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Thane's Reports - Happenings in the World Assembly
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  • [Report #001 - 3/22/15 21:15 EST]
    Greetings, Wintreans!  I'd like to start a new project here in the WA Podium that I implemented in my last region.  Every day, or every few days, I'll post a brief summary of what's at vote, on the floor, proposed, etc. in the World Assembly.  I appreciate any feedback or comments, and also feel free to comment on the bills featured in each update.  Thanks for reading!

    General Assembly
    Currently at vote we have "Repeal 'Prevention of Torture,'" which is getting fucking crushed.  Still another two days of voting and it's already 1,000 aye to 8,000 nay. I predict this is partly because Prevention of Torture is resolution #9, and has been on the books forever, and for this opening gem:
    ACKNOWLEDGING that torture can be used as an effective means of receiving information from the individual(s) subject to the torture;
    Wintreath's Vote:
    Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 3-15 (83% Against).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has voted AGAINST this resolution.

    Security Council
    Nothing currently at vote.  Most recently passed is Commend Forever Fields, with 10,000 ayes and 2,000 nays - a fair margin.  Only one proposal, which needs 66 more approvals in two days before coming to vote.  I doubt we'll see that one on the floor. 

    -Thane of World Assembly Affairs
    « Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 03:01:45 AM by Point Breeze »
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  • Thank you for the report! Doesn't seem like much is happening in the World Assembly right now. :P

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  • [Report #002 - 3/27/15 01:18 EST]

    Good Morning, Wintreath!  This place is really heating up with the Underhusen elections and Game and Avatar of the Month contests.  Since the last update, there's been some developments in the WA that I'd like to make you aware of. 

    General Assembly
    "Repeal 'International Expositions Act'" is currently at vote, with 10,000 AYE and 1,100 NAY.  The act in question was originally designed to create some sort of World's Fair-like events, but the author was unaware of the simple fact that NS != real life.  Thus, the expectations, practicalities, and costs of holding such an event every year are unreasonable, say the authors of the repeal.  What say Wintreath?

    Wintreath's Vote:
    Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 20-1 (95% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has voted FOR this resolution

    Indeed.  Voting ends in 2 days, 10 hours.  The next proposal at vote will be "On Scientific Cooperation," authored by none other than Guardian Ainocra of Osiris.  A strong proposal by a veteran author, it easily reached quorum. 

    Security Council
    "Condemn Imperium of the Wolf is currently at vote, with 5,000 AYE and 8,000 NAY.  The resolution's chief problem is that the region in question and its founder constantly allude to violations of General Assembly resolutions.  As reasonable as it sounds to condemn regions and nations that flagrantly disobey the WA, that's actually not the purpose of the Security Council (no wonder nobody plays the WA game).  "Creative Noncompliance" is a big part of the World Assembly, and some even encourage it as a sort of light roleplay in the WA.  I understand that this region is taking that to a whole new level, but looking at Security Council precedent and previous Condemnations, these types seem to always fail.

    Wintreath's Vote:
    Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 17-16 (51% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has voted AGAINST this resolution.

    Voting ends in 22 hours.  Ironically enough, the next resolution to come to vote is a Commendation for a region based on some sort of roleplay -  a realm also usually outside of the Security Council's interests.  Go figure. 

    Happy Friday,
    -Thane of WA Affairs

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  • Thanks for the report. :)

    Shame about there not being much exciting to report. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Thanks for the report. :)

    Shame about there not being much exciting to report. :P

    I'll be honest with you, the WA is not very exciting.  Although, a region resident contacted me on the RMB today about help with his repeal of the Nuclear Arms Possession Act, so there's that.  It only happens that NAPA is the strongest, most resilient resolution on the books besides Rights and Duties (Resolution #1).
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  • Some regions are really into the WA...even the GA. But they're few and far between. It doesn't help that there haven't been any exciting Security Council resolutions lately, since that at least sometimes ties into gameplay.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • The wa is really just not hugely fascinating..
    It's really just a bunch of people saying "that's cutting into our sovereignty" and a bunch of people saying "You can leave?!"
    It's really not great.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • You're the're supposed to make it great. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • The wa is really just not hugely fascinating..
    It's really just a bunch of people saying "that's cutting into our sovereignty" and a bunch of people saying "You can leave?!"
    It's really not great.

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  • We best be careful you know! Moot is one of those sovereignty guys!
    He votes against every single wa proposals and for every repeal...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • We best be careful you know! Moot is one of those sovereignty guys!
    He votes against every single wa proposals and for every repeal...

    Oh, one of those people.
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  • [Report #003 - 3/27/15 18:51 EST]

    Down the rabbit hole again...

    General Assembly
    No more international expositions, thank the heavens.  The repeal passed 12,000 to 1,000.  Up next is "On Scientific Cooperation", which I touched on in the last report.  This is a replacement for GAR#92, Cooperation in Science Act.  "On Scientific Cooperation" will, according to the author, better define the WA Science Program's requirements under the act, give it the tools and funding to meet those requirements, and generally look better overall. 

    Wintreath's Vote:
    Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 16-0 (100% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has not voted on this resolution.

    Currently 4,500 AYE, 300 NAY.  Yes, three hundred, not three thousand.  Only two zeroes.  Voting ends in 3 days and some change.

    Security Council
    That "Condemn Imperium of the Wolf" proposal went nowhere, as I predicted.  At vote currently is "Commend Historia Novorum," seeking to recognize an alternate-history RP region with cool delegates.  Whatev. 

    Wintreath's Vote:
    Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 19-9 (67% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has not voted on this resolution.

    3,000 AYE, 6,000 NAY.  We might be on the wrong side of this one, chums 8)  Voting ends in 2 days. 

    Thanks for watching,
    -Thane of WA Affairs
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  • What we need is some overly dramatic SC resolution. ^.^

    But thanks for keeping us up-to-date. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • [Report #004 - 4/6/15 11:06 EST]

    Thane's Report - Special Easter Edition!

    General Assembly
    "On Scientific Cooperation" passed decidedly, with 12,000 AYE and 2,000 NAY.  Up now is "No Penalty Without Law," a promising resolution that basically states: "4. Prohibits member nations, political subdivisions thereof, or any person or organisation acting on or purporting to be acting on the authority of the member nation or political subdivisions thereof, from arresting, detaining, prosecuting, incarcerating, fining, or otherwise placing under duress individuals for violating laws that are not publicly promulgated."  The controversy (7,000 AYE vs. 6,000 NAY) is how nations are supposed to "publicly promulgate" their laws in a way that satisfies all disabilities, differences in physiology, etc. without being too annoying about it. 

    Wintreath's Vote:
    Equally divided.  Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 21-13 (61% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has voted FOR this resolution.

    Voting ends in 2 hours.  Up next - Repeal "Reducing Automobile Emissions."

    Security Council AKA the Monarch's Favorite
    Repeal "Commend Tiago Silva" was passed 11,386 votes to 1,641.  Meh.  Currently at vote: Commend "Renegade Islands Alliance."  Why do the island-themed regions always do so well?  Anyway, the resolution commends RIA's commitment to defenderism and the numerous high-profile military operations it has involved itself in.  Also, "Further Recognizing Renegade Islands Alliance as promoters of Defender Unity, while showing respect towards allies and enemies alike."

    Defender unity.  Please.  Anyway, currently 9,000 AYE, 1,000 NAY.

    Wintreath's Vote:
    Defender Unity indeed.  Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 19-4 (82% For).
    Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has voted FOR this resolution.

    Voting ends in 2 days 2 hours.  Up next: Commend Mahaj, Lieutenant of the UDL and GA Author x4. 

    Don't forget to vote in the UH elections - which reminds me, I have unanswered questions in my campaign thread.
    <Goes shilling>
    -Thane of the Thing
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  • I'm kinda surprised about Commend Renegade Islands Alliance, seeing as only 6 regions are currently commended and most of them are old, inactive region, but it's nice to see everyone agree on a region that deserves commendation, and I'm sure it'll be quite a feather in Nephmir's cap.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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