House Kestar, later to be the Royal Family of Wintreath, and it was during this period that the true destructive power of the Origin was first seen - every device they'd ever constructed lit up, damaged ones repaired themselves and lifted into the skies, and the skies themselves boiled over with tumults of light and sound that left the men and women of this age shaking and trembling in fear. Almost as soon as it started, it was over, and the Origin were gone, leaving behind relics of technology or magic that even today defeat the best efforts of Wintreath's finest minds.

    By the time 2000 years ago rolls up, much of Wintreath is explored (I say much, Wintreath is HUGE so there were large areas that were little travelled and left to wilderness) and the Hunt Clan have vanished again, meaning that for the first time the peoples of Wintreath can live without the ever present fear of death finding them. The Rides Kingdoms emerge in this time, a hundred hundred fiefdoms and princedoms that vie with one another for the most trade, the most land, the most whatever it is the other wants. Exactly 2000 years ago, Spiritian military forces arrive and due to their more advanced technology (basic muskets, smooth bore cannon, that kind of thing, tech from the 1700s in our world) they were able to conquer the entirety of Wintreath.

    Thus begins the Spiritain occupation, wherein Wintreath was effectively stripmined for resources and the people mistreated as little more than slaves. After hundreds of years of this, the Wintreans (now unified in their hatred of their oppressors and no longer fractured kingdoms competing against one another) rise up, with the powerful Houses lending their support one after the other for House Kestar of Innail in their rebellion against Spiritus. The conflict spans almost a thousand years, as Spiritus was far more populous than Wintreath at this time and had better technology, but the constant grind wore them down as Wintreans built up a native technology base to match that of their oppressors.

    By the end of the conflict, Spiritus was too exhausted to keep fighting and a much more populous and much more unified Wintreath rose from the ashes as the nation we live in today. Industrialisation had began (so 1800s tech IRL, though more steampunk and 'out there' than our tech) near the end of the occupation in Spiritus and Wintreath both, but under the control of His Majesty Inric I Witnreath advanced rapidly, discovering gearwork principles beyond those known to the rest of the world and becoming a powerhouse in its own right.

    500 years of this development, 500 years of peace and prosperity, brings us to now. It's been a golden age in Wintreath, with the discovery of air travel, the invention of the modern day lifestyle (so modern day IRL tech but achieved through slightly magical means) etc etc. Wintreath has a population of millions, with hundreds of major cities and thousands of minor ones, tens of thousands of townships and countless villages, outposts, settlements and fortifications.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Gerrick
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • Paragons
  • Duke of Wintreath
  • I'll also note that for some of the big speeches by my characters or NPCs I'll do voice recordings :)
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
    • Duke of Wintreath
    • Posts: 1,690
    • Karma: 805
    • Paragons
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • The Greatest Link
  • Sorry that I haven't been able to finish my factbook, I've just been really busy lately. Anyways, I think I will just join in at a later date and let you guys go on.
    T'was the year of Wintreath!
    • The Greatest Link
    • Posts: 1,434
    • Karma: 204
    • To the Glory of Witchmond!
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: 1 ... 7 [8] 9 10