I cannot get it through my head why people do what they do. Alcohol is A) Disgusting and B) Only really leads downhill. I have severe depression and I don't get drunk or smoke marijuana like one of my other friends who is depressed and I managed to get a significant other and for the first time in my life...I'm happy. Alcohol ruins people. I've seen it. I firmly believe in strict alcohol laws and/or banning of it. I was once called naive and ignorant for saying that 
The funny thing is, he had refused to drink until last year...his father was an alcoholic who abandoned his family, and he didn't want to turn into that. However, he was going through a stressful time because of lack of work and he gave in. When he told me she was pregnant, he admitted that on one night they were drunk and just didn't use protection. And I mean, I guess it's good that he's trying to work for his family and not be like his father...he got his GED and works two jobs now, but it's just going to be such a struggle for him, and what are the odds that him and her will last more than a few years? Yes, I'm a natural pessimist when it comes to love.
And you know, I get it...I've fantasized about having unprotected sex with a girl before and having that risk of getting her pregnant, and it was a huge turn-on. I've had that mating urge, but...outside of fantasy and roleplay, it's such a big deal. It's something that should be planned for when the time is right for the couple...18 years+ is a
huge commitment. If I were to have a child today, I would be at least...46...wow...-.-
In any case, I don't support banning alcohol or weed, but we have to recognize that people do stupid stuff under it's influence at times.