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Felicity Mercer
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  • Is Wintereath a defender, raider, imperialist or neutral? Because we only have two military nations, I assume neutral but not sure.
    « Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 05:30:12 PM by Felicity Mercer »
    Felicity Mercer
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  • 'Fenda. But somewhat isolationist.
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  • 'Fenda. But somewhat isolationist.

    thank you.
    Felicity Mercer
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  • I really dislike US politics, I am finding it all so draining.
    I mean why has the polarization of USA politics spread outside of there?

    99% of the criticisms of both primary candidates which I now see and hear everywhere; is slander, gossip and attempts at character assassination.

    Both sides have built the other up to be the end of the modern world, when in actuality Donald Trump is kinda a moron and Hillary is just another politician.

    I can only imagine is this is due to what this video by CGP Grey is discussing:
    This video

    I don't even see the point in really discussing it anymore as anything to do with it quickly devolves into petty name-calling and accusations. I have said for ages that the problem with american politics is how polar is it, there are only 2 large parties and there can only be 1 president at the end. I don't like that, I feel it forces silly conflict and creates the "horse shoe" effect.

    I am so sick of all the hyperbole and drama around this.

    America needs more than two parties, Trump is right about one thing: that countries government needs a shakeup, everyone is playing the game too close to their chests and people are going to get hurt.

    *sigh* And I just really don't care about it anymore. Makes me just want to shut off the internet and go away >.>
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  • In other news, I always feel somewhat sorry for New Zealand or Argentina when we beat them at sports, but this 5-0 victory against Australia with cricket is just too good. I always thoroughly enjoy England's losses at sports, too. Particularly when ze Germans destroy them with soccer.
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • You know, I almost hope Trump wins just to see if any Americans actually try to immigrate up here because of him :P
    Trump is better than Killary.
    bich don't make me come over there
    Killary is pure evil, cheated Bernie out of any chance of victory. In bed with the media, the corporations. She must be stopped.
    Trump is Putin's modern-day Manchurian candidate and a Mussolini wannabe. He is also incredibly racist and very probably is a rapist.
    Is it racist to not want people to break the law by entering the country illegally? Is it not rape when Bill Clinton actually forces himself of numerous people but it is rape when trump makes mean little comments? Fuck off with that shit, Hillary took part in giving weapons to al qaeda to "fight isis" and let the people in Benghazi die so no one could spill the beans. She's not putin's candidate, I'll give you that, because she's the Saudi candidate. I have always been of the opinion that the Saudi royal family is entirely made of pure scum, the very feces of humanity. I say, it's better we align ourselves with a faux democracy that shares at least some of our values than an inbred goatfucker monarchy that is actively funding ISIS in the hope we migh ask them nicely to stop the terrorism, please.
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Huh...

    So I had a dream where I was Irish (or at least that was the only accent I could speak in), though I remember nothing else about the dream outside of that.

    I turned on Netflix to watch some Supernatural, and the episode that I started watching first had the first scene in Ireland.

    I know not what to make of this.
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  • I think Hillary is probably a corrupt politician, but she'll leave the country more or less the same as it is when she leaves office. That may not necessarily be a good thing, but I think that's preferable to Trump, who I think would try to suppress opposition to him, damage the press, and turn the nation into something resembling Russia under the person he openly admires, Vladimir Putin. Beyond that, he seems particularly infantile, temperamental, trashy, and many times a pathological liar...someone who will continue to lie and deny even when the evidence is right in front of his face. This is an election to determine who leads us and becomes the President of the United States, it's not some contest out of The Apprentice.

    Whatever Hillary's flaws are, and I'll readily agree there's plenty of them, I prefer them to the risk of Donald Trump getting actual power over this country.
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  • Is it racist to not want people to break the law by entering the country illegally? Is it not rape when Bill Clinton actually forces himself of numerous people but it is rape when trump makes mean little comments? Fuck off with that shit, Hillary took part in giving weapons to al qaeda to "fight isis" and let the people in Benghazi die so no one could spill the beans. She's not putin's candidate, I'll give you that, because she's the Saudi candidate. I have always been of the opinion that the Saudi royal family is entirely made of pure scum, the very feces of humanity. I say, it's better we align ourselves with a faux democracy that shares at least some of our values than an inbred goatfucker monarchy that is actively funding ISIS in the hope we migh ask them nicely to stop the terrorism, please.
    It's one thing to want secure borders. It's another to say that all illegal immigrants are rapists and criminals, and that all Muslims are terrorists. I'm sure the 12 year old Nicaraguan kids and Alan Kurdi's father got lots of laughs out of those comments.

    And also, while both Bill and Trump have allegations of sexual assault against them (which admittedly prove nothing by themselves, under not only our legal system but basic logic), only Trump has an active criminal case against him for rape. Of a thirteen year old girl, no less. "Mean comments" don't even register on this scale.

    There are a lot of reasons Benghazi happened the way it did, but Hillary Clinton being evil is none of them. When an Army convoy gets blown up by an IED, you don't blame the Secretary of Defense for not answering their calls. It's not much different in the State Department. Instead, why don't you ask the Republicans in congress who voted down an increase in embassy security spending? Hm.

    I don't like the Saudis, but Assad and his cronies deserve to go straight to hell in the most painful way possible. A JDAM or bunker-buster would be a mercy compared to what they deserve. Fuck speculation that the Saudi government is working with terrorists, because even if that is true (evidence suggests it's not), one simple fact remains: without Assad, there would be none of the atrocities, none of the hundreds of thousands killed, none of the millions displaced. Assad is our Hitler, and he deserves to be treated as such. If you don't believe that, you really don't give a shit about any human being in or from Syria.
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • *sighs* night guys, see you all tomorrow
    • Nuclear Soldermancer
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • I don't like the Saudis, but Assad and his cronies deserve to go straight to hell in the most painful way possible. A JDAM or bunker-buster would be a mercy compared to what they deserve. Fuck speculation that the Saudi government is working with terrorists, because even if that is true (evidence suggests it's not)
    Even Hillary admitted that it's true
    You can't fucking deny it. The saudis are and always have been the greater evil than the Ba'athists. A rebel victory means the immediate destruction of all non-sunni groups in Syria, which is why all the religious minorities there support Assad. The rebels are a messy coalition that would immediately fall apart into more fighting the moment the common enemy is gone (like in Libya, I might add, and their civil war was pretty brief. One can scarcely imagine how much worse the second war in Syria would be) and even if the jihadists (funded by the gulf monarchies Hillary is in bed with) magically went away, even the moderates are filled to the brim with people who espouse the exact same kind of populist bigotry that you so oppose in Trump. Assad, in spite of all his war crimes, would at least keep the fucking country together. On the Syrian refugee crisis, I'd like to ask why the gulf monarchies won't help, or Sultan Erdogan's Turkey? These are the same states that Hillary's America would support, and that's something that I can't support.
    Oh, and one more thing:
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • In other news, I always feel somewhat sorry for New Zealand or Argentina when we beat them at sports, but this 5-0 victory against Australia with cricket is just too good. I always thoroughly enjoy England's losses at sports, too. Particularly when ze Germans destroy them with soccer.

    Oh that is fantastic. Congrats!
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  • That is one area where I agree with Justinian.

    And @ Elbbsas, thank you. :))

    EDIT: Really, though, would it kill America to leave shit the fuck alone from time to time? Like, unless the world is legit ending, why does America always have to go and make a mess of things?
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    « Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 08:02:05 PM by Laurentus »
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  • Really, though, would it kill America to leave shit the fuck alone from time to time? Like, unless the world is legit ending, why does America always have to go and make a mess of things?
    Uh, cuz we're fucking America, that's why. 8)
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  • Is it racist to not want people to break the law by entering the country illegally?
    Don't pretend like planning to deport unauthorized immigrants is the only thing Trump has done.
    Is it not rape when Bill Clinton actually forces himself of numerous people but it is rape when trump makes mean little comments?
    Bill Clinton had affairs with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers, both of which were consensual. Three women have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct, but there's good reason to be skeptical of all three of the accusations. (Juanita Broaddrick appeared and supported Bill Clinton after the alleged rape and signed a sworn deposition that she never had sex with Clinton; Paula Jones's allegations were part of the well-documented Arkansas Project, a smear campaign that started quite a few conspiracies, and some of her claims were shown to be false; Linda Tripp [the person who taped the Lewinsky phone conversations] testified that Kathleen Willey was lying.) I'm not saying these allegations aren't true, but there certainly are discrepancies.

    In any case, Bill Clinton isn't running for president. Donald Trump, however, is, and he actually has a rape case going against him, not to mention numerous other accusations of sexual assault.
    Fuck off with that shit, Hillary took part in giving weapons to al qaeda to "fight isis" and let the people in Benghazi die so no one could spill the beans.
    Seven publicly accessible investigations have occurred regarding Benghazi, including multiple by the Republican-controlled house, and all of them found no wrongdoing. Hillary Clinton testified for eleven goddamn hours in front of the Republican House Select Committee, and they couldn't even find a good enough soundbite to put in an attack ad. Face it: Benghazi was a manufactured scandal, and all it does is disrespect the actual tragedy that is still happening in that city.
    She's not putin's candidate, I'll give you that, because she's the Saudi candidate. I have always been of the opinion that the Saudi royal family is entirely made of pure scum, the very feces of humanity. I say, it's better we align ourselves with a faux democracy that shares at least some of our values than an inbred goatfucker monarchy that is actively funding ISIS in the hope we migh ask them nicely to stop the terrorism, please.
    I agree, the House of Saud is shit. But letting them collapse would probably be worse. There are definitely greater fundamentalist elements in Saudi Arabia that would love to seize power and begin focusing their terrorist attacks on the US as revenge for withdrawing support. Just look at what the destruction of the Assad regime has caused; now imagine what a Saudi revolution or coup might look like.
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