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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Actually, we just think they look funny, and funny looking things confuse and infuriate us.

    Man, I definitely didn't expect "we're just racist".

    Welcome back Pengu :)

    My country is just full of surprises.  Did you know that we're also strict anti-vegan/vegetarians as well as the reverse?  We believe in a true balanced diet, and anyone that tries to harm that balance on either side is not allowed in our country.  If they sneak in, they're publically shunned via eating the thing they refuse to, right in front of them.

    That or beating them with said type of food that they're against and throwing them out.

    I can't tell you how many people have been beaten by sacks of potatoes, fish, and bags of turnips.  I've almost lost count.
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    « Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 11:50:39 AM by Pengu »
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  • So you guys know I've been singled out by TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists) for harassment a lot online, right?

    Well, one of my friends on tumblr gave me something they hope can combat it. Specifically, a curse....? And uhhhh, it's a lot to take in

    "written specifically due to the sudden increase of terf activity in the witchblr community."

    please help me this is the funniest fucking thing ive seen
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    « Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 12:27:28 AM by Mariam »
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  • Man, I usually just ignore TERFs. Using a spell to ward them off.. hmmm
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  • Man, I usually just ignore TERFs. Using a spell to ward them off.. hmmm
    Broke: Ignoring transphobic trolls on the internet
    Woke: Putting a hex on transphobic trolls on the internet
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    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Once again I've outdone myself in the odd dreams area.  Although this one was much more fluid than some of my previous, and I actually have a much easier time recalling this one.

    So things start off in a football stadium of sorts.  Realistically, it's a bit bigger and structured more like an actual colosseum, but in the dream I distinctly remember thinking about how much I hated being forced to be at this football stadium (that and there was a lot of cheering, lights, and people playing below).

    So I'm being pulled inside by a faceless figure (I say that because I never see her face).  The only thing I know is that she's Mormon.  How do I know that? Because I remember how much I hate this place that's run by Mormons.

    I'm pretty much pushed into this room that looks like a recording booth and am told I have to give commentary on the game going on (because, you know, you can totally do that without seeing the game).  Clearly I don't want that since the only thing that is running through my mind is finally escaping this place once and for all.

    Oh.  I'm a bluebird, by the way.  Did I mention that?  Yeah, apparently I'm a human-sized bluebird that's capable of speech.  I don't know how or why, but dreams rarely operate on logic.

    Anyways, the faceless woman finally leaves, but she neglects to close or even lock the door.  Or she doesn't trust I'll be able to actually escape...either one.

    Either way, as soon as she's out of view, I dart out and make my way out the front door...which is also open.  Part way out, I'm met with a gigantic metal gate which is closed off.  The area around is completely dead and barren.  I don't really think about it, but instead am mainly just concerned getting out.

    I don't know if it's because I was injured or they did something, but flying feels like a pain.  I manage to make myself fly over the gate because my worry of getting caught outweighs the pain and tiredness I feel from flying.

    I continue to walk until I reach the end of the area, and the beginning of what looks to be a dark, confining, and foreboding forest.  There's only one path through, know those guillotine like traps in games/movies that, while not sharp, would make you a stain on the ground if they hit you? Yeah, there were a fair share of those along that path, and they went too high and too fast to fly through easily.

    I woke up before I saw if I made it through that or not.
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  • On another note, a coworker randomly gave me 5 bucks during my lunch today. 

    Now, anyone who knows me knows I don't like taking money from people, especially if I don't even need it. And I normally don't need it since I work hard for it and know how to set some aside for myself outside of the bills/grocery funds.  There's also that thought in the back of my mind that I'm going to be asked for some kind of favor, and they're going to use that given money as leverage as to why I have to do said favor for them.

    The only exception to this is friends, because I know they're not expecting anything, and they always know that I'll pay them right back for it.

    Since this coworker is more an acquaintance that I'm really indifferent about, I appreciated the gesture, reminded her that I do have money, and politely refused.

    Since she in kind refused to take no for an answer (her reason being that it's lunch money, her treat for no reason), I internally-grudgingly took it.

    But since I wasn't comfortable with it for the reasons I stated above, I gave it to a manager to turn back into the store, let them know it was given to me by a coworker, and let them know the I felt really uncomfortable taking it.

    I realize it could have been just a random nice gesture with no strings attached, but I treat it the same as getting a gift from a customer; 9/10 times there's always a string attached.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • On another note, a coworker randomly gave me 5 bucks during my lunch today. 

    Now, anyone who knows me knows I don't like taking money from people, especially if I don't even need it. And I normally don't need it since I work hard for it and know how to set some aside for myself outside of the bills/grocery funds.  There's also that thought in the back of my mind that I'm going to be asked for some kind of favor, and they're going to use that given money as leverage as to why I have to do said favor for them.

    The only exception to this is friends, because I know they're not expecting anything, and they always know that I'll pay them right back for it.

    Since this coworker is more an acquaintance that I'm really indifferent about, I appreciated the gesture, reminded her that I do have money, and politely refused.

    Since she in kind refused to take no for an answer (her reason being that it's lunch money, her treat for no reason), I internally-grudgingly took it.

    But since I wasn't comfortable with it for the reasons I stated above, I gave it to a manager to turn back into the store, let them know it was given to me by a coworker, and let them know the I felt really uncomfortable taking it.

    I realize it could have been just a random nice gesture with no strings attached, but I treat it the same as getting a gift from a customer; 9/10 times there's always a string attached.
    Maybe she has a thing for you. =P

    I'm uncomfortable with accepting money too, and I think it's because of the times I had to ask my father for money when I was younger. I remember one time when I was part time and had been overworked and went over my hours, so I had to go two weeks without work and without pay to get back under. I had to ask him for a loan cause I couldn't afford to take an unpaid vacation, and he gave it to me, but the way he talked about it filled me with shame. It was obvious that he got a kick out of me being dependent on him for it, that he had that kind of power in a way. Since then, I treasure being able to financially support myself, and I don't like the feeling that by accepting people's money I'm giving them some kind of power over me like that.

    Of course, that doesn't extend to Wintreath donations, cause I feel like I work for it in what I do here, and it's clear that people who donate aren't going to get more power or standing than people who don't, they don't expect anything out of it.

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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • On another note, a coworker randomly gave me 5 bucks during my lunch today. 

    Now, anyone who knows me knows I don't like taking money from people, especially if I don't even need it. And I normally don't need it since I work hard for it and know how to set some aside for myself outside of the bills/grocery funds.  There's also that thought in the back of my mind that I'm going to be asked for some kind of favor, and they're going to use that given money as leverage as to why I have to do said favor for them.

    The only exception to this is friends, because I know they're not expecting anything, and they always know that I'll pay them right back for it.

    Since this coworker is more an acquaintance that I'm really indifferent about, I appreciated the gesture, reminded her that I do have money, and politely refused.

    Since she in kind refused to take no for an answer (her reason being that it's lunch money, her treat for no reason), I internally-grudgingly took it.

    But since I wasn't comfortable with it for the reasons I stated above, I gave it to a manager to turn back into the store, let them know it was given to me by a coworker, and let them know the I felt really uncomfortable taking it.

    I realize it could have been just a random nice gesture with no strings attached, but I treat it the same as getting a gift from a customer; 9/10 times there's always a string attached.
    Maybe she has a thing for you. =P

    I'm uncomfortable with accepting money too, and I think it's because of the times I had to ask my father for money when I was younger. I remember one time when I was part time and had been overworked and went over my hours, so I had to go two weeks without work and without pay to get back under. I had to ask him for a loan cause I couldn't afford to take an unpaid vacation, and he gave it to me, but the way he talked about it filled me with shame. It was obvious that he got a kick out of me being dependent on him for it, that he had that kind of power in a way. Since then, I treasure being able to financially support myself, and I don't like the feeling that by accepting people's money I'm giving them some kind of power over me like that.

    Of course, that doesn't extend to Wintreath donations, cause I feel like I work for it in what I do here, and it's clear that people who donate aren't going to get more power or standing than people who don't, they don't expect anything out of it.

    That's actually another reason I'm uncomfortable with it.  During my college years, I was reliant on my parents a lot, and when I started looking for work, I had to lean on them a bit to help with rent when I had to move.  So ever since I started working and earning an income, I feel uncomfortable when someome tries to give me money or if have to ask when bills take more than I was wanting.

    But since I started my current job, the latter has never been an issue.  If I'm ever low in funds, it's because I spent too much, and always have a backup plan for when I need to get some funds back.  So unless it's a really last minute thing with friends before payday, I've never had to ask.  And even then, I pay them back when payday hits.
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  • Count of Highever
  • Zuma has been recalled. :))

    Suck it, 'Muricans. Hopefully the same type of good news will soon follow on your side of the world.
    4 people like this post: Gerrick, Imaginative Kane, taulover, Red Mones
    « Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 10:33:46 PM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Zuma has been recalled. :))

    Suck it, 'Muricans. Hopefully the same type of good news will soon follow on your side of the world.
    What was the deal with Jacob Zuma?  Was he corrupt or was there other reasons for recalling him?
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
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  • What was the deal with Jacob Zuma?  Was he corrupt or was there other reasons for recalling him?
    Zuma was probably one of the most corrupt leaders of all, and not to mention how poorly he utilized funds and treated his people
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  • Zuma has been recalled. :))

    Suck it, 'Muricans. Hopefully the same type of good news will soon follow on your side of the world.
    Congratulations on avoiding devolving into a dictatorship.
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    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
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  • Zuma has been recalled. :))

    Suck it, 'Muricans. Hopefully the same type of good news will soon follow on your side of the world.
    Wait, so the party recalled him? How does that work in South African politics?
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  • The National Executive Committee (made up of the party president (newly elected Cyril Ramaphosa), and 5 other elected officials) has the right to recall the president of the republic, as per our constitution. Zuma did this to Mbeki, in 2009, when Zuma was himself the party president.

    The ANC realised in the most recent municipal elections, that it stood a very real chance of losing the next national elections if it didn't recall Zuma, as they lost three major cities, including Pretoria, the city where I live and our capital.
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    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Don't you have three capitals? One for each branch of government? :P
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