[Report #004 - 4/6/15 11:06 EST]Thane's Report - Special Easter Edition!
General Assembly"On Scientific Cooperation" passed decidedly, with 12,000 AYE and 2,000 NAY. Up now is
"No Penalty Without Law," a promising resolution that basically states: "4. Prohibits member nations, political subdivisions thereof, or any person or organisation acting on or purporting to be acting on the authority of the member nation or political subdivisions thereof, from arresting, detaining, prosecuting, incarcerating, fining, or otherwise placing under duress individuals for violating laws that are not publicly promulgated." The controversy (7,000 AYE vs. 6,000 NAY) is how nations are supposed to "publicly promulgate" their laws in a way that satisfies all disabilities, differences in physiology, etc. without being too annoying about it.
Wintreath's Vote:
Equally divided. Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 21-13 (61% For).
Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has voted FOR this resolution.
Voting ends in 2 hours. Up next - Repeal "Reducing Automobile Emissions."
Security Council AKA the Monarch's Favorite
Repeal "Commend Tiago Silva" was passed 11,386 votes to 1,641. Meh. Currently at vote:
Commend "Renegade Islands Alliance." Why do the island-themed regions always do so well? Anyway, the resolution commends RIA's commitment to defenderism and the numerous high-profile military operations it has involved itself in. Also, "Further Recognizing Renegade Islands Alliance as promoters of Defender Unity, while showing respect towards allies and enemies alike."
Defender unity.
Please. Anyway, currently 9,000 AYE, 1,000 NAY.
Wintreath's Vote:
Defender Unity indeed. Amongst Wintreath residents, voting is currently 19-4 (82% For).
Your Regional WA Delegate, De La Malvarma, has voted FOR this resolution.
Voting ends in 2 days 2 hours. Up next: Commend Mahaj, Lieutenant of the UDL and GA Author x4.
Don't forget to vote in the UH elections - which reminds me, I have unanswered questions in my campaign thread.
<Goes shilling>
-Thane of the Thing