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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Oh no, no amount of humbleness and self-deprecation will save you now!

    But it's true.

    If I'm preferential in the sense that I turn down everything else about a person for dating purposes because of looks, then arguably isn't that a good thing anyways that it was something best avoided for them?

    It'd be the same thing if I turned down people simply because they were a race that wasn't preferential to me.  I may have turned them down for that reason, but that's good for them because they can find someone better for them in the sense of not looking so closely at things such as that, which is what everyone deserves.

    And it's not self-deprecation, because I'm not trying to degrade myself or make myself look bad because I don't prefer certain types.  Because that's just human nature: We have the set traits that we look for in someone, whether they be emotional/mental, physical, or both.  For some people those traits are absolutely ironclad, and for others there's wiggle room, but not a exceptionally large amount.  If everyone was absolutely and completely open to what they were looking for, then being single wouldn't even be an issue for anyone in the world, because everyone would most likely fall in love with the first person that they talked to and clicked with on a deeper level.

    Alas, that's not the case.  You can talk to someone and really click with them on one level, but there are hurdles of levels of compatibility that you may or may not click with outside of that one...which is why it's actually that much harder, to where running into the love of your life is essentially as easy as finding the job that you'll want to be in for the rest of your life (until you retire).
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Oh no, no amount of humbleness and self-deprecation will save you now!

    But it's true.

    If I'm preferential in the sense that I turn down everything else about a person for dating purposes because of looks, then arguably isn't that a good thing anyways that it was something best avoided for them?

    It'd be the same thing if I turned down people simply because they were a race that wasn't preferential to me.  I may have turned them down for that reason, but that's good for them because they can find someone better for them in the sense of not looking so closely at things such as that, which is what everyone deserves.

    And it's not self-deprecation, because I'm not trying to degrade myself or make myself look bad because I don't prefer certain types.  Because that's just human nature: We have the set traits that we look for in someone, whether they be emotional/mental, physical, or both.  For some people those traits are absolutely ironclad, and for others there's wiggle room, but not a exceptionally large amount.  If everyone was absolutely and completely open to what they were looking for, then being single wouldn't even be an issue for anyone in the world, because everyone would most likely fall in love with the first person that they talked to and clicked with on a deeper level.

    Alas, that's not the case.  You can talk to someone and really click with them on one level, but there are hurdles of levels of compatibility that you may or may not click with outside of that one...which is why it's actually that much harder, to where running into the love of your life is essentially as easy as finding the job that you'll want to be in for the rest of your life (until you retire).

    Don't date people with kids
    Too much bullshit crazy.

    See above.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • Oh no, no amount of humbleness and self-deprecation will save you now!

    But it's true.

    If I'm preferential in the sense that I turn down everything else about a person for dating purposes because of looks, then arguably isn't that a good thing anyways that it was something best avoided for them?

    It'd be the same thing if I turned down people simply because they were a race that wasn't preferential to me.  I may have turned them down for that reason, but that's good for them because they can find someone better for them in the sense of not looking so closely at things such as that, which is what everyone deserves.

    And it's not self-deprecation, because I'm not trying to degrade myself or make myself look bad because I don't prefer certain types.  Because that's just human nature: We have the set traits that we look for in someone, whether they be emotional/mental, physical, or both.  For some people those traits are absolutely ironclad, and for others there's wiggle room, but not a exceptionally large amount.  If everyone was absolutely and completely open to what they were looking for, then being single wouldn't even be an issue for anyone in the world, because everyone would most likely fall in love with the first person that they talked to and clicked with on a deeper level.

    Alas, that's not the case.  You can talk to someone and really click with them on one level, but there are hurdles of levels of compatibility that you may or may not click with outside of that one...which is why it's actually that much harder, to where running into the love of your life is essentially as easy as finding the job that you'll want to be in for the rest of your life (until you retire).

    Don't date people with kids
    Too much bullshit crazy.

    See above.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk's hard enough dating someone without kids.  Adding kids into the picture can complicate things depending on how the kid feels about you and the fact that their parent is trying to date.

    I don't even want kids right now, since I'm not financially in a good enough place to support having them.
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  • I spent 3 hours writing a bot in Python...all it does it connect to an irc server and responds to :| with "Colon Pipe!" (Does the same if the message is only |: and if it is :|: due to the way it does it...). I coded it myself and it is on github :P
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Who?
    My landlord/roommate's girlfriend's youngest and spoiled kid.  He thinks he can whatever he wants and screams like a bansheee then cries when he gets spanked or has things like the DS tsken away.

    This girlfriend is moving in apparently and I didn't know until a few days ago that she was.  The roommate / landlord didn't tell me, and they used me to pick up a new dog too that has Cushing's Syndrome and forced my cat to stay in the room.

    I swear she better pay rent next month.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
    This frustrates me @Wintermoot and @Pengu :-/

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • Stupid Apache update...for some reason it wouldn't work even after toiling it over for an hour, so I restore the old version. Then on a whim I just unzip the files to a folder and bam it works. Now it's too late to finish the update for tonight...


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  • Never date people with kids, especially single mothers.

    When they tell you "I'm not looking for a father for my kid, he's already got one" coupled with "my kid has priority over you", the subtext is nigh-always "but I am definitely looking for a provider".

    If I want to deal with kids in any way, I'll have some of my own. At least, they'll be, you know, mine.

    I've had single mothers hit on me before when my life was more stable. Always nope'd out really quickly once I found out.

    I'm quite judgmental on this issue. Kids raised by single mothers especially, and especially boys, have to cope with a lot of neuroses. A kid should have two parents and they should be together. I believe they call it the "destruction of the nuclear family".

    I was raised by a single mother and I have to deal with a lot of shit from it. You can't learn how to be a man if you've got no man around to show you. I love my mom and all, and from my experience I'm one of the better-off, luckier ones, but there's a reason people can't reproduce by parthenogenesis or something.
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  • Yes, you are quite judgemental on this issue. :P

    Kids would make a relationship more difficult, but I still think overall it would be fine so long as the relationship went slow and there was clear and consistent communication like there should be in a relationship anyway. To be quite honest, a person's kids should have priority over someone they're just dating until it has gotten serious...I mean like living together or being married. Kids are your family, a boyfriend/girlfriend is just someone that makes your brain release chemicals that make you feel good.

    I have to admit though, I probably wouldn't respond to being hit on by much of anyone. I strongly believe that good mates should be good friends first, so by the time I was even ready to enter a relationship with someone most issues like that would already have fallen into place, I imagine.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Yes, you are quite judgemental on this issue. :P

    Kids would make a relationship more difficult, but I still think overall it would be fine so long as the relationship went slow and there was clear and consistent communication like there should be in a relationship anyway. To be quite honest, a person's kids should have priority over someone they're just dating until it has gotten serious...I mean like living together or being married. Kids are your family, a boyfriend/girlfriend is just someone that makes your brain release chemicals that make you feel good.

    I have to admit though, I probably wouldn't respond to being hit on by much of anyone. I strongly believe that good mates should be good friends first, so by the time I was even ready to enter a relationship with someone most issues like that would already have fallen into place, I imagine.

    I do agree with this.  Why should your boyfriend/girlfriend that you just started dating get a higher priority than your flesh and blood children?  Like Mooty said, until things have gotten serious to the point that he stated, kids should always get a higher priority.  Does that mean they get the license to be little devils and attempt to break up all your relationships, you answer their every beck and call like spoiled children, or you just stop dating someone because they tell you to?  No, but it does still mean that they should come first in other ways, and that you should still take their feelings into account when it comes to the new boyfriend/girlfriend rather than just completely ignore them for said new boyfriend/girlfriend.
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  • After about two years and ten months I've just broken up with my girlfriend... I'm headed home now and will likely be chattering away on IRC tonight for the first time in a while...
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  • Wow, that's major news...sorry to hear that. I hope you're feeling alright...I mean, you know, as well as possible under those circumstances. =/

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Yeah, I'm doing a-okay... Don't worry about me, I'll be fine...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • * Wintermoot raises an eyebrow

    Are you sure?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Your concern makes me happier than you know but yes... I'm sure...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • I'm glad to hear that something makes you happier...but if you want to talk about it you know where to find me.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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