Post #25262
November 10, 2014, 08:50:43 PM
With all the time Reon and I waited for you to finish your turns, someone should be hailing it. lol.
For me, I started out in a great spot. My capital city was next to cotton, iron, and stone...the latter of which allowed me to build a stone works in Rome. It was also by a river, which allowed me to build a water mill. Between that, a few mines, the social policies I selected (Aristocracy and Republic in particular), and a great engineer or three, I was able to dominate wonder production for the entire game. It also helped that it turned out barbarians were blocked from my cities in three directions, meaning I didn't have to go through my typical 200 year struggle with them.
Later in the game, I started massively expanding to keep Reon from claiming most of our continent...something I think he caught onto because he started expanding as well later on. I also captured Geneva, because it was a lone city-state that was virtually surrounded by my lands...and it had a wine and extra iron tile. At the very end of the game, my goal was to beat Reon to the incense tile on the northwest corner of our continent, but we ended the game before that could be accomplished.
I'm not sure what my goal would have been afterwards...there was a small island between Gov and I with some city-states that could have been settled or conquered, but it seems we had almost settled everything by then. I think the small map was nice for three players...anything more and we would have probably not met up with each other at all.