Aside from the fact that the question itself is still somewhat of a loaded question (and I will state right here, right now, that my answer of this question does not assume any guilt of any action implied by the original question), I will try my best to respect most people in the region. While I recognize that I can be hard to work with at times, I do try to be a bit calmer towards new people than I am towards the veterans. I think of myself as something like Linus Torvalds when it comes to this. I can be aggressive and...difficult towards people, but keep in mind that I'm only human.
However I am of the belief that respect is earned in part, and I will grant respect towards people at first, however if they repeatedly attack people, fail to respect promises, and consistently act in a hypocritical manner along with demanding my respect, then I reserve the right to revoke my respect from them. This session, if I am elected, I will also try to take a step back and not be as involved in the Underhusen as I have been in the past.
I believe this answers the question and I will state that I will try not to respond to any provocations by Govindia as much as I can, and I will try to avoid provoking him, and will not provoke him purposefully. However I am human, and I have my faults like anyone else. I hope that you all can look past them this election, however I would understand if you can not. With this I feel as if I have adequately answered the question.
(Thanks to Emoticonius for helping with formatting and proof-reading.)
As @Gabriel (Pengu) suggested, I had been a bit busy, but I have taken the time to collect and calm my thoughts into this statement in response to Chanku above:
Respect is not earned, it is given. Each person here is a human being, and regardless of stature here, from newest Immigrant to our region up to the Monarch, everyone here is a human. Each person must be treated with respect at all times. You do not cherry pick who you respect and do not respect when it comes to showing basic civility. This is what means by showing respect to everyone. It is a measure of basic civility as a human being. You do not have to like someone to respect them as a person, and if you're in this region, you are expected to respect everyone, period, regardless of the reputation they may have. If you want respect, you give respect to others first. Do unto others as would be done unto yourself. The Golden Rule.
The response that Chanku gave is very disappointing at best. He never directly mentions that he will show respect to everyone, including myself, and he hides behind his faults, whilst acknowledging them but never admitting blame for his actions nor making an apology.
Much of this dispute is centred primarily on the fact that while I wish to move forward and work with everyone, Chanku still repeatedly attacks me at various times, and takes potshots. Just the other day in the IRC chat, he attacked me, my unemployment status, and attacked my relations with my RL family before Wintermoot warned him. A while ago, when he was recalled, he promised the region that he learned from his mistakes and that he would respect everyone. However, he regards me as less of a person and his actions have shown that. He even refuses to do his job as Jarl and appear in the channel during military operations because he does not wish to deal with me professionally.
In the professional world, you have to deal with everyone in a civil manner, like them or not, and you have to respect them
Chanku's statement is whitewash at best, and unacceptable. I had hoped he would show a level of maturity, but I am deeply disappointed in his response.
That is all I will say, as best a civil statement as I can.