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Say What's On Your Mind
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Red Mones
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  • I have a similar-ish problem where I sometimes find it hard to express enjoyment or...excitement really. An example is someone might ask me if I liked something and I really, truly, do, oftentimes a lot, but for some reason I'll come off as bored or polite, so I end up forcing it, usually to an extreme level and I wonder if people see through it and think I don't really care and am forcing it to be polite. Not a huge issue, and I may just be overthinking it, but it kinda sucks. :(
    4 people like this post: Gerrick, Imaginative Kane, taulover, Laurentus
    Red Mones
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  • I did it!

    My basic kit is complete! In there, more or less in order of the photos, I have :

    • electrical tape on the loop
    • Sharpies
    • tape measure
    • headlamp, multimeter probes and magnet in front hard pocket
    • marking tape in front pocket
    • side cutters
    • long-nose pliers
    • flush cutters
    • knife
    • two adjustable wrenches, 6" and 8"
    • SAE and metric ball-set hex wrenches
    • Fluke 787 processmeter
    • Wera Kraftform Kompakt screwdriver kit
    • two channellocks, 6" and 10"
    • lockout padlock (got the notice somewhere)
    • Megapro Tamperproof
    • Megapro Tamperproof 2
    • small gauge wire strippers
    • normal gauge wire strippers
    • linesman pliers
    • not pictured : cable ties and connector box

    I'm only really lacking a drill/impact driver and a butane torch. The former can wait, I'll get the latter probably next week, to take the time to research. After that, it's all rarely used/luxury tools like network cable crimpers and cable strippers.

    If you read the closed backpack as a face, the 3 photos together look a bit like a lego Darth Vader.
    6 people like this post: Elbbsas, Michi, Imaginative Kane, Laurentus, taulover, Hydra
    Strolling Punster from Canada.
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  • I did it!

    My basic kit is complete! In there, more or less in order of the photos, I have :

    • electrical tape on the loop
    • Sharpies
    • tape measure
    • headlamp, multimeter probes and magnet in front hard pocket
    • marking tape in front pocket
    • side cutters
    • long-nose pliers
    • flush cutters
    • knife
    • two adjustable wrenches, 6" and 8"
    • SAE and metric ball-set hex wrenches
    • Fluke 787 processmeter
    • Wera Kraftform Kompakt screwdriver kit
    • two channellocks, 6" and 10"
    • lockout padlock (got the notice somewhere)
    • Megapro Tamperproof
    • Megapro Tamperproof 2
    • small gauge wire strippers
    • normal gauge wire strippers
    • linesman pliers
    • not pictured : cable ties and connector box

    I'm only really lacking a drill/impact driver and a butane torch. The former can wait, I'll get the latter probably next week, to take the time to research. After that, it's all rarely used/luxury tools like network cable crimpers and cable strippers.

    If you read the closed backpack as a face, the 3 photos together look a bit like a lego Darth Vader.

    "Luke...I am your repairman."
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Burt Reynolds died. That is a goddamned shame.
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  • Wait, what? That's actually a goddamn tragedy there.
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  • I really enjoyed making those lengthy video game reviews and posting them on the forum, and I wanted to make more, but unfortunately, I really don't have the time to write those anymore in between school, work and recent health problems.

    So here's the short version of a few games I've been playing/played recently :

    Dragon Quest XI : this is honestly one of the best looking games that has came out on any video game medium, period. It's far from photo-realistic but everything not only looks gorgeous, it all oozes personality. Gameplay-wise, the game feels like a throwback to Dragon Quest 8, which is not a bad thing, far from it, but does feel a bit basic. The panel-driven skill system is fun to tinker with, but perhaps there's too much incentive to dump your points in a single "tree" early game. Genuinely entertaining characters compete for your party slots and since pep never runs out on the bench, there's an incentive to use everybody a little bit. The world building is satisfactory, but the story is paced a bit unevenly. My only real gripes are that the overworld feels massive but mostly empty (Erdrea itself is mostly fucking water, which means a lot of boating, and the maps are sprawling but populated only with mooks, some materials and the occasional treasure chest). Would recommend to those looking for an old school RPG experience.

    Monster Hunter World : PC version looks great. Lots of gameplay changes, for instance the scoutflies system, which I personally don't care much for. Finding and paintballing monsters was kind of a pain but it feels like I'm just staring at a green cloud and following it around, which is less annoying but much more boring as it doesn't feel like I'm exploring. Camera controls are finally sort of modern, and I don't mind after fucking my hand up "clawing" for 300 hours on Freedom Unite PSP. Using items is a bit more streamlined, you can run around drinking potions but if you roll or get hit you lose it. Finally you can see how much of a level of sharpness you've got left. Some weapons were significantly overhauled (Bow), others were left more or less as is (Switch Axe). Playing with friends is a fucking pain if you're not glued to the hip and doing everything together because for some reason you can't join missions you've done until your buddy watches all cutscenes. Haven't played with randos but I imagine that could be frustrating. The monsters themselves have been pretty interesting to date, some annoying fuckers but hey, wouldn't be MonHun without annoying fuckers to kill. Overall I think it's a good addition to the series, perfect for beginners but veterans will find things to be annoyed with, and I think some sense of wonder was lost bringing the game into current year.

    Yakuza 0 : this series finally hit PC. I haven't played any of the other ones. 80s Japan is an interesting place and it's fun to explore. The side quests are brilliant and sometimes really make you feel something for those random side characters. I feel like the fighting styles aren't really "situational" and you're better off picking one you like and playing just that instead of switching about. Graphics-wise, it's ok, nothing to write home about, but it's a port. The narrative is pretty interesting, though the premise seems a bit ridiculous at first glance, it's more fun to see the characters evolve within its boundaries. Minigames and side activities are, I feel, hit or miss. Same problem as with most "opener"-world games, the map is sizable but there isn't enough stuff on it, which leads to it feeling empty/lifeless. Overall would recommend.

    Octopath Traveller : another old-school RPG from the Bravely Default guys. They know how to build a world, but they don't know jack shit about narrative. Bravely Default had you kill the same fucking bosses like 4 times before going to the "true" endgame. This game is basically 8 stories into one, and there isn't much that ties it all together aside from random and quite infrequent Tales-like skits, which is kind of a shame, and the "real" endgame dungeon. Personally I loved the art style but I can see how it could be polarizing. This game, however, has a great combat system and sometimes challenging encounters. The fighting is sincerely extremely fun and the customization is also very good, letting you experiment with mixing classes with abandon. I recommend moving through chapters below the recommended level though. The eight paths themselves are hit or miss : some were original and engaging (Cyrus), some were not so original but managed to still be engaging (Olberic), others kind of missed the mark (Therion). It's still worth going through all of them, I don't feel there was one I could straight up call "bad". Overall I would also recommend this game to fans of the Bravely series and old-school RPG fans.

    Most anticipated : Cyberpunk 2077. Looking forward to Deus Ex's sibling, DX being my favourite game of all time. I watched the gameplay reveal and just got more hyped.

    Second most anticipated : Trails of Cold Steel 3. If you want an RPG with an extremely fleshed out world and where random NPCs have their own stories that you can follow, look no farther than Trails in the Sky or Trails of Cold Steel series.
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  • It's amazing how interesting YouTube becomes when you are actually supposed to study.
    4 people like this post: Imaginative Kane, Hydra, taulover, Red Mones
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • I decided to step down from my hourly management position and go back to my old job in electronics.  Pay raise was nice, but not worth the stress raise.
    5 people like this post: Laurentus, Gerrick, Red Mones, Imaginative Kane, Wintermoot
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  • It would be nice to reduce stress, but for the last year stress has been my constant companion.

    Right now, it's trying to sell my house, move out of a neighborhood that's turned into a nightmare the last few years, and then move somewhere else on very little money. But it's been one big thing after another for awhile now. Sometimes I look at other people and it seems like most people get to live relatively carefree...they're able to live contentedly for the most part, going on their routine, having a fun...or at least peaceful life. They do fun exciting things, they're not constantly thinking of having to deal with stressful situations and a bunch of crap. I wonder what that's like...maybe if I had ever had that, I would be more fun and less serious about everything. Maybe things would be different...

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • What I've noticed is that people usually post the good parts of their lives online more often than the bad so that their online presence is more a highlight reel than actually representative of their lives. So people may seem carefree, but if you were able to see their day-to-day, it'd most likely paint a different picture.

    But some people do indeed have it better off so that they're much less stressed than others.

    I hope it gets better for you, though.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • What I've noticed is that people usually post the good parts of their lives online more often than the bad so that their online presence is more a highlight reel than actually representative of their lives. So people may seem carefree, but if you were able to see their day-to-day, it'd most likely paint a different picture.

    But some people do indeed have it better off so that they're much less stressed than others.

    I hope it gets better for you, though.

    This is definitely true. I think social media is ruining us.
    3 people like this post: Laurentus, Gerrick, Red Mones
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  • What I've noticed is that people usually post the good parts of their lives online more often than the bad so that their online presence is more a highlight reel than actually representative of their lives. So people may seem carefree, but if you were able to see their day-to-day, it'd most likely paint a different picture.

    But some people do indeed have it better off so that they're much less stressed than others.

    I hope it gets better for you, though.

    This is definitely true. I think social media is ruining us.
    This might be my lack of stress talking (=P) but at least here, I've noticed an equal measure of good and poor times being remarked on.

    ...Come to think, though, I don't have facebook or whatever, so it might be a different story when your audience is able to knock on your door.
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  • What I've noticed is that people usually post the good parts of their lives online more often than the bad so that their online presence is more a highlight reel than actually representative of their lives. So people may seem carefree, but if you were able to see their day-to-day, it'd most likely paint a different picture.

    But some people do indeed have it better off so that they're much less stressed than others.

    I hope it gets better for you, though.

    This is definitely true. I think social media is ruining us.
    This might be my lack of stress talking (=P) but at least here, I've noticed an equal measure of good and poor times being remarked on.

    ...Come to think, though, I don't have facebook or whatever, so it might be a different story when your audience is able to knock on your door.

    I don't know if I count this as social media. Couldn't tell you why just now though.
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  • I actually don't use social media much, and when I do I notice that not many people post these days. I actually wonder if Facebook and Twitter are going out of style for anything but following celebrities and organizations.

    I think what makes things more stressful for me is that besides my mom who lives with me, I have no real support network mom's family is shallow as shit and can't be bothered with anything that doesn't involve having a good time, and I haven't even talked to my father since he threw us out of my childhood house five years ago, much less any member of his family. I have people that I work with, but no real friends...I don't hangout with anyone, there isn't anyone in my offline life that I really connect with, much less feel like I could go to for support. A lot of times I feel like we're alone with our problems.

    We're trying to move out of a bad would be nice if there was someone that we could stay with for a time after selling a house, or someone to split a rent with, or someone that could connect me with people could help with that. I have to have get a new inspection sticker for my car this month, and I'm stressed that the mechanics are going to use that as an opportunity to screw me over on something because it's obvious I know nothing about car mechanics. It'd be nice to have someone to look over things and make sure there's nothing they could legitimately find wrong.

    I wonder if I would even have half the problems I have if I wasn't a nobody, but as it is I guess it's not that I have more problems than most, it's just that there's nobody offline that can help me through them. =/
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I have to have get a new inspection sticker for my car this month, and I'm stressed that the mechanics are going to use that as an opportunity to screw me over on something because it's obvious I know nothing about car mechanics. It'd be nice to have someone to look over things and make sure there's nothing they could legitimately find wrong.
    Hey, listen. I'm an apprentice mechanic. Not "legitimately," I don't work at/for a shop/dealer or anything, but I've always had an interest in working on cars and have been wrenching for a little over 2 years working under a former mechanic who now works as an engineer. If you need help or advice feel free to ask anytime. I don't know a ton, but even if I can't help you, I can talk to someone who can. :)

    From my AMA:
    What's the most far-fetched life goal you've got?
    It's dream of mine to become a master mechanic, (though not as a career)...
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