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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • @taulover I hope your AP exam went well!
    Good luck tomorrow to everyone taking AP Computer Science, Spanish, and/or Physics 1!
    Thanks! I certainly hope I did well.

    I'll be taking Computer Science tomorrow, and Calculus AB on Thursday. The course material for Comp Sci's not that difficult, but it appears that the curve/scale's much lower.
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  • Maybe someday I'll find the person I once was...the one people saw as likable and attractive. The one that was interesting, and seemed to have interesting things to say and wasn't a bore that harped on the same predictable topics over and over again...half of which only make people uncomfortable. The person that people wanted to be close friends with...and take into their confidence...maybe, someday...

    You are that person, Moot. You always were and you can always be that guy.
    « Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 09:12:04 AM by North »
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • I'm sitting in the hospital tonight... My friend tried to commit suicide and as of right now I don't know if they're gonna live... I don't really know what to do, I'm trying to keep myself together, keep everyone updated, and make sure my friend's sister can do what she needs to do...
    But this is hard... I hope I don't lose them tonight...

    I have always hated Tuesdays...
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  • They're stable... They're alive...

    I'm going to sleep now...
    2 people like this post: Weissreich, Wuufu
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • They're stable... They're alive...

    I'm going to sleep now...
    Really happy to hear it, Reon. Get some rest in, I can only imagine how draining that must've been for you and those around you. Stay strong :)
    1 person likes this post: Wuufu
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • You are that person, Moot. You always were and you can always be that guy.
    That's sweet of you to say...I dunno, someone said something last night that really upset and hurt me, and from there I started thinking about all these other things and thinking about the past and how things were different. In the past, I was really close with a lot of people on a personal level...I was a close friend and confidant to a lot of people, and there were people that were close friends and confidants to me. Now...not so much. I rarely talk to people one-on-one anymore...I just don't have much interesting to say to hold up such a conversation anymore...and otherwise I feel like something between a creep and a joke. I wonder if people feel they have to humour me because of the position that I hold, and sometimes people put me down in a sincerely joking least I hope it is...forgetting that I'm a person with feelings, too. And my flaws and vices aside, I've always tried to be a good person and a good friend...or at least as good as I can be...a person that's there for people when I'm needed, and someone that tries to get people to realize the good things about them when they're down.

    I wrote two other long paragraphs after this, but it came off as being ranty and went off on tangents that had nothing to do with at least your sweetness is only being punished with one paragraph...I appreciate you saying that though.

    They're stable... They're alive...

    I'm going to sleep now...
    I'm sorry that you had to go through all that...I'm glad that they're stable, and hopefully at least now they can get the help that they need to come back from this. Keep doing what you're doing...I know you're a good friend, and I'm sure they do, too. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • @Wintermoot, I just want to say publicly that I still see you as my NationStates mentor and as a very good friend on NS. I may joke around with you, and be silly, but I do consider you strong enough a friend that should we cross paths I'd be amiss if I didn't buy you a drink at the nearest pub, or other similar establishment.

    I've enjoyed every conversation we've had to a tee (even the ones where you've correctly pulled me up when I got stuff wrong), and I think you're a powerhouse for creating Wintreath, one of (if not the) greatest community to exist within NationStates.

    I know there are people who don't like you, and think you a creep and a joke (as you say), but for every one person who does, there are four or five here that see you who you really are: a genuine guy who is looking out for others and doing his best to guide this community.

    I just want you to know that I value you as you, and I think you're awesome.
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  • @Wintermoot, I just want to say publicly that I still see you as my NationStates mentor and as a very good friend on NS. I may joke around with you, and be silly, but I do consider you strong enough a friend that should we cross paths I'd be amiss if I didn't buy you a drink at the nearest pub, or other similar establishment.

    I've enjoyed every conversation we've had to a tee (even the ones where you've correctly pulled me up when I got stuff wrong), and I think you're a powerhouse for creating Wintreath, one of (if not the) greatest community to exist within NationStates.

    I know there are people who don't like you, and think you a creep and a joke (as you say), but for every one person who does, there are four or five here that see you who you really are: a genuine guy who is looking out for others and doing his best to guide this community.

    I just want you to know that I value you as you, and I think you're awesome.
    And I'd be amiss if I didn't share a bed with you. ;) Oops, I did it again. :P

    Oh man, I still remember how we got started...I'd been President of Spiritus for a week or two, and was running a SWOT analysis of the region to look at how to get started when you came as a new person and posted all this stuff that made perfect sense on the culture end. I planned on waiting a few weeks and seeing what happened with you, but I couldn't even make it that long...I asked you to be my Minister of Culture, and it still remains the easiest pick I've ever made. If I have any regret, it's that the opportunity to work closely together with you once again hasn't arisen since I left Spiritus...we were a true team, especially after you became my VP, and it's one of the things I missed most from there (besides playing your RP :P)

    But besides that, you're one of the kindest, warmest, most giving people I've ever met, and I've likewise enjoyed every conversation we've had...though I can only recall one where I 'pulled you up'. :P Maybe it's not fair to say that I don't have people to talk with one-on-one anymore...maybe it's just that I've isolated myself after certain things and I just never thought to query you, and having realized that now I regret that we haven't talked more in the past few years. =/

    But to have someone like you think those things of me after so many years makes me feel honored and humbled. Know that I've always valued you and our friendship, too, and I intend to do more to show it in the future...
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • You are that person, Moot. You always were and you can always be that guy.
    That's sweet of you to say...I dunno, someone said something last night that really upset and hurt me

    It wasn't what I said last night to you was it?  You seemed a little put off by it, but I was playing around with you like I always do.  If it was, I'm really sorry, and I didn't mean to do that.  D:
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  • Nah, don't worry, it wasn't were fine. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Just going to mirror what everyone else has said here, Mootles - you're a pretty great guy :) The thing with humanity is everyone's got different tastes and interests, and what pleases some equally pisses off others. There's no middle ground that'll keep everyone happy, no way of being all things to all men to butcher an old phrase. The only way to live is to be happy in who you are.

    That's not to say you should disregard what other people feel about you, not at all. What it does mean is that when someone makes a derogatory comment, cut out all the shit bits and work out what their actual concern is. There's no harm in changing who you are based on valid feedback, but there IS harm in hearing negative comments and stressing out over them to the nth degree. You're a great person, you've created a great community full of great people, and to do that there's gotta be something in that mystical head of yours which people like.

    So take a step back, take some deep breaths, and remember: you're alive. You. Right now, it's you reading this. You're here, you're conscious, you exist, you're aware. It could've been someone else, or you might not have been here at all, but you are, and that's pretty fucking awesome. Make the most of what you have, push yourself to be more by all means, but be happy in the knowledge that we're all damn glad you're who you are :)
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, Michi
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • A very dear friend of mine died this morning.
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  • A very dear friend of mine died this morning.

    Oh my, I'm so sorry ;o;
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  • A very dear friend of mine died this morning.

    Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Once more I've left unannounced, left loose ends untied, and unceremoniously strode back in. Here's hoping I'll stay committed this time. About to do some recruiting to make up for that disappearance.

    A very dear friend of mine died this morning.

    My condolences as well. Shit's never easy, best wishes for you and everyone else affected.
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