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Application: Jarl of Culture
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  • Application for Jarl of Culture

    Thank you for your interest in applying for the position of Jarl of Culture! The Jarl of Culture is responsible for overseeing and contributing to the regional culture of Wintreath, both by planning and implementing events and activities themselves, and assisting Citizens which are interested in creating their own activities and events. Additionally, the Jarl of Culture serves on the Riksråd, or Executive Cabinet, which serves as an advisory panel to the Monarch for various regional affairs.

    To apply, you must have been a Citizen of Wintreath for at least one month. Additionally, you should be aware that there is a monthly activity requirement of 3 posts per day/month average placed upon all Riksråd positions, not including days taken on a valid leave of absence, and that ministries are extensively reviewed at the end of each month.

    If you are still interested in applying for this position, please fill out the form below! The deadline for applications is midnight on July 9th, Eastern Time (9pm July 8th Pacific).

    Code: [Select]
    [i]Cultural Ideals and Thoughts[/i]
    [b]1)[/b] What have your contributions been to Wintreath's regional culture thus far, if any?

    [b]2)[/b] What do you feel are Wintreath's current strengths and weaknesses when it comes to culture?

    [b]3)[/b] What is your complete [i]vision[/i] for Wintreath's regional culture if you obtain the position?

    [b]4)[/b] If you were to obtain the position, what would be the very first thing you would focus on?

    [b]5)[/b] What are the qualifications, skills, experience, and talents that you feel you uniquely bring to the table?

    [i]Conflict of Interest Disclaimers[/i]
    [b]5)[/b] Do you serve as part of the Executive (Executive, Vice-Executive, or Executive Cabinet) of any other regional or organizational government? If so, what positions, and what duties do they entail?

    [b]6)[/b] If you answered yes to question 1, do you foresee any potential conflicts of interest? If so, how do you plan on mitigating them?

    [b]7)[/b] Is there anything additional you would like to add that you feel should kept in mind when considering your application?
    « Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 07:51:00 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I would love to apply, but it appears I will miss meeting the length of citizenship requirements by two days.
    ORCA Bay
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    [i]Cultural Ideals and Thoughts[/i]
    [b]1)[/b] What have your contributions been to Wintreath's regional culture thus far, if any?

    I have participated in several of the CAH tournaments, and even won one. Outside of that, my contributions have been limited to say the least.

    [b]2)[/b] What do you feel are Wintreath's current strengths and weaknesses when it comes to culture?

    Our current strength is our strong sense of identity, however, our weakness is that it isn't really cohesive in a way that is uniquely 'Wintreath'

    [b]3)[/b] What is your complete [i]vision[/i] for Wintreath's regional culture if you obtain the position?

    My vision is to unify our sense of our region, and foster an environment that is uniquely Wintreath through weekly events, and monthly events. My vision is to have people come to live in Wintreath based on our cultural presence.

    [b]4)[/b] If you were to obtain the position, what would be the very first thing you would focus on?

    The very first thing I would focus on would be working with the residents to establish weekly events and monthly events that appeal to the citizens.

    [b]5)[/b] What are the qualifications, skills, experience, and talents that you feel you uniquely bring to the table?

    As a recent university graduate, I still possess the enthusiasm to take this task seriously and tackle the issues head on. I don't have much experience with Nationstates culture specifically, but I have many talents I believe will translate well into this position. Also I see this role as being one that must foster culture for everyone, so being open minded, and part of a minority as a transwoman uniquely qualifies me as more sympathetic.

    [i]Conflict of Interest Disclaimers[/i]
    [b]5)[/b] Do you serve as part of the Executive (Executive, Vice-Executive, or Executive Cabinet) of any other regional or organizational government? If so, what positions, and what duties do they entail?

    My loyalties lie solely with the crown of Wintreath.

    [b]6)[/b] If you answered yes to question 1, do you foresee any potential conflicts of interest? If so, how do you plan on mitigating them?

    [b]7)[/b] Is there anything additional you would like to add that you feel should kept in mind when considering your application?

    I know I'm relatively new to the region, but I feel I have become pretty well known, and liked, in that time. I have found great success as the current speaker of the Underhusen.

    • Countess of Bain
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  • Countess of Bain
  • I apologize for any formatting errors, I decided to attempt it from my phone.
    • Countess of Bain
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  • Thanks, Daphne!

    Also, ORCA, go ahead and apply if you'd like. Punishing someone for two days seems kind of pointless.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Duke of Wintreath
  • I'd love to apply but the next month is looking pretty busy for me, so I'm not sure I'd meet the posting requirements. :(
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
    • Duke of Wintreath
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  • Sorry to hear that...90/93 posts a month isn't a lot, so you must be going to be really busy.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Cultural Ideals and Thoughts
    1) What have your contributions been to Wintreath's regional culture thus far, if any?
    None really, I am quite worthless :P
    2) What do you feel are Wintreath's current strengths and weaknesses when it comes to culture?
    We have a family like culture, something that is really great.
    We are really friendly to new people and to each other.
    We are unique, there are not many regions that are as open as we are to the LGBTQai+ community that are not solely founded around the idea.
    We have cool RP stuff thanks to Weissreich, Daphne, and others :D!
    Sometimes people are offended by our openness, especially in the vulgar nature of the IRC sometimes.
    There are definitely cliques, which is the unfortunate side effect of a family like atmosphere.
    Some would argue we have no culture at all, that we are peons to the God King Eternal Wintermoot
    3) What is your complete vision for Wintreath's regional culture if you obtain the position?
    If I were to envision what Wintreath's culture looked like it would be to focus on our strengths and weakness and improve where we can. I enjoy the RP stuff we have going on and like the ideas of Nobility and Familia, makes things interesting and different from other GCRs of similar size.
    4) If you were to obtain the position, what would be the very first thing you would focus on?
    Helping the region with becoming more family like and accepting.

    5) What are the qualifications, skills, experience, and talents that you feel you uniquely bring to the table?
    10 years of NS blah blah blah SEXY.

    Conflict of Interest Disclaimers
    5) Do you serve as part of the Executive (Executive, Vice-Executive, or Executive Cabinet) of any other regional or organizational government? If so, what positions, and what duties do they entail?
    Home Secretary of the British Isles, and former Vice Chancellor of the FRA.

    6) If you answered yes to question 1, do you foresee any potential conflicts of interest? If so, how do you plan on mitigating them?
    'If you answered yes to question 5' is how that should read, bt dubs.
    But naa.

    7) Is there anything additional you would like to add that you feel should kept in mind when considering your application?
    Do not seriously consider me for this position. Same as before.
    Check out my Interview!
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  • I know, and I'll see. May well edit this post later tonight after talking to work about taking less on. When I say busy I mean probably not getting on for days at a time :(
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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  • I'm sorry to hear that =/

    For what it's worth, I appreciate you putting so much thought into whether you have the time.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Thanks, Daphne!

    Also, ORCA, go ahead and apply if you'd like. Punishing someone for two days seems kind of pointless.
    Thanks, I can have it done by tomorrow, if that's not too late
    ORCA Bay
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  • Sod it.

    Cultural Ideals and Thoughts
    1) What have your contributions been to Wintreath's regional culture thus far, if any?
    So far, my contributions have mainly been in the Establishment of Setting thread and the development work I'm doing on the House RP system. I suppose you could also include the recent titles Decree by WM, as I had some input on that as well :)

    2) What do you feel are Wintreath's current strengths and weaknesses when it comes to culture?
    To the former, I'm going with our membership's commitment and the fact that a lot of our newer members are seemingly getting involved in existing and new RP's on the forums.
    To the latter, it's a lack of general activity from most of our members in cultural areas and the fact that we're still getting off the ground in terms of cultural activities that will engross people in them. Hopefully the House RP and various others that are in the works will help correct this.

    3) What is your complete vision for Wintreath's regional culture if you obtain the position?
    Primarily, it'll be activity-focused. I have a lot of ideas in terms of cultural events and RP's but without the actual involvement of the community it'd be so many dead topics and forums. To that end, I'm aiming to publish the House RP ASAP to gain interest both in the House system (and give it a little more purpose) and the RP system in general.

    It'd be pointless to outline a complete vision here as that'd ruin half the surprises and a lot of it will grow out of things that will happen spontaneously.

    4) If you were to obtain the position, what would be the very first thing you would focus on?
    Finalising the Establishment of Setting and getting the forums correctly set up for the Houses and the House RP, along with a bit of reorganisation of the Howling Wind Tavern forum if possible.

    5) What are the qualifications, skills, experience, and talents that you feel you uniquely bring to the table?
    I'm non-NS focused, which means a lot of the cultural activities I create will be forum based and hopefully attract a broader base of interest than those that are NS-centric. I feel a lot of regions suffer from putting the game above community. My skills are my massive political knowledge base from my RL job and my own personal interests, my writing ability and my imagination, I suppose. I've run and been involved in RP's both on NS and in other games as well, and have a wealth of experience in running and managing forum-based RPs.

    Conflict of Interest Disclaimers
    5) Do you serve as part of the Executive (Executive, Vice-Executive, or Executive Cabinet) of any other regional or organizational government? If so, what positions, and what duties do they entail?

    6) If you answered yes to question 1, do you foresee any potential conflicts of interest? If so, how do you plan on mitigating them?

    7) Is there anything additional you would like to add that you feel should kept in mind when considering your application?
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
    • Duke of Wintreath
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  • Cultural Ideals and Thoughts
    1) What have your contributions been to Wintreath's regional culture thus far, if any?
    While still very new to the region, I have pushed for a better plan as far as cartography goes.

    2) What do you feel are Wintreath's current strengths and weaknesses when it comes to culture?
    A. The openness of the region combined with a basic idea of theme are the strong points of the region
    B. Integration of new people into the everyday business of the region. Those of you who have been here the longest have strong personalities and can be a bit intimidating at first.

    3) What is your complete vision for Wintreath's regional culture if you obtain the position?
    A. To get people involved. The more voices that can be heard means a more well-rounded concept of the region as a whole
    B. T make better usage of the Fantasy/Medieval/Steampunk theme we have going on. We talk of it but it doesn’t show on the forums or I most any other way. The look of the region needs to fit the theme
    C, Make better use of the whole Familial House thing as well as the ranks and Nobility. As of now they are just words in signatures. So much more needs to be done

    4) If you were to obtain the position, what would be the very first thing you would focus on?
    Integration of new members into day to day regional activities

    5) What are the qualifications, skills, experience, and talents that you feel you uniquely bring to the table?
    I am completely unbiased as to who and what should be accepted in almost every aspect of the region

    Conflict of Interest Disclaimers
    5) Do you serve as part of the Executive (Executive, Vice-Executive, or Executive Cabinet) of any other regional or organizational government? If so, what positions, and what duties do they entail?

    6) If you answered yes to question 1, do you foresee any potential conflicts of interest? If so, how do you plan on mitigating them?

    7) Is there anything additional you would like to add that you feel should kept in mind when considering your application?
    This kind of region is the only reason I made my return to NS. My only focus is to make Wintreath a better region
    ORCA Bay
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  • Thanks for everyone's interest thus far! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Cultural Ideals and Thoughts
    1) What have your contributions been to Wintreath's regional culture thus far, if any?
    I have contributed to various discussions about regional matters, and I am in the process of setting up nation-based RP for the region.  I have also been active in various discussions on IRC with others in the region.

    2) What do you feel are Wintreath's current strengths and weaknesses when it comes to culture?
    - Open community.  Everyone is treated equally.
    - LGBTQ friendly.  This is in keeping with the openness. 
    - Many people interested in some form of RP. 
    - Many are active gamers outside of NS.

    - The experience some have here can be intimidating to some
    - People may want to propose things but may sometimes feel that things won't be willing to change - e.g. the recent argument that caused Lady Akira and "Prisoner" to leave the region as they felt things were stagnating.
    - The style of government here.
    - People may not be patient in terms of waiting for RP to start.  Lack of activity in this area.

    3) What is your complete vision for Wintreath's regional culture if you obtain the position?
    I envision Wintreath to be strong in RP, in both character and nation-based RP.  There's a lot you can do, and hopefully it can be encouraged and made popular enough to entice more people to join and take part.

    4) If you were to obtain the position, what would be the very first thing you would focus on?
    Finalse Nation-based RP.  Finish up the rules, and get the map approved as the official NS RP map for Wintreath.  Appoint a thane to assist with my duties, and ask the region what they wish to see in a inter-regional cultural festival or a tournament of some kind.

    5) What are the qualifications, skills, experience, and talents that you feel you uniquely bring to the table?
    I used to serve as Culture Secretary and Junior Culture Secretary for a brief period in British Isles.  I have also served as a Role-Playing advisor elsewhere in Feudal Japan and in The North Pacific.

    Conflict of Interest Disclaimers
    6) Do you serve as part of the Executive (Executive, Vice-Executive, or Executive Cabinet) of any other regional or organizational government? If so, what positions, and what duties do they entail?  Not currently.

    7) If you answered yes to question 6, do you foresee any potential conflicts of interest? If so, how do you plan on mitigating them?

    8) Is there anything additional you would like to add that you feel should kept in mind when considering your application?
    I would be willing to serve as Thane, as I really want to help improve things culture wise, especially in terms of RP, and I really hope I get picked either way in either position.  People may not always agree with me, but I know people know I am very experienced, and I wish to contribute my skills and experience to Wintreath.

    I edited some of the numbers in the application as they were slightly out of order by the way.
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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