I took a quick glimpse at the daily post counts of various regional message boards today. This is what I discovered:
1) Albion - 302
2) The North Pacific - 207
3) Europeia - 188
4) British Isles - 181
5) The Kingdom of Great Britain - 168
6) Ainur - 150
7) The Independent Order - 108

Osiris - 80
9) Balder - 60
10) Wintreath - 57
11) The East Pacific - 49
12) Lazarus - 26
13) The West Pacific - 19
14) Global Right Alliance - 13
15) New Warsaw Pact - 11
16) Equilism - 9
17) Spiritus - 7
18) Mordor - 6
19) Democratic Socialist Assembly - 6
20) The Rejected Realms - 4
21) The Pacific - 0
22) Yggdrasil - 0
23) The Versutian Federation - 0
Regions whose forum software don't compile daily post counts (ie. Invisionfree) or that I don't have access to aren't included. We did fair today, but there look to be some other hotbeds of activity in the NS...we need to figure out why that is and bring it here. On the plus side, we were the most active defender region today.