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The Frosty Bugle #40: Wintreath's Most Mentioned, The Conclusion
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Frosty Bugle
    Your Chill Rundown of This Week in Wintreath
    July 15, 2022

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    Too Long; Didn't Read
    What can I do this week?

    A Word from the Monarch
    Wintreath's Most Mentioned, Part 1

    The reveal is actually below!

    Welcome to the conclusion of Wintreath's Most Mentioned, where I rank the most prominent and influential Wintreans based on the most certain marker of prominence and influence: the number of mentions in 19 editions of this publication between January and June. Last week we covered the first five members on our ranking. If you missed that edition you can read it here! If you'd like to read the story of how Wintreath's Most Mentioned came to be, you can check it out here.

    This week, we reveal the top 5 and learn who is Wintreath's Most Mentioned, so let's get started!


    Thane of Roleplay
    Co-Director of WARPP

    #5: Svipjoth burst onto the scene after winning the Thane of Roleplay election last December, having successfully revived our roleplaying guild (now named Rollspelskra) and led it through several successful roleplays since. Thanks to her efforts, RP on the forums are at highs unseen since 2015, and looks to be growing from there. She also Co-Director of WARPP, won Wintreat's Finest in December and May, and is a major force in roleplaying outside of her position. Her dedication to RP is unprecendented, and it shows in the impact that she's had in that area of our community.

    Neon Abigail
    Anime Princess of Chaos
    Host of Werewolf 26: A New Adventure in Old London

    #4: Neon Abigail has become one of our most familiar faces since returning in late February, especially when it comes to Werewolf. Neon hosted Werewolf 26: A New Adventure in Old London, ran as a candidate for Thane of Werewolf in what became one of the most contested elections in our history, and has been a player in every other Werewolf game since her return. She's also one of the most active people in our community in general on both the forums and the Discord, making her one of our most visible and vital members.

    Jarl of Culture
    Delegate of Wintreath

    #3: Michi has a long history of major contributions to the community, from bringing Werewolf to Wintreath to trying out other kinds of games to posting game reviews and updating his own publication, The Posh Penguin. Throughout this period Michi has served as Jarl of Culture, continuing to build on his vast cultural legacy, and also as Delegate of our NationStates region, which he took on because he'd never done it before and as usual has excelled at. Between this, his knowledge on just about every aspect of Wintreath, and his roles in the Cabinet and Administration, very little happens in Wintreath without his usual positive and light-hearted input.

    Monarch and Founder

    #2: As Monarch and Founder of Wintreath, it's not surprising to see Wintermoot near the top of a most-mentioned list. Nearly nine years after founding Wintreath, Wintermoot continues to develop technical improvements for Wintreath such as the new Werewolf system in January and orientation profile fields in June. He also devotes as much time to being part of as many aspects of Wintreath as possible, from recruitment to Werewolf to CAH nights. Most importantly, he considers himself the guardian of Wintreath's principles and ideals, and also happens to put this publication together every week.

    Former Jarl of Regional Affairs

    #1: Since returning to Wintreath in March, Marzipan has almost single-handedly revived Wintreath's gaming scene as Thane of Gaming by organizing game nights, creating the Dungeon Masters civil service guild, and planning new kinds of games and events. They were pivotal in planning our Pride Month events, and ran several of them themselves with great success. Beyond that, Mars is one of our friendlest, most active, and most vibrant members. Only months back in the community, it's safe to say that Wintreath would not be what it is now without them, and that's why they are deservingly Wintreath's Most Mentioned.

    And there you have it, the who's who in Wintreath based on the number of times they were mentioned in The Frosty Bugle. As I said last week, it's a little out there to base a ranking on number of mentions, but because The Frosty Bugle covers everything that goes on in Wintreath, it became a genuine listing of deserving people who have really made a difference in our community. As before, to everyone on our list, thank you for helping to make Wintreath into what it is today, by what you've done and most importantly by who you are.

    Until next time, stay frosty.


    The Welcome Wagon
    Aloha to our new and returning Citizens!
    We did not have any new or returning Citizens this week, but if you would like to become a Citizen of Wintreath, all you have to do is join our forums and then fill out this form. Citizens gain full rights under our regional constitution, gain access to Citizen-only areas of the forums and Discord, and can participate in our government from our all-Citizen assembly to the Cabinet that runs the day-to-do operations of Wintreath.

    Upcoming Events
    All times Eastern. Check out our Discord for the latest gaming events!
    • Jackbox Party Packs - July 16th, 10PM (Discord #gaming/In-Game Channels)
    • Cards Against Humanity - July 18th, 9PM (Discord #zaphyr Channel)
    • [Gaming Sale] Steam VR Fest 2022 Starts - July 18th (Steam Store)

    What's Happening Now
    News from Wintreath
    Thanks to Our Supporters!
    Thank you to everybody who supported Wintreath in June: Stigya (The Stigyan Triumvirate), Neon Abigail, trader, HannahB, Gantar180, Gerrick, Crushita, and DarchAngel (Khaos Batman)! As always, I'm blown away when I put this list together and dicuss it on the forums. Thank you guys so much once again!

    Read More About It!
    Publications from Wintreans about anything and everything
    Rnesspo World News VI
    Views of RP events from TGN (The Greenlandic North). This edition discusses the construction of a military base and troubles at Boritos. Check it out for more information!

    Uppsalaskyrslan: July 13th, 2022
    Insights about what's going on in Wintreath from the nation of Svipjoth. This edition discusses the details of the unexpected raid and occupation of Haithabu.

    New Forum Discussions
    Here are the new discussions on our off-site forums! If one of them interests you, why don’t you add to it with a reply? As we have a few things going on at the moment, the list has been broken down by category!

    Rollspelskra - Roleplay

    Everything Else

    Looking for Group
    The Hearthkeepers: Wintreath's Welcome Wagon
    The Hearthkeepers help keep Wintreath a warm and welcoming community! They welcome and help new members, post daily questions for the community to discuss, create weekly events, and more. Would you like to help keep Wintreath a warm place? Check out the link and contact Michi / Penguin Dictators to join!

    Winbassadors: Wintreath’s Face to Other Communities
    Ambassadors (named Winbassadors on the Discord because ambassador was already taken) represent Wintreath to other communities. This involves joining their forums and Discord, keeping track of what’s going on there, posting our dispatches and information, and contributing to our foreign dispatch, the Auora Borealis. If you’re a Citizen and would like to join the Winbassador program, contact Wintermoot on Discord!

    The Dungeon Masters: Wintreath's Gaming Leaders
    Dungeon Masters help organize and run gaming nights: everything from Discord games like Cards Against Humanity to video games like Jackbox and Among Us. This is a great way to help contribute to Wintreath’s community that doesn’t involve NationStates, for those Citizens who have moved on from the NS side. If you’re interested in becoming a Dungeon Master, check the linked dispatch!

    Rollspelskra: Wintreath's Roleplaying Guild
    Rollspelskra is where the best roleplaying in Wintreath happens, with a focus on well-organized and moderated RPs that follow good etiquette. Join by showing you know the RP fallacies and how to avoid them, then once in propose and vote on monthly official RPs or create and join other RPs created by members. Check the link to explore Rollspelskra and join in on the fun!

    Thanks for Reading!
    Did you like this edition of The Frosty Bugle? Be sure to upvote/like this post so that I know people are getting something out of this publication and be encouraged to write more! Also, thanks to our subscribers who are listed below!

    @Marzipan, @TGN
    3 people like this post: taulover, Arenado, Marzipan

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    They said "You'd better look alive"
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