That is all, really. I'm leaving. All of NS.
Why? Well it's simple. Because, like any other social gathering there are Alphas, Betas and so on. Sadly, like all online communities, Alphas don't rotate smoothly like in most RL groups I've been part of, because there is a hierarchy in any system. This system is set up to be an autocracy with one root admin, it's a fact. And I am sad to say that I fell for the power grasp. There really isn't a healthy system, and even a region such as this one which is "community based" still has too much politicking
I resign my post as Jarl of Integration. I assume that Polaris will take over. If so, brace for Stark's continued bitching over a mentor system even though he hasn't sent me any drafts or anything, even if he is trying to "collaborate" with me. Also, it's been on my mind for a while, but I think intro videos would be good for new people, work with the JoInfo for that if you wish, but this is just a suggestion.
I resign my post as Thane of Defense, and my post in the HR. My notes on this have been left to Moot and Denth in private.
I resign my post as Wintreath's Ambassador to The Realm of Westeros. Have fun with this one Chanku.
I guess I could remain an honorary member of the Kasten family if Daws will have me.
I'll still occasionally be on IRC to chat to people, and there's a few people I have private channels with.
So there it is, farewell.
I guess here is where I list people (I'm just going down number of posts on the Member List on the forums, btw, so don't get insulted):
Wintermoot- You were a mostly good friend overall, but you have an organizational system I disagree with. Hope this place works out for you.
Daws- Fuck it, I'll stay in contact with you anyways.
Weiss- Smart, but occasionally you can miss out on a lot. I will miss you though.
JW- Stay frosty.
Chanku- I have come to dislike you for the most part, but for a while you were sane and sensible. I will cherish that time in my memory.
Charax- See Daws' dedication.
Polaris- Good luck. You're rising fast like I did, I hope NS doesn't vortex you either. Stay frosty, and one day you'll get that perfect sig and avatar, haha.
Reon- See Daws' and Char's dedications.
Fishy- I'll miss your eccentricity. Take care and if you need it, find help, please. If you need someone to talk to, you have me on Fb.
Govindia- You're getting better, I'll say that much. You're getting a lot better. I'll miss you buddy, and you won't always get all the answers out of people, so don't keep bugging them, and if they say no, it's a no.
Harry- Fuck you.
Stacky- Good luck, I also hope NS doesn't crush you. Stay strong buddy.
Horse- I don't know if you'll see this, but keep on stirring.
Stark- Also fuck you.
Persian- Stay frosty, and keep on travelling, I expect you to reach me some day you crazy xenoform.
Vang- Fuck you too.
Day- Well, I don't know what to say. Keep talking I guess, and make sure Moot doesn't trip up.
Milo- Hail o/ That is all.
Wuufu- I know where to find you, and you know where to find me, keep on kicking.
IH- See Daws', Char's and Reon's.
And to those gone:
LibLib- I don't know where you went, but you were fun and cool.
Anquia- Fun and cool, once more, it sounds cheesy and cliché, but I'll miss you too.
Raven- I know why you left now. Hopefully you're better off now.
cunningcat- Damn, it's been too long. I know some of your reasons for leaving, but I wish you had told us. I hope you're better off.
Leutheria- See Daws', Char's, Reon's and IH's.
Well, I'll sign off now,
In the great words of some politician Char has a fetish for-
Concerns, Queries, Complaints, Death Threats, Love Letters? Drop them here.
-Alterra, Vidarr, Delta, S.O.