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A question and an Idea
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  • I disagree. You should be able to stand behind who and what you vote for. There is no reason to hide who/what you voted on.
    In my mind that is why abstain exist, so you may recluse yourself from voting in a situation where casting a vote would hinder or harbor ill will.
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  • A perfect example is when you are a candidate, you don't want to create disdain with other members(especially if you are planning on running again) and you don't want to create a 'line' of sorts which could cost you a re-election.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • A perfect example is when you are a candidate, you don't want to create disdain with other members(especially if you are planning on running again) and you don't want to create a 'line' of sorts which could cost you a re-election.

    I am not following you here Chanku. What "line"?
    I would presume that if you are running you could do the right thing and recluse yourself from the vote by marking abstain. Voting for yourself is extremely unethical anyway in my opinion.
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  • To be honest voting for ones-self is probably the only way most people will get a vote.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • The right to a private ballot is held inviolable in most Western and many democratic nations in real life. I can't think of any reason why we should enforce public-only ballots here. It is entirely the choice of the individual whether or not to make their vote public or private, and you're totally misunderstanding the usage of the abstain casting, JW.

    @Chanku, let's not be offensive. You need only look at past elections to know that's not the case.
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    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • The right to a private ballot is held inviolable in most Western and many democratic nations in real life. I can't think of any reason why we should enforce public-only ballots here. It is entirely the choice of the individual whether or not to make their vote public or private, and you're totally misunderstanding the usage of the abstain casting, JW.

    Dear don't presume I misunderstand anything. I view it one way, you view it in another. I am in no way saying private voting shouldn't be allowed, or that we should change anything. Just that from my personal beliefs I believe if you are going to vote make it public. I would not be against votes being made public in real life. That would be such great drama :).
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  • Voting in elections should always be a private thing to ensure nobody is offended by a person's vote one way or another.

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  • Meh. You shouldn't be offended by someone's vote..
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  • I don't think there's going to be any changes in the election process...and certainly not this election.
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  • Meh. You shouldn't be offended by someone's vote..

    Shouldn't isn't the same as won't be. People will be offended, there will be attempts at coercion et cetera because humans are nasty little things and that's just how we work :(

    Also, if I understood you correctly - "In my mind that is why abstain exist, so you may recluse yourself from voting in a situation where casting a vote would hinder or harbor ill will." You're saying you should use the Abstain when you don't want to vote because it might cause offense or put you at risk? Abstain exists so you can lodge your protest, or say you only think there are x number of viable candidates and no-one else is worth voting for, not so you can not vote because it's going to put you at risk. If that was the case, you don't vote or you vote privately, that's kind of the main thing about private voting. :)
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • So what is this debate for?

    Couldn't we place a voting poll there, with three options 1) Aye 2) Nay 3) Abstain?
    and with private or public vote as an option...?

    It's rather easy...I don't understand why people make a fuss.. Why counting so many people votes, by PM's and as comments...when it can all be done, electronicaly...
    A nice way to know, that the voting has not being manipulated or changed...
    I personaly think thats the best we can do..
    « Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 10:06:04 AM by 'Harry McClain' »
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  • Polls have limited functionality. Because of the way voting works here, with people noting down five choices, be they 5 candidates, 5 abstains, or any combination thereof, we'd need to have a lot of different options in the poll and that'd be confusing.

    I also think it's useful for Moot to be able to keep score of things through PM's and the thread. We don't need to use a poll, it complicates matters, so we don't :)
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • Well it's ok, old fashioned ways have proven to be functionable :P
    But why not becomming old dogs, with new tricks lol (stolen line by Skyfall/James bond)
    I use some programms that can create polls with plenty of options inside...but if it is to happen in the old fashioned way...I am down for that :)  8)
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  • Well it's ok, old fashioned ways have proven to be functionable :P
    But why not becomming old dogs, with new tricks lol (stolen line by Skyfall/James bond)
    I use some programms that can create polls with plenty of options inside...but if it is to happen in the old fashioned way...I am down for that :)  8)

    It's not so much the old-fashioned way as the way that works well and isn't complicated. To use polls, we'd have to change a few things about how we record the votes and in all honesty we don't have the activity in the region to warrant the shift from the method we use at the moment.

    Maybe in the future when Mootles gets swamped with votes he'll change it, but until then!
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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