It's funny...when Obama was elected most people thought that meant that most of society had evolved and moved past racism, discrimination, and hate, but it seems instead it was just latent and hidden, and now Trump's election has sent a message that it's acceptable to openly be mean to people in the name of not being 'politically correct'. >.<
Maybe this time we'll actually confront this shit as a society instead of trying to quietly sweep it under a rug and hide it.
'A foulness had long corrupted the Empire after Tygeas the Usurper seized the throne. It was left to fester, ignored and dismissed for a thousand years while the Empire laid on ruin. When Malenon the Unifier rebuilt the Empire he dismissed it, believing that was how it has always been. The crying out of peoples oppressed built during Malenons' time and for two centuries after. The cry eventually was audible everywhere, the volume so great it was heard in the secluded cloisters of the High Preceptory. It drew forth from seclusion an ancient God of the Old Empire. Once more was the thunder of his battle heard, the terror in the cruel felt, and the justice of law delivered. For the Grand Master had come forth, once more the Immortal Crusader brought justice to the oppressed, and broke the back of religious sway. He restored the power of High Town, he refashioned acceptance of religion, but kept firm its separation from government. He purged by the blazing edge of his blessed sword the foulness that had long festered.
In his name the peoples oppressed had cried out, screaming for a savior, they had spoken his most hallowed of names, invoked his most sacred of duties, they brought forth Justice, Equality, and Brotherhood. His sword, his shield, and his Order Teutonic. He was both a force and a being. Only the desire to be free and not be down trodden could draw his attention from his chambers and the vaults his lover so carefully attended to. Such was the Third King, The Immortal Crusader, The Keeper of Law, The Equalizer of Religion, The Defender of The Oppressed, Grand Master Thomas.' ~Carn Rus, Codex Imperius, 3241 YE
I feel like that quote got a little long on me...
I suppose what I was trying to say is that only by working together can people truly bring about the force to change, for better or for worse.
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