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Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
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  • Holy shit Weiss, these are all seriously impressive.

    Sorry - where'd you want me to put the images again? Steampunk I mean?

    There's a thread in this forum called "Resources" or something similar, just dump links in there :) And thank you!
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    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • Dysterhetstråle District
    Famed for the bridges that span the gap between buildings and give this district its characteristic gloom, Dysterhetstråle is well-known as the hub of trade in Frostlake City. Whilst the atmosphere may to a casual observer seem to be downcast, in part due to the shadows of the transit bridges above, the people of Dysterhetstråle avidly enjoy their somewhat quirky area of Frostlake City - walking down a street in the district leads to one soon being accosted by a street-vendor or a travelling merchant.

    But despite its surface-depth tranquillity, Dysterhetstråle is famous for another reason: crime. Comparatively low when assessed next to other nations, the level of crime in this particular district is well above the norm for Wintreath. Its many dark alleys and multitudinous levels and layers make for difficult terrain at the best of times, and it is within this labyrinth of walkways, bridges, stairs and roads that the underlayers of Wintrean society operate at their best.

    So prevalent is the underworld in Dysterhetstråle that a game of sorts has come into existence - the wealthy may put out a contract upon themselves with a time-limit. The rules are simple: to claim the money you have to fulfil the contractual terms (it may be break their arm, it may be kill them) before the time is up. This shadow game brings the edgier members of Wintreath's society into the open, and the citizens who live in Dysterhetstråle have long since become used to the actions of these assassins and their targets.

    As one could expect in a district so famous for its bridge network, transport in Dysterhetstråle is a rather unique experience. The bridge network does in fact extend beyond just Dysterhetstråle but the highest concentration of them are found within the districts borders. One enters any building at ground level - or whatever level you happen to be on - and takes the gearlift to the transit network stations on the 'roof'. A building may have several 'roof' levels so as to accommodate for several rail-tracks from different directions.

    Much of the less-legal Familial business is dealt with in Dysterhetstråle and it is not uncommon to see buildings entirely owned by one Line or another, giving them unrestricted access to the transit network and to the highly skilled criminals who reside within the murky depths of the district itself.

    Population: 51,600 citizens
    Location: Frostlake City (district of)
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    « Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 03:03:39 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Castahal
    Set into the hills that mark the beginnings of the Huggtänder Mountain Ranges in the east, Castahal is by Wintrean standards a small city. Despite this, it is a bustling hub of culture that blends the tribal practices and traditions of the north-east and the more modern ideals of Wintreath's technology base into a smooth tapestry of contentment for its inhabitants. To live in Castahal is to want for nothing, as its unique climate brings unaccustomed warmth to this far-north city, allowing the growing season here to extend far beyond the meagre two months that other settlements of this latitude have to suffer.

    The people of Castahal are famous for their hardy natures, and it is from here that many of the Huggtänder Outposts draw their manpower. Despite what one might expect, the city itself has a warm and pleasant air to it, and the heated streets keep the snow and rain from marring transport and trade within the city walls. The inns here spill their liveliness onto the street and it is a common sight to see musicians performing on balconies above the concourses to crowds of cheering drunken men and women.

    The famous keep of Casta, seen in the above painting in the background, is home to one of the most famous Lines of Wintreath: House Fortis. It's twisting corridors and labyrinth-like halls are notorious for losing guests for sometimes days at a time, but otherwise the keep is as hospitable as the city it watches over. The Aqueduct, a remnant of Origin construction projects long since fallen to the marches of time, brings water enough to provide for the needs of the entire city from Menroth's icy lakes, and also provides access to the waterway that some thousands of miles south links up with the Indurain Causeway network.

    Population: 38,215 citizens
    Location: Kethãn'k territory
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    « Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 03:04:00 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Isoräth
    Standing proud amongst the foothills of the North Lyss Mountains, Isoräth is a city-fortress unlike any other. Whilst the nation of Wintreath bears many proud fortifications the likes of which are rarely seen, its pinnace and the attached Observatory (seen just to the right of the bridge connecting the pinnace-tower to the main city) mark Isoräth as both a position of military importance and one of scientific value to the wider world.

    Located ideally on the Car'thel Plains, Isoräth's skies are widely clear year-round, with the exceptions of the squalls which coat even its warm heart in ice and snow, making for perfect star-watching conditions. It is from the Observatory of the city-fortress that many of the navigational advances allowing aeronatical trade to kick off have stemmed, and the pinnace-tower itself is home to the largest multi-lense telescopic array in Wintreath, if not the world.

    The people of Isoräth match up to the expectations one might have upon entering the city. Many have swords at their side, but instruments, brushes and pens are just as much in evidence - truly is Isoräth a place of many clashing cultures. A newly arrived traveller finds themselves swiftly pulled in to the vibrant streets, but one is advised to take care; despite the many guards, Isoräth is home to the Larcenist's Emporium, the largest collection of men and women working on, shall one say, the knifes edge between legality and illegality.

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    « Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 01:35:15 AM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • Me and Winter was just speaking of the History of Wintreath and some of the landmarks, cities, etc... Can "City of Iceodine", "Brieser", or even "Ice Peak City" and "Fort Steelhold" be added? I am part of Wintreath and citizen... if you say yes I can work on it... though 
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  • I don't see why not.  If it's in Wintreath, it belongs in this thread.
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  • Message for Wiess: City of Iceodine looks like a frozen fantasy city that appears to still have a gothic taste to it. Fort Steelhold is a very polluted, canopied city that has huge factories in the walls, Steelhold has 50 mile tall steel walls that are 5 miles thick. Ice Peak City is a tourist city and has the snowy touch to it still, they have massive fairs and carnivals, etc... And Brieser (city) holds the main port city where Wintreath Allies and nations trade to us and we trade, Brieser also has that snow feel... it is next to one of the tallest Mt's in Wintreath (maybe) "Mt Chillius (covered in snow and Ice) It's in the water and its bye it's self near Brieser. All of Iceodine is snow or Ice covered... theres no real grass that you can see... when you live up near the North Pole. Also add Wispy Forest, it's a frozen gorgeous weeping willow forest!
    Thx! :D message me back for the history or something :D
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  • Oh the places you'll go isn't just a project of Weiss'... Well, it is but only because not many others have written and Weiss has written quite a bit of very impressive work... Feel free to add to it of your own work in a similar format as Weiss.
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  • this perfect, i can finally bring up specific places in wintreath for my story, i hope that's alright.
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  • Yep, that's what this thread is for.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • sweet, I just have to figure out how to post pics on the forums... :p when people explain it, it's really hard to understand :( but if you gave me step by step with every detail I can write it down and do it :D
    Home SS: Grand Duke Nonagon N. Stocksholm XXX

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  • Yes as PB said feel free to add to it! It is a fantastic thread!
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  • I miss Weiss' updates. :(
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  • I'd love to contribute, but I'm afraid that I won't have the time necessary to devote to an entry that lives up to Weiss'. 
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  • City of Iceodine:

    The national capitol of The Empire of Iceodine. It is a very isolated city by two major open terrains; Desert of Freeze and the Snow Plains.

    This city is the very first city that was settled by the Iceodonians. The walls of this great city is made out of marble, White-Oak Pine, and Ice-Iron. This area has the worst weather to standards for winter, it snows/ blizzards 22/7 per day. How people adapted to this way o life is still unknown.

    The Main bridges to get to the Distillery and Cargo Districts are across the frozen river of Iceodine. These Bridges are called; White-Cap Bridge, Brieser's Bridge, and finally War-Hero's Bridge. They all are close to 105,460k years old, built with sweat and blood of loyalty and love for the country! The end of White-Cap Bridge is Iceium Keep where the High Duke & Duchess sit.

    The city has went through hundreds of battles and still hasn't fallen from the case of Fyrus Stocksholm and Nonagon Stocksholm. They will always be loyal and honorable to Iceodine to any cost even death.

    Fixed image ~ Weiss
    « Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 11:18:51 AM by Weissreich »
    Home SS: Grand Duke Nonagon N. Stocksholm XXX

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