Post #11602
May 26, 2014, 03:05:12 PM
What an excellent question.
The Freedom of Information act is a necessary evil. How can we expect the support of our electorate, if they feel we are keeping secrets. The masses truly are our bosses, do they not deserve to know what's happening?
I certainly think they do
While I disagree with some wording of the act, at its core, the act has good intentions.
After all, do not we all have good intentions at our core, here in Wintreath?
As far as increasing activity in the region goes, my plan is simple.
Yes, my plan is simple, and it is made even easier by you, the people.
You see, when a region is full of fantastic nations not unlike your own, good sir, all I have to do is draw attention to the many positives. I plan to do this in several ways.
I will personally see to it that a weekly regional newspaper be circulated, ensuring that new residents are aware of the fantastic opportunities, and people they have chosen to surround themselves with.
I will provide people with a friendly and approachable face, to which they can bring concerns they have that may limit how much they want to interact within the community.
Lastly, I vow to actively, and vocally, oppose any and all legislation that may limit activity in the region.
The winds of change are catching in the sails of Wintreath, so embark with me and embrace it.