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  • bruh
    legitimate serious thanks for just quoting the words and not actually me because wow i find those PMs mildly annoying and wish I knew how to turn them off (which is a low-key hint to anyone who knows how to please tell me how to do that, that I have now transformed into an outright statement, whoops)
    Go to your menu (the one with your name on it at the top right), Edit Profile, Options, and uncheck PM under Notification Options.
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  • I'm mostly aware of Dunning-Kruger because I noticed that I did a lot better in the classes I felt shitty about than the ones I felt great about. So I looked it up, and through much Google-fu happened upon it.
    I mostly brought it up again though because considering what Aethelia said about self-doubt and shit, I thought 'aha the other half may apply here'. Because it seems like a lot of people fixate on the 'smug fucks are probably incompetent' part, and forget the other half - where it suggests that people who are objectively very competent in the field often feel quite incompetent in it, because as far as they're concerned, if I know how to do it, fuckin everybody obviously does. Which bleeds into Imposter Syndrome, which is its own can of awful worms.
    So, I mean, hey, thanks, Imposter Syndrome! You're an asshole.
    If, y'know, a major element of self-doubt could be anthropomorphized like that. But if it could, it'd be a fratty-ass dude with 12 popped collars named Thaddeus Phillip Tinsley-Williams the Eighth.
    If any of y'all are named Thaddeus Phillip Tinsley-Williams the Eighth, I'm sorry to call you out like this but it seems that according to my metrics you're an asshole.
    Or an imposter, I guess?

    Not sure if you mean it or not? Playing it safe for this one and doing it again...
    dead serious
    Go to your menu (the one with your name on it at the top right), Edit Profile, Options, and uncheck PM under Notification Options.
    Wow. That's...way easier than I thought it would be. I'd been trying to mess around in the old profile options and not getting it at all. But at least I managed to stop getting email notifications for PMs.

    EDIT: Also there's an element of tragicomic irony in that in order to tell me how to free myself of this scourge, you inflicted it upon me one last time.
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    Nonetheless this leads to perhaps the key question by which I can judge you for all eternity: how do you feel about Stormcast Eternals?

    Almost forgot about this part while explaining the other part... I try not to intentionally ignore any questions asked of me.

    I didn't know what Stormcast Eternals were before you asked, even with the hint about the subject, and now I see why, it's Age of Sigmar. Which I considered to be non-canon. Even before Total Warhammer, which gave me an excuse to believe that Chaos did not succeed in The End Times. Also I was too poor at the time to afford a whole new Warhammer cash grab game to play. I was even tempted to call myself a part of the Oldhammer movement, a small community that considers only up to 3rd edition to be relevant, but I won't go that far.

    Not being an expert on using them, I'll work with what I can... to start with, the name is pretty good. I'll take a terror check just based on the name if I had to oppose them.
    I think I like the models too, but I admit I may be biased on that; whenever I see full body armor, and masks like those, I think, some of them could totally be women under that armor and nobody would know, and that's a good thought. Definitely not anything about liking armor just as an analogy to needing to defend myself thoroughly.
    Seeing the word "vengeance" a lot in their lore. I can respect that. Sometimes you have to fight back against evil/chaos. My family would want me to fight back if needed. Maybe not for any divine being though, even Sigmar, I think the idea of knowing I'm using my own power appeals to me more.

    Overall though, despite not being likely to ever command them, the Stormcast Eternals seem alright, I approve.

    I consider this a valid thing to judge me on, so judge me for all eternity as you will.
    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 09:46:34 PM by Aethelia »
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  • i mean, you found the true question and answered it long before the fake question, insofar as the question was really 'what is your opinion of Age of Sigmar', and since you consider it non-canon, you're all right in my book
    unless you, like, secretly eat babies or something, then i guess i'll have to downgrade you to 'could be better'

    that said, sure, I guess Stormcasts are probably better from a gender equality standpoint. But that doesn't mean WFB-okay yes it totally does, if you want equality the closest you're gonna get is with elves, because every one of them, man or woman, is more boss than a Grail Knight any day.
    Alarielle is boss, because she doesn't even fight and she fucks up daemons, but her Sisters of Avelorn are killacious archers, and Handmaidens are a solid hero slot.
    Frankly, Ariel is arguably the boss-est person among all the Wood Elves, because she tells Orion what to do. And who knows with the twins she has running around to do her bidding, but they're killy as shit. And Drycha is hard as fuck, if you count a branchwraith as female (my vote: yes).
    Hellebron and Morathi are both a bit shit, really, but that's mostly because Slaanesh-worship getting retconned to 'Atharti' just so WFB could make Malekith the True Phoenix King All Along is bullshit. In contrast, both of Malus Darkblades' sisters are hard as knives, and also make excellent use of them (which is a roundabout way of saying 'read the Malus Darkblade books').

    As for the rest of the Old World;
    Fuck Neferata, she's backstabbing shit, Khalida is where it's at, ASP QUEEN more like YASS QUEEN.
    (Corollary: Fuck Manlet von Carstein, he's literal backstabbing shit, SETTRA DOES NOT SERVE, SETTRA RULES.)
    Isabella von Carstein is pretty cool, but she's also mostly just an accessory to Vlad - in fairness, Neferata was a fucking accessory to Vladshanesh, and she was Queen of Lahmia.
    Genevieve Dieudonne is rad. Girl killed a Nagash-analogue (who is later retconned to just be a Mortarch, which is ridiculous because Drachenfels made the Chaos Gods whimper a little, but fuck it End Times was dumb anyway), she's fire as hell.
    Valkia the Bloody also gets points for BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODing so hard Khorne made her a Daemon Valkyrie, which are in the running for 'the two coolest words possible to put together'.
    Morgiana le Fay is cool, I guess, but the Lady of the Lake takes the cake for being the most machiavellian nominally good god in the history of mankind. Admittedly disappointing, because she was inflicting 'all of your gods are French' on the humans of the new world she was sending her daughter off to, but daaaaaamn, cold as fuck. Lileath did way better in FB than 40K.
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    « Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 10:27:40 PM by Doc »
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  • grindr continues to confound me. I messaged a guy that I'd seen on a lot. He complains that this area is shit because there's nothing but bottoms wanting sex in this area, while he's a bottom that's wanting sex in this area. The chat didn't go anywhere, which kinda sucks cause he's the only asian (sorry, asians are like my biggest weakness and it's rare to find one here in rural whitesville) I've seen on there, but I did the best to reach out to him that I could, so I have no regrets.
    Since completely blowing me off in that conversation, he's messaged me twice since then, obviously when he's horny and desperate...the last time he sent some face/chest pictures and said he wanted to meet, but hasn't since I reminded him that he was looking for tops (I can top, but it's not something I want to do with people I don't know, lol).

    If he'd take the time to chat and I got to know him a little better, I'd probably be more open to meeting up with him. I mean he's not bad looking at all, but I'm nowhere near desperate enough to meet up with a guy that messages me because he thinks I'm the only thing he can get, lol.

    In any case, out of the six people I've taken it upon myself to initiate contact with this week, three have kept in touch, one probably didn't go anywhere, one just outright stopped chatting with me, and then there's this guy. Not bad for someone that's just starting to try being more extroverted. :)

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  • Wait, so what did Giv do?
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  • Who is Giv?
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  • I can't tell you mean that that is simply an unfamiliar way to shorten "Govindia", as I wasn't around to know if that was ever used over Gov or Govindia, or if I should interpret pretending he never existed as the actual local policy on him, like, yeah, who is Giv? There's no Giv. Never was a Giv. Move along now. Like that.
    « Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 06:38:53 PM by Aethelia »
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  • Given the context, I'd guess it was a typo and he means 'Gov' as in 'Govindia'
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  • lol, I just think if we're going to talk about him we should at least get his name right. :P

    The final discussion topic on revoking Gov's Citizenship is probably the best reference, although I believe there were two other prior attempts to revoke his Citizenship before that. It'll at least give you an idea of what happened, and has some links to actual things.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I kinda wish I didn't just find the links just now. My own fault there, I knew at "harassment" that I wouldn't like it and looked anyway.

    That guy was creepier than anyone I've ever dealt with Nationstates.
    Not on the internet period... I'd have to look through the filtered messages on Facebook that I hate looking at to find the last guy who said "Hey can you send pics?" and then 8.5 minutes later "Fuck you bitch you're ugly anyway" who then gets really persistent and complains about it on his profile and has all of his six friends message me too as if I'm the one who is wrong for not obliging every creepy response from a stranger. Creepy and persistent and guilt trippy is always a bad combination. I guess at least he wasn't that bad.

    Definitely getting that "Ugh one of these guys again" feeling from HannahB's responses... always hate to see someone else have to deal with this.
    Maybe you wouldn't have liked how I would have responded to him... it's really hard to stay calm when one of those guys starts on you like that. HannahB showed a truly exceptional amount of patience, in my opinion.
    « Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 07:26:34 PM by Aethelia »
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  • Like I said at the end, I don't think Gov's a bad person, and I don't think anything he did was with malicious intent, but there were some issues with dealing with other people that were beyond our ability to help. He just couldn't let things go, and insisted on pestering people over them until they did what he wanted to the point of driving them crazy, lol.
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I think overall Wintermoot is correct.  I don't think he completely was aware of his bad behavior, and pretty much just viewed things as a child would (aka he would do bad things, but wasn't mentally aware that what he was doing was necessarily bad).

    There just comes a point when it gets to be too much, and that revocation (I believe that was the...4th attempt?) was essentially a good percentage of us reaching a boiling point.  Many of us in that revocation were people that really tried to help Gov through his problems at some point in time (myself, Hannah, Laurentus, Moot, Weiss, Colby, I believe even North), and as I mentioned in my closing post in that thread, that revocation was created because he pretty much burned that bridge to the point of no return with many of us who were at one point voices for him, since he pretty much did a complete turn on us as well as other members who didn't deserve it.

    I could give some clear examples, but the various revocation threads do that pretty well.

    Edit: I will add that I'm curious as to why this topic came up all of a sudden.
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    « Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 08:09:03 PM by Pengu »
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  • Edit: I will add that I'm curious as to why this topic came up all of a sudden.
    Aethelia was asking why we don't ban, let alone put up with people like Justinian, and I brought up Gov to illustrate how Wintreath treats people in its community. Also, Wintermoot brought up Gov in his AMA, and the multiple mentions in this short period of time seems to have made Aethelia curious about the person.
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  • Edit: I will add that I'm curious as to why this topic came up all of a sudden.
    Aethelia was asking why we don't ban, let alone put up with people like Justinian, and I brought up Gov to illustrate how Wintreath treats people in its community. Also, Wintermoot brought up Gov in his AMA, and the multiple mentions in this short period of time seems to have made Aethelia curious about the person.

    Well alright then. I must have missed the first part of that convo, because it just seemed like such a random segue.  :-\
    « Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 08:50:50 PM by Pengu »
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