Fascinating...to play devil's advocate and learn more about your vision for the region...without the Underhusen, and with all other positions appointed in some way, how will the community feel empowered? What is your vision for the work being "spent so much more beautifully elsewhere"?
I would argue that the community could well be empowered by the work it does with itself... It's important to remember that all the Underhusen is, is just a weirdly agreed upon RP that all citizens are expected to participate in. Why can't the community be empowered by doing work in that community and seeing the strength and connection grow? And isn't that the point of Wintreath in the first place?
As for my vision spending it more beautifully elsewhere: Underhusen is an RP, rather a shit one that people feel obligated to attend, doesn't have very good rules, and has no real leader or head because we've done away with the need for that, apparently.
What if all the energy spent there was spent on actual RPs... Hell, you could even actually do a legislative RP that created legislation that didn't actually affect the region and the citizens in it and that would be fantastic!
I mean like in the time that it takes to put a serious effort into the Underhusen, Laurentus could've learned how to and made 100 graphics for the region, Chanku could've written like basically a whole book, maybe three... And Hannah could write just about a billion frozen realm records or other publications.
And any of them could've recruited thousands of new nations or worked better to improve that starting area or made more and more fantastic and close friends...
Instead all of them participated in this weird old guard type tradition thing where a bunch of mortals sit and bicker over laws that exist for the sake of law to exist in a system that exists solely to make sure those things happen...