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What's Going on In Your Games?
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  • So in anticipation for Inquisition, I've started replaying Dragon Age, and will be playing through the 2nd one as soon as I'm finished.  And I have Inquisition on Digital pre-order, so I'm all set for quite some time as far as gaming goes.  :D
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • So in anticipation for Inquisition, I've started replaying Dragon Age, and will be playing through the 2nd one as soon as I'm finished.  And I have Inquisition on Digital pre-order, so I'm all set for quite some time as far as gaming goes.  :D

    I'm not gonna buy DA:I.

    DA:II stung too much.
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  • So in anticipation for Inquisition, I've started replaying Dragon Age, and will be playing through the 2nd one as soon as I'm finished.  And I have Inquisition on Digital pre-order, so I'm all set for quite some time as far as gaming goes.  :D

    I'm not gonna buy DA:I.

    DA:II stung too much.

    See, it had its downs such as the rehashed areas (which was the biggest one, and really my only gripe), but it didn't sting enough to turn me away from the series, especially since they're bringing back elements that made the first game good and mixing them with the good elements of the 2nd game.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • So in anticipation for Inquisition, I've started replaying Dragon Age, and will be playing through the 2nd one as soon as I'm finished.  And I have Inquisition on Digital pre-order, so I'm all set for quite some time as far as gaming goes.  :D

    I'm not gonna buy DA:I.

    DA:II stung too much.

    See, it had its downs such as the rehashed areas (which was the biggest one, and really my only gripe), but it didn't sting enough to turn me away from the series, especially since they're bringing back elements that made the first game good and mixing them with the good elements of the 2nd game.

    For me it was the whole whack-a-mole aspect to it.

    Kill a squad of guards, move a bit, archers spawn behind the corner and shoot your ass, rush to kill them, two assassins magically spawn behind your healer, he dies in one shot, the end LOL.

    The writing was also pretty bad and yeah the rehashed areas were tragicomic. But the above is really what did it for me. Waves suck and ruin all positioning.
    • Posts: 543
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • So in anticipation for Inquisition, I've started replaying Dragon Age, and will be playing through the 2nd one as soon as I'm finished.  And I have Inquisition on Digital pre-order, so I'm all set for quite some time as far as gaming goes.  :D

    I'm not gonna buy DA:I.

    DA:II stung too much.

    See, it had its downs such as the rehashed areas (which was the biggest one, and really my only gripe), but it didn't sting enough to turn me away from the series, especially since they're bringing back elements that made the first game good and mixing them with the good elements of the 2nd game.

    For me it was the whole whack-a-mole aspect to it.

    Kill a squad of guards, move a bit, archers spawn behind the corner and shoot your ass, rush to kill them, two assassins magically spawn behind your healer, he dies in one shot, the end LOL.

    The writing was also pretty bad and yeah the rehashed areas were tragicomic. But the above is really what did it for me. Waves suck and ruin all positioning.

    See, I honestly didn't mind that.  I knew they were taking the gameplay and surrounding elements a different direction, and I found that to be refreshing.

    I did however, not enjoy the more limited character interaction (meaning the once-a-chapter-character building outside of random story elements if they're in your party), as I enjoyed DA1's way they did it in your campsite (along with the gifts, though constantly accidentally hitting your character and going into dialogue bugged me)...but that's one of the things being changed back to DA1's way if I remember correctly.

    I also didn't mind the writing.  Yes it was a little more simple than the first game and felt like it didn't accomplish too much, but really after multiple playthroughs and going through each character build, I think the writing was actually pretty alright.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • "Nah, you guys don't look ridiculous. Remember, all non-magi have always had to strip to their underwear for the Joining. Wouldn't want to get possessed or something wearing all that thick armour, right?"

    "As Warden Commander, I must visually inspect each of you prior to the Joining, to determine who may be worthy of...additional training in...advanced Grey Warden techniques. Yeah. That."

    "To begin the Joining, we must keep focus on each others' crotches, as the first sign of darkspawn taint manifests in that area. We must immediate take care of any problems if they come up in that area."

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • "Nah, you guys don't look ridiculous. Remember, all non-magi have always had to strip to their underwear for the Joining. Wouldn't want to get possessed or something wearing all that thick armour, right?"

    "As Warden Commander, I must visually inspect each of you prior to the Joining, to determine who may be worthy of...additional training in...advanced Grey Warden techniques. Yeah. That."

    "To begin the Joining, we must keep focus on each others' crotches, as the first sign of darkspawn taint manifests in that area. We must immediate take care of any problems if they come up in that area."
    what game is that??

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • Dragon Age: Origins

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Dragon Age: Origins
    lol only you would have your characters stripped down.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • Failing on Football Manager (as usual).
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  • lol only you would have your characters stripped down.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
    Actually, I put their armour in party inventory because longer have any need for it shortly after this. I just realized how hilarious it looked and started taking screenshots.

    I really enjoy DA:O, though. I like the party dynamic, with all the members having their own interactions with each other. I also like being able to pause the action in combat, switch to different party members, and select what abilities and spells they should use quickly. A tough battle may only play a second or two at a time because of all my pausing, lol. This is a game with depth, though. I haven't played Dragon Age II or Dragon Age: Inquisition, but I look forward to playing them in the future when I have them. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Haha, I definitely do the same to them in my playthroughs; don't feel bad!
    I'm guilty of doing that a lot in almost every game, whoops~

    DA2, as BioWare tried incorporating different things than in Origin (branching out from the usual RPG fighting style, adding in the speech system from Mass Effect), comes across as...stilted. It's also very much a transitory period from Origins to Inquisition, and it shows.

    Inquisition, so far, I'm enjoying the hell out of. Even if I have to make new tweaks with every patch that pops up (BioWare more like BioWhy would you do this to me?). It's also the first BioWare game that has a strictly gay male and a strictly lesbian female as romance options. And there's a trans-male character.
    Shitty thing is that you can be transphobic to him; please don't hurt my baby like this.
    And, of course, there are people that complain on Youtube videos featuring these characters, saying that BioWare is forcing that lifestyle down their throats. Mind you, these are also the people that
    support whitewashing Vivienne.
    Representation is important; anyone that thinks otherwise can piss off.

    And it's also very obvious in Inquisition that //your choices matter//. I love it.

    But yeah, you'll definitely have fun with the series; do enjoy!

    « Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 03:49:52 AM by Vinaza »
    Vinaza/Papa Jet | Sampetrius | They pronouns | #witchsquad
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  • It is kinda fun, isn't it? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • (I just realized I posted only, like, two sentences of my message. But it's all shiny and edited; thanks Modify button~)

    I recently went back and bought SR2, SR3, and SRIV because it was on sale part of the Humble Bundle with all the shiny DLCs for about 13 bucks. Going back to it is always exciting; I can hit things with a dildo bat while wearing a Heavy (from Team Fortress 2) mask. I need to take some screenshots. c:
    Vinaza/Papa Jet | Sampetrius | They pronouns | #witchsquad
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  • In the words of Alistair, "I'm a bad man!" :P

    To reply to what you left out originally...I'm definitely still liking Origins. I'm a little disappointed the other installments aren't on Steam though...I wonder if they're on sale often elsewhere...

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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