I just got done writing the introductory post. This is not a tumblr where I will post 10,000 selfies, pictures of what I ate, how my bowel movements were this day, random, insipid, apocryphal quotes and so on.
But those are the whole point of a Tumblr!
Yeah, I know the site has a reputation of pointlessness, hipster/pseudo-intellectual shit and turning gender/LGBTQ/other progressive debates into sick jokes (exemplified by the gamut of weird pronouns used by like 2 people, which defeats the purpose of pronouns in the first place and of course whole discussions on how eating sushi is cultural appropriation and if you're white, you have no right to eat sushi, do yoga, etc), but I like the features.
Perhaps my saintly presence on that site will make it just a bit less pointless.
By the way my preferred pronouns are faelf/faelfs/faelfself and I identify as a non-binary genderfluid demisexual fairy/wolf otherkin hybrid.
I'm not hating, you guys know I have no problem with LGBTQ people (hey, I'm here, aren't I), but some tumblr communities push the envelope to a point where it makes a mockery of the whole thing. I have the sneaking suspicion some of it, but not all, is for attention. The rest is probably out of pedantry.
From a linguistic standpoint, I'm all for the adoption of a genderless, animate pronoun that isn't "they" (such as the one in Esperanto), but that debate would gain a lot of legitimacy if tumblr could agree on a single such pronoun, and not 500 different ones. At this point, just use the person's name.