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  • So this place needs some life, and I'm gonna be the one to bring it (hopefully).

    Introducing Wintropolis, a semi-futuristic RP set here on Earth. I'll reveal (read: write) the story later, but for now, you can sign up.

    You will all start as trainee superheroes. No evil characters. No godmodding. Please note that you do not need to have superpowers. Batman is just as awesome as Wonder Woman.

    Signup Form!



    General appearance:



    Combat skills (and weapons):

    Other skills (and tools):


    Major weaknesses:

    Motivation for joining the party:

    So what are you waiting for? Sign up!
    2 people like this post: Wuufu, Wintermoot
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 11:02:54 AM by Reon »
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  • This is exactly what Wintreath needs! Thanks for making it! :D

    I will see how a few other people do their characters, and then make my own. I'm for this, though, for sure! :)

    Edit: Also, if you need any subforums made for this or anything, just see me or Charax. We'll do everything we can to help you on the admin end.
    « Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 07:13:49 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Just a moment, I'm making my own as an example/submission.
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  • Name:
    Ethan Carmichael


    Chaotic Good

    General appearance:
    6', 150 lbs. Short black hair, dark purple eyes. Fond of wearing dark colors.

    Doesn't like following the rules. Dark sense of humor, often tasteless. Lots of concentration when needed.

    Combat skills (and weapons):
    Can make objects explode by touching them. Can make them explode after a small delay. Explosion sizes are proportional to the object made to explode. Explosion size can be dialed back. Larger explosions require more energy. Immune to own explosions. Can use explosions to aid in movement.

    Other skills (and tools):
    Fairly proficient in various martial arts.

    Ethan was a normal child, until he made his house explode in a fit of rage. Traveling around the country, he stumbled upon the headquarters for the Winter League, and signed up without hesitation.

    Major weaknesses:
    No defenses at all.

    Motivation for joining the party:
    See history.
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    Drexyl Nox
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  • Name: Martha Green


    Alignment:Chaotic Good

    General appearance:6', dark hair, caped vigilante

    Personality:Kind, but antisocial, when not in combat, but deadly serious when in combat (pun intended)

    Combat skills (and weapons):Pistols, she wields a pair of FN Five-seveNs

    Other skills (and tools):She relys on a variety of gadgets including rocket boots and a personal fighter.

    History:Martha Green is the result of a failed supersoldier project. She worked for a while with the Detroit PD before hearing about the Winter League. She decided she could do best as part of a group, even though she doesn't like interacting with other people.

    Major weaknesses: Human interaction, anything heavier than a .45 will pierce her armor.

    Motivation for joining the party:see history
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 07:24:16 AM by Drexyl Nox »
    Drexyl Nox
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  • Above is approved.
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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • Name: Sharq Bràigheach

    Age: 19, male

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    General appearance: Native Mexican mixed with Scottish, so tanned and tall. No distinctive facial features, kinda rounded and full face. Short mohawk.

    Personality: Serious and mistrustful, affected by a traumatic childhood with heavy involvement by Mexican cartels.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Two obsidian tomahawks; a thirty-centimeter double edged combat knife, his "Straight Silver." Fast and agile, but not a skilled martial artist, a street brawler who stabs first and asks questions later, also efficient at using bolt-action rifles, and owns one but doesn't usually carry it.

    Other skills (and tools): Good sneaking, has camo cloak that can take the appearance of any material and look like it. Speaks multiple languages and can be convincing in any argument.

    History: Born to a Scottish father and Mexican native mother, Sharq was raised in the slums of Mexico City by his father after his mother was killed by a cartel member and his father was fired and cast into misery. He was raised by his father to speak multiple languages and to fight, steal and talk his way through anything and everything. Growing up in the slums was a tough job, especially with cartels running more rampant every year, and Sharq counted a day easy when he only had to avoid or win two fights or less to get to school, and less than ten fights by the end of the day. The 'natural' death of his father at age 60, while Sharq was on his last year of highschool, sparked some questions. It doesn't seem 'natural' to have a heart attack in a healthy, who still runs and exercises, 60 year old male. Sharq began travelling after securing his father's wealth, quite a lot of it surprisingly, and joined up with the Winter League at the age of 19.

    Major weaknesses: Long range engagements, and multiple enemies. He can brawl, but has to get out quick or get tired in a fight.

    Motivation for joining the party: Answers, who, if anyone, killed his father? Why did his father have so much wealth? Who is the man that killed his mother?
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

    NS History
    • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
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    N. Cetus (Brokkoli)
  • Former Citizen
  • Name: Josef Heilberg
    Age: 49
    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    General appearance:
    Brown hair, glasses. Always wears a white lab coat. Right leg is replaced with an artifical one.

    Generally talkative, but doesn't like to actually listen to other people. Is amused by impending danger. Tends to laugh maniacally while in combat.

    Combat skills (and weapons):
    -Custom-made air-pressured syringe gun ( modified to shoot a variety of different projectiles (bullets, firecrackers, random things made of metal, basically anything that you can cram into it).
    -Josef can modify nearly anything technical into a weapon

    Other skills (and tools):
    Can heal wounds through touch, including himself. Can survive a gunshot to any non-vital body part. Inflicted wounds regenerate at an insane speed, excluding amputated body parts.

    Receiving the german equivalent of a PHD in medicine, he quickly started a medical career at the Öberhart Hospital, Germany. Josef worked there for circa 20 years, till he got fired when he lost his medical license through unknown causes (I will write more about that later). Days after, the hospital burned down by unknown means. Josef fled to France when he was suspected to be the firestarter. For the next eight years, Josef searched for the actual arsonist. During this time, he discovered his ability to build a variety of different machinery for various purposes, including a working mechanic heart, that he later used to replace his own heart and the aforementioned syringe gun. He also developed the ability to heal living creatures through touching them, altough he never actually found out when exactly he got this ability.

    Major weaknesses:
    His mechanical heart, that frequently malfunctions
    His inability to run because of the artifical leg

    Motivation for joining the party:
    He sill wants to find the firestarter (He has some information about that person, I will write more about that later)
    Use his powers to do good (you know the cliché)

    Please point out any obvious grammatical errors.
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 08:35:39 PM by N. Cetus (Brokkoli) »
    The Shark Punching Conglomeration
    N. Cetus (Brokkoli)
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  • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
  • @N. Cetus:

    It'd be "from unknown causes." At least that's what I think.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

    NS History
    • Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    • Posts: 904
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  • Name: To Be Decided.

    Age: Unkown. Body is relatively young. At a guess 16-20 years old.

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    General appearance:
    How she used to look, a long time ago... Tends to wear more drab clothes now.

    Personality: Guarded. Suspicious of people and possibly a bit depressed. Filled with neuroses as a result of her ability.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Her body has some muscle memory of fighting and when she can properly give in to instincts in a fight she can be surprisingly competent. She carries a modified rope dart which uses a strange curved blade. The rope itself also appears to be made of some form of metal, though it remains highly flexible. The weapon itself contains a large amount of combat memory with it. Both in and out of the field.

    Other skills (and tools): She has the ability to willfully see, change, and effect the memory of those around her. So far the limit appears to be that she can only affect those that can directly see her. This comes at the dreadful cost of having to contain all of her personal memory inside of objects... She can contain no memories inside her head. She can implant memories inside of objects within an hour of something happening and the object can be anything from a building to a jacket. She can access the memories only while in physical contact of that item. The memory stays exact and perfectly as it happened inside the object. There is no decay. If an item gets completely destroyed or lost she has no way of accessing the memories. She can transfer memories from object to object... But the process takes about half an hour.
    She has a small metal ball under her skin near her collarbone... She uses this to store most of her general memory.

    History: [name] woke up one day in California on a sidewalk with nothing but her clothes, the rope dart, and a note reading 
    "Age gnaws at life
    Without respite –
    Incessantly; insidiously;
    Unnerving in its non–rhythmicity:
    Irregular pendulums–
    Not on clocks–
    Dump cold milestones:
    Another wrinkle; another grey hair;
    Another memory…"
    her head was flooded with memories of her power and how to use it and of the metal ball and of knowledge of the world and memories of her personality. But nothing else. No name, no family, no memories of being a kid, of where she was raised. For the next few months she wandered around testing her powers and trying to figure out who she was. After some time she heard about the Winter League and decided to go and sign up, in hopes that they would know who she was.

    Major weaknesses: No memory of her own... Highly dependent on her objects. Not trustful of most people..."Manipulative." Will often look into other people's memories without asking. Doesn't comply well to social norms. Has been known to change people's memories of her to make herself different. Including but not limited to her making the interaction more charming on her part or making herself look better. Vain.

    Motivation for joining the party: See history.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • I believe it would be better phrased as "for an unknown reason.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • And a question for everyone... Should my name be Kazallu or Leto?
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Duke of Wintreath
  • Name: Klause Meindhert

    Age: 20

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    General appearance: Roughly 6 foot tall, with a lithe body covered in scarring up left arm and onto chest. Surfer hairstyle with pure white hair, eyebrows and faintly luminescent silver irises. Skin has faint etchings of silver in intricate digital-style tracings. Usually wears baggy chinos and a hoody to conceal his skin and eyes whilst out of active service.

    Personality: Quiet and seemingly withdrawn. Highly logical but noted for out-of-the box thinking and a sometimes impractical approach to problems. Loyal but altruistic.

    Combat skills (and weapons): Faster and stronger than a baseline human to a factor of 3 or 4, but doesn't quite classify as a super-strength hero. His main ability is a surge of white energy that illuminates his irises and skin-etchings, which lasts roughly 30 seconds. Each surge gifts telekinesis out to 20 metres, mild pretercognition up to about 5 seconds and a total awareness of everything he is seeing.

    Other skills (and tools): Drastically improved memory and logical abilities to keep up with the information influx of using his surge ability. Relies mainly on a short but ornate sword, but also has a pair of high-tech glasses that conceal his eyes whilst providing him with a HUD.

    History: Triggered during a large super-human caused disaster at the age of 17. After using his power to shield himself and those nearby him from danger, he vanished for 2 years, re-emerging at the age of 19 with a horrifically scarred left side. It's unclear what happened to him, but those close to him have commented on the drastic shift in his personality since.

    Major weaknesses: Focusing too heavily on one individual whilst using a surge can lead to him getting looped into his enhanced awareness of them. His power can spiral out of control, providing useful and useless information in a self-repeating cascade that leaves him immobile. Utilising his surge ability too often causes a "burn-out", a large flash of light along his skin-etchings much like an electrical overload. Leaves him unconscious and those in his nearby vicinity flash-stunned.

    Motivation for joining the party: Unknown reasons.

    E: I like Leto.
    « Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 08:50:24 PM by Weissreich »
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • Kazallu, Reon
    Drexyl Nox
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  • Above are approved except for N. Cetus.

    N. Cetus, having healing and regeneration powers is a bit much.
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