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Appointment of new GM
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  • Also, he probably needs mod powers over the general RP area too, along with the current ministry of Culture cabinet members.

    As do you, since I believe you only have them in the guild at the moment.  :P

    I'm very glad to see this, though.  I've been sitting on the idea of creating a council for the RP area specifically since I thought it'd be nice for it to be more of a big group effort...specifically since Roleplaying is very much centered around more than just a small handful of people.

    Nice to see that someone else had the idea and ran with it, and you've chosen some very excellent people to be a part of it.  :D
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Yeah, I do believe I've chosen well. Weissreich already has some big ideas.

    EDIT: And I think I currently do have mod powers over the general RP area. It's the rest of the forum that is still beyond my reach. :P
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  • I'd like to say thanks to Laurentus for this opportunity :) I hope I haven't stepped on any toes by assuming this responsibility, but either way I look forward to doing good work not only with the Council but with everyone who has an interest in making our RP community great.

    I mean, it's already great, but we can do greater!
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