What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?
Simply put, I ran out of fucks to give. I try to be the best man I can be under the circumstances and that's enough for me and if such a thing exists, hopefully for whoever guards access to the afterlife, or to reincarnation or whatever there is or isn't after death.
It's all anybody can do, really. Success or failure, striking it rich or being poor, being healthy or sickly, most of it is actually random luck. Every day, any number of insignificant things you do can balloon out of proportion and affect your life in spectacular fashions. You need to be in the right place at the right time, foster relationships with the right people, take the right opportunities and leave the wrong ones, say the right thing at the right time and so on. Life is a game of timing and coincidences. The threads of life are so numerous and complex that the best thing any of us can do is make an educated guess at which to follow when we have a choice to make. You strike gold, or strike out. You can help yourself by studying, working hard, eating right, doing exercise, being disciplined, you can put a tiny bit of the odds on your side, but ultimately it's nearly all dumb luck.
A lot of smart, driven people fail, and a lot of dumb louts succeed. Fortune does what she wills. No use worrying over it. Do your best and lead your life without regrets. The last part is the hardest, in my opinion.
What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?
Also, what is it that non-South Africans think of Rooibos tea? It's way expensive over there where you all live, so why is it worth it?
I love rooibos. Smells great, subtle earthy/sweet taste. I'm a bit sensitive to caffeine so I can't drink tea before sleep, but I can drink rooibos since it has none. It's the tea that made me like drinking tea in the first place (though it is not, technically, a tea).
It's not that expensive over here.
The top-end tea store in Quebec City sells it 6 buckaroonis/50g, so about US$4.75 (to see how crazy it can get,
here's a $65/50g green tea). I paid a little less because I don't care much for the snob tax and I get it at the neighbourhood tea store. Quality is probably comparable.
Of course it's probably horrendously expensive compared to South Africa, but that's actually pretty cheap for loose leaf tea where I live. Kind of like how I can get enormous cans of top shelf maple syrup for 10 bucks or so and maple lovers in other countries have to pay much more because we produce 70% of the world's maple syrup.
Never really bothered with different blends. Whatever lipton packages in the box is what I've had my whole life. 
Trust me my man or woman, one day buy yourself a nice tea. Loose leaf is generally better but there are very good bagged teas also. It's worth the extra expense.