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Oh my God, Seroim has a tumblr
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    I just got done writing the introductory post. This is not a tumblr where I will post 10,000 selfies, pictures of what I ate, how my bowel movements were this day, random, insipid, apocryphal quotes and so on. In fact, I will use it as a repository of academic articles and essays written by me about issues and subjects that interest me. It's on tumblr only because the mix of blogging and social network seemed intriguing and interesting.

    The first post is pretty good at explaining what it will be about, so if reading my opinion and thoughts on a wide variety of subjects kind of piques your curiosity, feel free to follow me or bookmark it. It'll be interesting, I promise, but only if you're into the kind of stuff than I am : law, languages, philosophy, etc. You should have a pretty good idea of what it will be about if you've looked at my posts in the debate subforum, except it will be better written. I don't really mind if nobody reads it as I think the journey to accrue knowledge to make these posts will be worth it no matter what, but it'd be nice to be read all the same :)
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  • Seems interesting...I will definitely read it, and I am looking forward to your Gamergate one.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Do you have a tumblr for selfies? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Do you have a tumblr for selfies? :P

    How about I reserve my selfies for your fabulous selves?

    I'm actually getting a haircut soon, I'll show you guys :x
    « Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 11:12:52 PM by Seroim »
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  • I just got done writing the introductory post. This is not a tumblr where I will post 10,000 selfies, pictures of what I ate, how my bowel movements were this day, random, insipid, apocryphal quotes and so on.

    But those are the whole point of a Tumblr!
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  • I just got done writing the introductory post. This is not a tumblr where I will post 10,000 selfies, pictures of what I ate, how my bowel movements were this day, random, insipid, apocryphal quotes and so on.

    But those are the whole point of a Tumblr!

    Yeah, I know the site has a reputation of pointlessness, hipster/pseudo-intellectual shit and turning gender/LGBTQ/other progressive debates into sick jokes (exemplified by the gamut of weird pronouns used by like 2 people, which defeats the purpose of pronouns in the first place and of course whole discussions on how eating sushi is cultural appropriation and if you're white, you have no right to eat sushi, do yoga, etc), but I like the features.

    Perhaps my saintly presence on that site will make it just a bit less pointless.

    By the way my preferred pronouns are faelf/faelfs/faelfself and I identify as a non-binary genderfluid demisexual fairy/wolf otherkin hybrid.

    I'm not hating, you guys know I have no problem with LGBTQ people (hey, I'm here, aren't I), but some tumblr communities push the envelope to a point where it makes a mockery of the whole thing. I have the sneaking suspicion some of it, but not all, is for attention. The rest is probably out of pedantry.

    From a linguistic standpoint, I'm all for the adoption of a genderless, animate pronoun that isn't "they" (such as the one in Esperanto), but that debate would gain a lot of legitimacy if tumblr could agree on a single such pronoun, and not 500 different ones. At this point, just use the person's name.
    1 person likes this post: Chanku
    « Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 11:43:45 PM by Seroim »
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  • I desperately want Esperanto's whole structure to just be on everything... Esperanto really has it's shit together... And so many beautiful tenses and participles...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • I desperately want Esperanto's whole structure to just be on everything... Esperanto really has it's shit together... And so many beautiful tenses and participles...

    Ĉu vi lernas Esperanton, aŭ vi jam estas lerninta la lingvan?

    Mi konvenas ke la Esperanto estas bonan lingvan, sed ĝi povas plibonigita!

    I especially dislike how for a language peddled as an international one, it is so Eurocentric. Some of the consonant clusters in there can be really hard to pronounce. However, I enjoy the sheer need for a lot of words to convey meaning, yet it is so precise because of its agglutinative nature. Idioms are also pretty rare because, well, it's a constructed language.

    I studied it a long time ago, it's pretty rusty from disuse...if I had more time I would take it on again.
    « Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 05:18:09 AM by Seroim »
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  • Oh, I'm frankly horrible at actually speaking languages... Tongue and brain is not made for it, can hardly speak English as it is...
    But I love the task of research and study and linguistics is such an interesting area for just about everything... Such a human thing.
    « Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 06:29:18 AM by Reon »
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Oh, I'm frankly horrible at actually speaking languages... Tongue and brain is not made for it, can hardly speak English as it is...
    But I love the task of research and study and linguistics is such an interesting area for just about everything... Such a human thing.

    Well, it is THE human distinction, isn't it? The ability to communicate complex, abstract thoughts to other members of the species.

    Language made what we are possible. We would have survived just fine without it, but no language equals no complex ideas, no philosophy, no poetry, no art, no mathematics, nothing beyond perhaps "mammoth there, ugh" or "tiger nearby, ugh".

    I agree with you, linguistics are awesome...once I'm working I might do that degree part-time.
    • Posts: 543
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  • I just got done writing the introductory post. This is not a tumblr where I will post 10,000 selfies, pictures of what I ate, how my bowel movements were this day, random, insipid, apocryphal quotes and so on.

    But those are the whole point of a Tumblr!

    Yeah, I know the site has a reputation of pointlessness, hipster/pseudo-intellectual shit and turning gender/LGBTQ/other progressive debates into sick jokes (exemplified by the gamut of weird pronouns used by like 2 people, which defeats the purpose of pronouns in the first place and of course whole discussions on how eating sushi is cultural appropriation and if you're white, you have no right to eat sushi, do yoga, etc), but I like the features.

    Perhaps my saintly presence on that site will make it just a bit less pointless.

    By the way my preferred pronouns are faelf/faelfs/faelfself and I identify as a non-binary genderfluid demisexual fairy/wolf otherkin hybrid.

    I'm not hating, you guys know I have no problem with LGBTQ people (hey, I'm here, aren't I), but some tumblr communities push the envelope to a point where it makes a mockery of the whole thing. I have the sneaking suspicion some of it, but not all, is for attention. The rest is probably out of pedantry.

    From a linguistic standpoint, I'm all for the adoption of a genderless, animate pronoun that isn't "they" (such as the one in Esperanto), but that debate would gain a lot of legitimacy if tumblr could agree on a single such pronoun, and not 500 different ones. At this point, just use the person's name.

    It's Tumblr.  You'll find exaggerated things against it, you'll find the same for it, you'll find people making fun of it, hell, you'll find gay porn on it.  Really, it's an anything goes kind of site.

    As for the pronouns...that's a whole 'nother monster right there.  I can understand certain pronouns, but some are just ridiculous, both ones I hear about online and offline.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • My first article is up! Read and comment please. Also buy me stuff from my Amazon wishlist. It's all $50+ stuff, but I'm sure you all love me enough to contribute to my happiness <3

    Stay tuned for my next article, which will be pictures of hot-dogs and nude photos of myself done in a semi-tasteful, vaguely artistic manner, so you cannot say it's porn. I might even mix the hot-dogs and the nudes into a single conceptual series called "Hot Buns and Tasty Sausages". Any comment insinuating that I am selling my body for Amazon wishlist items will be flamed, then deleted. I AM AN ARTIST!
    « Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 03:07:21 AM by Seroim »
    • Posts: 543
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  • That's a quote for the Orendi if ever I've seen one!
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • That's a quote for the Orendi if ever I've seen one!

    What's that?
    • Posts: 543
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  • "Any comment insinuating that I am selling my body for Amazon wish list items will be flamed and then deleted. I AM AN ARTIST!"
    Really just sums up everything I love.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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