Q1.Whilst I'll be the first to admit that I haven't been that active for a while, I've got to say I am in favour of a reformed unicameral and open chamber rather than the current set-up. During my various stints as a Skifra and as a member of the Overhusen, I've seen our legislative system work well, and oftentimes not quite so well. I think, at the root of it, the drop in efficiency relates to a general trend towards higher activity in the region, and a desire by more of our members to actively participate.
The Underhusen as it functions now does the job, but I think many would agree with me in saying that doing the job doesn't quite cut it. With the proposed reforms we've an opportunity to turn our legislative body into something special, something that involves
everyone in the region and allows us to maximise the potential of Wintreath through the induction of new skill sets and varied opinions. Laurentus already made the point that some of our most valuable individuals are for their own reasons unwilling to get involved, and by maintaining the current system I feel we're really restricting our potential development.
Beyond the opportunity reform presents us, I think it wise at this point to note that I have in the past clashed with Mootles on the relative freedoms our legislative bodies have over their respective domains. Whilst we - eventually - came to an agreement and settled our differences, my personal preference has been and always will be for a more direct form of representation of the people. The proposed Open Chamber reform allows this whilst safeguarding the region from outside aggression or internal takeover with sensible and well-defined Founder Privileges. There's room for improvement in the Bill, that much is certainly true, but what we have currently is an excellent foundation on which to build the future of Wintreath.
Q2.My job is a fickle one and I'm often given assignments that'll take up weeks of my time with little to no warning. That said, I think if one takes into account the volume of legislation I either drafted up myself or introduced for others with my own modifications during my previous terms on the Underhusen, it's not difficult to see that I
will make time for the region, and do my utmost to ensure I'm informed and capable of fulfilling my duties.
Aside from my work, there's nothing I can think of that would keep me from doing everything I can to serve Wintreath to the best of my ability
Q3.Well, apart from my work with real-life legislative bodies, I've drafted, helped to edit and introduced several bills in the past. I think, and please correct me if I'm wrong, Mootles referred to one of my Bills as one of the best crafted pieces of legislature he's seen in his time in NS. I'll let that speak for itself rather than trying to boast.
Q4.An interesting question all-round, this one...
What makes me unique as a legislator? I honestly couldn't say. I'm passionate for the region, for the culture and the potential we have to turn that culture into something fantastic - beyond what it already is, and that's quite fantastic as it stands. I've been involved in formulating our judicial system and the code of criminal laws it draws from (although for some absolutely unfathomable reason people still don't seem able to understand it...), and I see a lot of room for development on my work with the upcoming reformation of the Underhusen looming just around the corner.
I think, if I had to say one thing that really did make me unique, it wouldn't be my real life experience (although I'm certain that helps bring a fresh perspective not only to my own drafts but to the drafts others propose) but how much I'm invested in Wintreath. I know my job hasn't always allowed me to appear that dedicated, but I always come back, and I always make note of what's changed. I'm one of the oldest members on the forums and I've seen the region go through a lot of growth and evolution. I know, or at least feel I have a strong grasp of what makes our community tick, what we need and what we'd simply like for the thrill of it, I've seen how things are run and I can think of ways to improve upon the groundwork that already exists.
I'm not a leader, nor would I wish for such a position, but I feel I do good work when a part of a strong team - give me people to bounce off of, people to perfect ideas and debate with, and I can guarantee you'll not be disappointed with the result.
Everything else aside, I'm really looking forward to publishing the Lineage work I've been doing (the Houses system) and putting ito ut for public appraisal. This pre-election period is already looking like being one of the more hard-fought battles we've had since Wintreath's inception some years ago, and I can't wait to be a part of it come victory or come loss.