Post #11599
May 26, 2014, 02:46:05 PM
I suppose I might as well just come out and say it.
Since the region was first founded, I haven't exactly made my authoritarian style a secret...I believe I expressed it in some of my first posts in here, and the Fundamental Laws were intentionally written to allow for a powerful Executive. I wanted this because I believed I was capable of refraining from abusing such authority, and because I wanted to avoid the political dramas and battles that led me to leave Spiritus. I didn't want to pour myself into another region only to fall victim to politics and accusations that I had too much power...which is another reason that I have been upfront about my vision from the beginning of the region. I feel that thus far, the way our government is currently set up has been a key ingredient in our region's success, and I don't believe there have been any abuses of power under my reign, either by myself or my subordinates.
Because of that, I cannot support the direction that the majority of the Underhusen candidates are advocating for, especially in regards to proposals that directly target my position, such as the "Freedom of Information Act". Given the lack of controversy or need calling for it, I find Acts such as this highly offensive and insulting to implies that I am a threat to the region which must be closely monitored, and I will not stand for such a thing after all the time and effort I've put into this place. The first time it was introduced, I stated that I would refuse to implement it if it passed. Should it be brought back up and passed, I will have to either take the same stance or step down from the regional leadership entirely. Either way, I refuse to hold a position with conditions that I'm fundamentally opposed to.
I don't feel I've unfairly wielded power, and I can't recall ever decreeing conditions to the Underhusen. All I've ever asked is for my own position and authorities to be left alone. After seven months of success, I feel like I deserve better than to be implicated as a threat to the region, even if it's reworded in such pretty terms as "Citizen's rights" and "balance of power". No Citizen has ever complained that they don't have access to private Executive meetings, and I thought it would be obvious that balance of power isn't something this region was built on. I directly appoint 2/3 of it, ffs. >_> So I suppose that is the main reason I have been depressed lately, amongst other things.
I don't really expect many people to agree with me, but it is what it is.