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Royal Decree 009: Regarding Events in Lazarus
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  • I'm sure...or at least I'm told...that attitude is a holdover from the older days of NS where regions didn't mingle much and raiders and defenders definitely didn't have anything to do with each other. Being such an old region, XKI has the luxury of maintaining those stances where newer regions like Wintreath do not. If we were to adopt such stringent standards, we would lose half the community. :P

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  • Those measures are ones we've tried to take in New Hyperion too, with limited success.
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  • I'm sure...or at least I'm told...that attitude is a holdover from the older days of NS where regions didn't mingle much and raiders and defenders definitely didn't have anything to do with each other. Being such an old region, XKI has the luxury of maintaining those stances where newer regions like Wintreath do not. If we were to adopt such stringent standards, we would lose half the community. [emoji14]
    A lot of strict measures were put in place since the days of DEN who destroyed 10KI's original region.

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  • The entire situation in Lazarus with the NPO/NLO is absolutely fascinating from a political stand-point. The exercise of power through illegitimate means is something to watch out for anywhere, but this coup d'état doesn't seem particularly well-planned. I can't help but feel suspicious of what's happening behind the scenes, despite being behind most of them ;)
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • If you were to believe the NPO it's been planned for the last two years. I suspect that they thought there would be very little resistance given the low levels of activity in Lazarus the last few months...additionally, they tend to not care much about outside opinion of their actions, which probably led to the heavy-handed and blunt actions and talk from them. Openly admitting that they had seized another GCR wasn't particularly helpful to their cause since it left the other GCRs (minus Balder) no choice but to support the government-in-exile. There are many organizations that have or aspire to topple a GCR government, but government of a fellow GCR being behind it is unprecedented as far as I know.

    It's interesting that the NPO seems most sensitive to the WA actions against them...resolutions such as Commend Krulltopia and Commend A Mean Old Man represent years of accomplishment and positive reputation in the game, and having everything those resolutions represented thrown away in the span of a week or two must be a jarring experience.

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  • The NPO might possibly be the most dangerous thing to happen to NS in a very long time.  I'm wondering how long we'll be waiting for some sort of unified action against the NLO.  Sure, pretty much every region that matters has declared support for the government in exile, but are we going to see some kind of triumphant, multilateral military action against Stujenkse, or will this be a war of attrition where we wait until every NPO henchman with reasonable influence in Lazarus exhausts their banject powers? 

    Either way, it will be a tough fight.  The fact that the NPO could do such considerable damage and fortify itself so quickly should make every GCR nervous. 
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  • Point Breeze the main issue with that though is the amount of endorsements that Stu and co have, they have almost 200, it's near impossible to do an update mission and retake it, meaning at the moment it's a war of attrition.
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  • I wouldn't hold my breath on a unified response...some people are foolish enough to believe they're going to get something out of the NPO if they support them, and most imperialists are happy to remain 'neutral' and let anyone dispose of the PRL they've long-despised, even if it results in Lazarus becoming a permanent outpost of the NPO. Others still are just glad to see a defender-aligned government that brought Lazarus into the FRA toppled. Unfortunately, the days when coups were nearly-universally condemned and fought against are long over. As I was just lamenting about last month, gameplay has changed for the worse in the last two years.

    On the military front, out of the GCRs The North Pacific is the only one with a significant military, and then you have UCRs like us that also don't really have a significant military, so it's a very challenging prospect.

    This is going to be a war of attrition that tests the wills of both sides...can the government-in-exile maintain a war effort for weeks or months and keep apathy from setting in? Can the NPO keep its foreign and Cybernations support active and in the region going forward? This will be a war of spirit more than anything else.
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    « Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 10:36:37 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I hope these are the final declarations that I will need to make under this Decree.

    Given his actions in restoring the region to the legitimate government, the persona non grata declaration against Kazmr has been rescinded. A Mean Old Man has been added to the PnG list as the self-proclaimed "Emperor" of the New Lazarene Order. Additionally, Horse has been added to the PnG list for switching allegiance to the NPO as a member of the PRL government...oddly enough, hours before the region was liberated. People who become traitors at the 11th hour are still traitors.

    I hope that, at least as far as action from Wintreath is concerned, this closes a tumultuous chapter in Lazarene history and paves the way for a rebirth of government and culture in the region.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I'm saddened by those who switched allegiances to an organization like NPO. 

    On the flip side, though, I'm very proud of everyone, both on and off of Wintreath, who took part in helping bringing Lazarus back to its rightful owners.
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  • I hope these are the final declarations that I will need to make under this Decree.

    Given his actions in restoring the region to the legitimate government, the persona non grata declaration against Kazmr has been rescinded. A Mean Old Man has been added to the PnG list as the self-proclaimed "Emperor" of the New Lazarene Order. Additionally, Horse has been added to the PnG list for switching allegiance to the NPO as a member of the PRL government...oddly enough, hours before the region was liberated. People who become traitors at the 11th hour are still traitors.

    I hope that, at least as far as action from Wintreath is concerned, this closes a tumultuous chapter in Lazarene history and paves the way for a rebirth of government and culture in the region.
    are people still needed?  I just am getting caught up today with some things

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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  • With the imminent repel of the NPO Citizenship ban by the Storting, I am repealing Sections 5 and 6 of this decree, effective immediately. Note that some individuals listed in these sections will continue to be considered persona non grata under Section 3.


    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • All provisions of this decree are now void, except for the persona non grata declarations of Alexej III (better known now as Pergamon) and 94 block. These PnG declarations will be reissued in due time.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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