Haha, I definitely do the same to them in my playthroughs; don't feel bad!
I'm guilty of doing that a lot in almost every game, whoops~
DA2, as BioWare tried incorporating different things than in Origin (branching out from the usual RPG fighting style, adding in the speech system from Mass Effect), comes across as...stilted. It's also very much a transitory period from Origins to Inquisition, and it shows.
Inquisition, so far, I'm enjoying the hell out of. Even if I have to make new tweaks with every patch that pops up (BioWare more like BioWhy would you do this to me?). It's also the first BioWare game that has a strictly gay male and a strictly lesbian female as romance options. And there's a trans-male character.
Shitty thing is that you can be transphobic to him; please don't hurt my baby like this.
And, of course, there are people that complain on Youtube videos featuring these characters, saying that BioWare is forcing that lifestyle down their throats. Mind you, these are also the people that
support whitewashing Vivienne.
Representation is important; anyone that thinks otherwise can piss off.
And it's also very obvious in Inquisition that //your choices matter//. I love it.
But yeah, you'll definitely have fun with the series; do enjoy!