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What Would You Do?
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  • If a close friend murdered someone for good reason, but you couldn't go to the police, how would you dispose of the body? Or would you turn them in?
    • Altross
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  •   Yeah, if a close friend did that...I'm not getting involved, no way no how. We're close friends, but I'm not going anywhere near that body....nope, not going to get involved
    Age-old Extra-Terrestrial Being of Wintreath.

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  • Pretty much what Persian said, if I'm honest. A lot depends on motivations behind the action, however - if I knew there to be a valid, if quasi-legal, reason behind the action I don't think I'd be as unresponsive to those responsible as I otherwise might be.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • I'd turn the friend in. Taking someone's life isn't something most of us would be ready to do, and that's reason enough to have such person out of the streets. Justice in the form of "eye for an eye" doesn't work, and death punishes more everyone else than the victim (even if you're religious, isn't getting killed usually +50 heaven points to the victim, and +50 hell points to the murderer?)

    Also think it this way: the friend opens up to you but you choose not to get involved, you become a threat. He/she already took a life, who's to say he/she doesn't take one more just to keep his/her secret safe?
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  • Why you asking Polaris? Wanna kill somebody? :P
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  • Any close friend of mine to do that would have had a better-than-damn-good-reason. I Would help transport the body back home (not where I live now) and drop it in a gator hole. Good luck to anyone wanting to get it out.
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  • lol, no, just no. Once you find out, if you don't turn them in you're automatically an accomplice, and quite frankly I can't think of anyone I would take such legal risks for. Then again, I can't really think of a situation where any close friend would do that except self-defense, and that's another legal concept entirely.

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  • I would really love to know exactly why my friend chose to make that decision.  Then I would turn them in.  I don't care how long we've been friends, there's really no excuse (ok, self defense, but barring that...) to taking the life of another. 

    IF my friend had actually needed to kill someone to preserve their own life, then I would support them and help them through everything that would come next.  I would NOT help them hide a body or anything ridiculous like that.
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  • Depends on the reason mostly... Some fates are worse than death, if a close friend had to commit first degree murder to avoid one such fate, themselves or in place of a loved one, I'd help in a heart beat. Murder ain't the answer, but sometime this broken world can't be fixed and one must choose the lesser of two evils. That said, I would also make sure that the close friend never did it again. I come from a military family, death is familiar to me, killing is familiar to me. I haven't done any killing myself, but I would not be shocked if you told me that I will kill someone before I die. I would be sad, because that would mean I had failed, and been forced to react instead of act, but then I would go about my day just like any other.
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  • Depends on the people(person killed and the person who killed them) and the reason. If it was a close friend I might be more towards actually hiding the body or something than other people, and if it was a reason like what Prudii proposed, then I would help if it were a friend. Also it depends on the person killed, some people, should they be killed by a friend, I would help out immediately, others I would stay neutral(not help, but not turn them in), and with others, I would turn them in.

    So if a friend killed a person, depends on the friend themselves, the reason for doing so, and the person that was killed(as there are some people that if they died I would celebrate, and I would help the person who killed them).

    Edit: A quick note as well, If I am to the point where I would celebrate someone's death, then they have REALLY fucked up, because as most people have told me, I'm a really nice guy.
    « Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 11:31:15 PM by Chanku »
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