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For Glory Or Death
Posts: 56 Views: 9737

Finrod Felagund
  • Former Citizen
  • Conte di Integrazione
  • A coup of Nargothond by an anti-Felagund faction.

    *For Sale, main square 13:53*

    --Begining of police report--

    At 13:21 today, cameras observed a small scooter crossing the main square in a way that is not permitted for vehicles. Two officers moved to approach the vehicle but before they could speak to the driver of the scooter, he screamed "Le nallon sí di'nguruthos! A tiro nin, Fanuilos!". Following this, he detonated a series of explosives placed on the scooter beforehand, killing the two officers instantly and injuring dozens more. Police immediately moved to cordon off most of the city centre, but three more vehicles within the cordon exploded, killing another 3 officers.

    Commander Caranthir of the City's military forces declared martial law within the city and set a 24-hour curfew, banning all non-essential travel. The military is securing the city and sweeping every house in a circular fashion, starting from the centre. The Emperor has declared Defcon 3 and ordered the preparation of the military for imminent action within or without the nation. Allies are being called to aid and the reward for the terrorist known only as Ecthelion has been increased to 150 million Noldor pounds.

    --End of report--

    *Arsa Alari, Mythhkadi, Alhalon, Isvalond, For Sale, various times between 15:03 and 18:36*

    --Beginning of DOD report to the Palace-- (OOC: this means you have not read it but you do have a vague knowledge of its' contents)

    Today, in various areas of the Holy empire, a total of 173 terrorist attacks have occurred in the space of less than 3 hours, all claimed by a movement known as the "Second Union of Maedhros" or SUM for short. The total bodycount stands at 762 dead and 4521 wounded, mostly from the military. Current data suggests these terrorists are Thalasi-backed to some extent (probably through some organisation or other they founded by the side or through some Serech Resistance movement). 13 of these terrorists have been captured, however the only name of a leader we can get out of them it Ecthelion. They seem to know no more about the structure of their organisation, however it is clear they do not desire to break the empire, but rather to seize it from the top outward. This message will be delivered by hand by a member of the Pure-blood organisation (OOC: Organisation that demands only category 20 or higher blood rank may serve in rusted positions in the military, I'd explain the blood ranks, but eh).

    The second thing we managed to understand is that they will be active in the near future as part of what they call "operation Glorfindel". We believe the ultimate aim of these terrorists is to place a member of the imperial family on the throne that cannot currently ascend to it due to their low place in the line of succession. Therefore we can only conclude they wish to assassinate members of the Imperial family until they have reached the member they desire. We believe these are also the people behind the attack in FOR SALE this morning. We advise greatest caution in dealing with these people and a heightening of the military readiness so that we may be ready to retaliate. suspicions are already high that "Ecthelion" is hiding in Danceria or the Dancerian sector of Serech. We advise drone surveillance of the area and an increase in the number of security personnel, as well as leaning on the Dancerian government to search with all means at their disposal for the head of this group.

    --End of report--

    Following this report, at 19:07, emperor Finrod Felagund raised the security level of the nation to DEFCON 2 and stated that all weaponry, nuclear and conventional should be ready and primed to fire at a moment's notice.

    --Report by Dancerian Agent to home--

    Nargothondian reporters are remaining silent. All of For Sale is in war mode. No man goes in or out. The Nation is observing radio silence aside for the Triumvirate diplomatic channels.

    Reports from any reporters of any nationality in the nation are being supressed, the sending of any information back out of the country is now deemed a crime.

    Martial law is active, the right to a fair trial has been rescinded. The military patrols the streets and the army ha been ordered to exterminate any suspicious elements with maximum prejudice.

    The Nargothondian sector of Serech is undergoing a continuous and violent search of every house, street by street to find any rebelious elements which has yet to turn up any results that have been officially released.

    --end of report--

    --Broadcast on Radio Elbereth --

    Attention to all the forces of the Most Serene Empire of Nargothond, we, emperor Ecthelion I, do hereby lay claim to the lands held by the Usurper Finrod Felagund. He has held these lands and opressed our people for too long, but now, with the support of the 17th, 21st, 93rd, 74th, 53rd and 99th army group, Luftdivision 6 and the Imperial Isngroth navy, we control Isngroth, Melsenaes, Sylesari, Oselenor and Isvalond. We also have control of the way into Serech, cutting off the forces of the usurper stationed there.

    We shall prevail and conquer back this land that the usurper has stolen from us. We shall retake our birthright. As our first step to that goal, we shall excecute the 17 members of the Imperial family we found in this area. For their crimes against the people, they shall perish. We are the Most Serene Empire of Nargothond and we shall prevail. Glory to the MSE, Le nallon sí di'nguruthos! A tiro nin, Fanuilos!

    --End of broadcast--

    -- Message to combined Triumvirate HQ from Emperor Felagund's Thana Ancalen Bunker --

    Aceus and Justinian. I have lost control of a third of my land army and about the same as far as my air force is concerned. I can no longer contact my troops in Serech due to the enemy cutting phone lines to there. My nuclear capacity is still as strong as it always was, but I am keeping that as a last resort. The Xtra Cleverly Organised Mech-warriors project is being deployed as we speak, but this is going to ruin the country if we cannot get together on this. I need your help.

    This is our greatest crisis to date, I beg of you, send everything. We must recapture these cities or let a potentially ADDO-friendly government take control of Nargothond, industry, technology, everything. My troops are trained to obey unquestioningly, so they must have bought out my top generals and commanders. I am purging the disloyal from my military's ranks, but This is going too fast for me to react. I urge you to march into Serech,join up with what's left of my forces there and attack my enemies from behind.

    This is the moment where we see what the oaths of friendship of the Triumvirate are worth. This may well be our greatest test.

    The Nargothond Map Used for this RP:
    Finrod Felagund
    • Conte di Integrazione
    • Posts: 73
    • Karma: 75
    • Her young ones feast on blood and where the slain are,there is she
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Justinian Ezkantion
  • Former Citizen
  • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
    Justinian VI was on the beach sipping on a fruity drink with a little umbrella in it when he got the call.
    Coup in Nargothond? Fuck.
    Justinian got out his laptop, and started typing.
    "Order given for the army groups VII, XIII, and XXIV to move from their positions in the Serechi Occupation Zones and to begin a coordinated effort with the fifth fleet to immediately blitz the coastal cities. In accordance with Special Order 783, no restrictions will be placed on bombing or engagements with the enemy. General Combat Protocols XIX, XXIV, and XXV are rescinded. Further reinforcements from the XVII and XVIII battle groups of the Self Defense Forces will be deployed to Serech to shore up further operations. Amphibious operations will be conducted in conjunction with paratrooper and ground forces to overwhelm the enemy. As part of General Strategy #7: Overwhelming Force, bombing runs will precede infantry assaults until immediately before their commencement. Special Operations Divisions Kronos, Helios, and Heraclius will begin preparations for Class 5 infiltration and assassination missions. Sevent and Ninth fleets will immediately engage mutinous navy. General command of Operation SOS will be given to General Zacharias Konstantos, who will be patched in to Nargothondian Command. Encryption codes are to be immediately refreshed for inter-Escanthean operations. Combined operations code will be renewed, keys sent over emergency cable network OMEGA, direct to Finrod's palace. Good luck and godspeed, gentlemen.
    aaand sent. Uggh, now to tell the wife...

    Justinian Ezkantion
    • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
    • Posts: 791
    • Karma: 289
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    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • "The Sept", Military Central Command, Jacinto Island, Thalasus

    President Abraham Santiago entered the dimly-lit Planning Office, along with his contracted civilian security. It appeared that he was the last military leader to arrive: dead cigarettes and half-empty cups of coffee and water were scattered across the mahogany and gunmetal table. Many military commanders had taken off their decorated jackets or camouflage fatigues. The stench of tobacco, coffee, and sweat permeated the air. The generals and admirals had evidently been here for many hours, making their plans that were now being displayed on screens that surrounded the walls.

    The commanders in the room, who were variously in states of awareness ranging from napping in leather office chairs to feverishly drawing up strategies on electronic tablets, became aware of President Santiago's presence and one by one stood up and saluted. The previous military Hegemon, a four-star general of the Thalasian Army by the name of Luca Mastoro, grinned.
    "Mr. President, welcome to the War Room."
    Abe gave a brief smile. "Thank you, General Mastoro. It's good to finally be here. Let's get to work, shall we?"
    The men sat down as Abraham took his reserved seat at the end of the table. He pressed a button and his touchscreen tablet activated, flickering to life.
    "I trust," the aging Admiral Alcides said as he folded his arms and leaned back in his seat, "that you have been briefed on the civil war in Nargothond?"
    "Of course. The IAT has done a good job of keeping me up to date." He glanced at the satellite images displayed on the wall on front of her. Constantly shifting lines, shaded regions, and many different symbols marked up Nargothond's landscape, desperately attempting to bring the chaos that had erupted halfway across the world into an abstract and orderly form.
    "Well, what is our battle plan?"

    There was a long silence in the War Room. Tough military strongmen, who were respected across the nation for their courage and "tell it like it is" attitude found themselves coughing nervously and looking away.
    "Mr. President," General Luca said, "we don't know."
    President Abraham was absolutely dumbfounded. "What?"
    "It's as he said, sir," Admiral Alcides said, coming to Luca's defense. "We simply do not have a plan. We've never seen anything even remotely similar to this before."
    Another lesser admiral spoke up from down the table. "Sure, everyone talk hard about the future of uprisings and revolution, but in Nargothond, and right now? Are you serious?"
    An Army general spoke up. "I would wager most of us in the room had better ideas of what we would do for an alien invasion, or a zombie outbreak. This really came out of the blue."
    "Which is why," General Luca said, pointing to the main screen, "I am convinced that this whole thing is some kind of... faint. A ruse. A fabrication."
    Half of the military commanders at the table groaned and rolled their eyes.
    Alcides literally facepalmed. "General Mastoro, enough of this nonsense! We have the satellite images, the intelligence reports, we even have the FLOAT nations military movements, for Allah's sake! What more do you need?"
    "This sort of diversion is not outside the realm of possibility for the Nargothond government, and you know it! This is a trap to bury us!"

    The room erupted into disorder as accusations and frantic arguments were shouted. Alone, President Abraham sat silently. Suddenly, even he had enough.
    The room fell silent, partially out of shock, partially out of respect, and partially so those who were particularly angry could listen to the president and verbally tear him to bloody shreds when he finishes. Abraham took off his glasses and rubbed his temples.
    "Gentlemen," he began quietly, "what are we? What is Thalasus? Why are we sitting here talking about this?"
    Admiral Alcides responded first. "We are the last bastion of democracy and human rights. And, Mr. President, we are here because for the first time in our history, freedom calls from the abyss. We must do what we can to help them! If we fail, we will be remembered as hypocrites and cowards. We will be a laughing stock, more than we already are. We must end this immediately and launch a full-scale assault on Nargothond! Now is the time!"
    "Alcides is right about one thing. We are the last bastion, Mr. President," General Luca retorted. "That is why, rather than going into an invasion we can not possibly hope to win, we must stick to our own defense. We can aid these rebels in some ways, but an outright invasion should be out of the question! We have an obligation to defend our people and our democracy, not throw the future of our nation into fire for little more than an idea!"
    President Abraham stood up. "You both are answering my question in the wrong way. General Mastoro, Admiral Alcides, what we are is a democracy. This means the people rule, does it not?"
    A horrified expression crossed General Luca's face.
    "Mr. President, you can't possibly mean..."
    "The people must decide this, General. If we are going to fight this fight, or if we will stay behind, the people need to support our decision either way. Anything else would be the height of hypocrisy."
    "But they have no knowledge of tactics! No understanding of the military implications of such a war! They'll vote everyone right off the cliff, like lemmings!"
    "Or they'll vote to defend Thalasus alone."
    "Well, one thing is for certain," President Abraham said as he stood up to leave. "We need to start a massive air campaign to secure the airspace over Nargothond. That way, we can start delivering aid to the rebels."
    "Bad news, Mr. President," one of the Air Force commanders said. "The Escantheans are attempting to establish a blockade of the rebel regions and a no fly zone for non-ADDO aircraft. They're meeting heavy rebel resistance, but I doubt they can hold out like that for long."
    Alcides stood up and moved some units around on the giant touchscreen. "I have an idea... If we move the Andarín carrier strike group followed by the Tanager battlegroup into the region to support the Libertdor CSG which is already there, we will be able to have an adequate launching ground for a blockade or an attack if we decide on one."
    "I agree with Alcides'," General Luca responded. "However, we will still be at somewhat a disadvantage. If we plan on a major support chain or an invasion, this no fly zone needs to go. Some negotiations might be helpful in this regard."
    "I'll help with that. In the meantime, move forward with your plans. I don't believe I need to tell you to be ready for anything."
    "Of course, sir. We can handle the fleet movements. We will be sure to keep you updated."
    "Very well. Godspeed, gentlemen. Our nation needs us."

    President Abraham stepped out of the room and left for his helicopter, leaving the generals and admirals behind to start pushing orders. As he boarded the roaring modified SH-60 Seahawk, he logged onto a video call for the first person he could think of to talk to. The Escanthea king, Justinian VI.

    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
    • Posts: 744
    • Karma: 226
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    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Justinian Ezkantion
  • Former Citizen
  • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
  • At his office after the day at the beach, Justinian received a call from the new Thalasian president, who had the gall to declare the no fly zone null and was moving his forces over. The Emperor wondered how well they would enjoy the sight of the First, Tenth, and Eleventh Fleets coming down from their western ports. Still, he accepted the video call.
    "So, Mr....Santiago was it? I understand you have put your lot in with this rebellious princeling. Before we begin, I'd like to ask you a question: What makes you think Ecthelion has any intention of following through with his rhetoric? T'would be far more embarrassing to support a future tyrant than turn a blind eye to an existing one, no? I hope you remember what happened to the last would-be ADDO state on this continent..."
    Justinian Ezkantion
    • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
    • Posts: 791
    • Karma: 289
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • At his office after the day at the beach, Justinian received a call from the new Thalasian president, who had the gall to declare the no fly zone null and was moving his forces over. The Emperor wondered how well they would enjoy the sight of the First, Tenth, and Eleventh Fleets coming down from their western ports. Still, he accepted the video call.
    "So, Mr....Santiago was it? I understand you have put your lot in with this rebellious princeling. Before we begin, I'd like to ask you a question: What makes you think Ecthelion has any intention of following through with his rhetoric? T'would be far more embarrassing to support a future tyrant than turn a blind eye to an existing one, no? I hope you remember what happened to the last would-be ADDO state on this continent..."
    President Santiago scowled. "Yes, I remember exactly what happened to the lawful, democratically elected government of Serech. That is exactly the type of thing that we are willing to go all the way to prevent from happening again. Regardless if this Ecthelion is a 'future tyrant' or not, I fail to see how any reign can have less of a regard for human dignity than Finrod's. No, the Thalasian military is ready to defend this uprising from foreign antagonists at all costs. If that means a few Escanthean warplanes have to be shot down, then so be it."
    He took a sip of water. "However, that is something which I want to avoid, since it would be an absolute disaster for what is supposed to be an era of thawing relations between the two Ainurian powers. I'm here to see if the two of us can reach an agreement to, at a minimum, enforce doctrines that would prevent civilian deaths and other human rights abuses. Oh, and please, call me Abe."
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
    • Posts: 744
    • Karma: 226
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Justinian Ezkantion
  • Former Citizen
  • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
  • At his office after the day at the beach, Justinian received a call from the new Thalasian president, who had the gall to declare the no fly zone null and was moving his forces over. The Emperor wondered how well they would enjoy the sight of the First, Tenth, and Eleventh Fleets coming down from their western ports. Still, he accepted the video call.
    "So, Mr....Santiago was it? I understand you have put your lot in with this rebellious princeling. Before we begin, I'd like to ask you a question: What makes you think Ecthelion has any intention of following through with his rhetoric? T'would be far more embarrassing to support a future tyrant than turn a blind eye to an existing one, no? I hope you remember what happened to the last would-be ADDO state on this continent..."
    President Santiago scowled. "Yes, I remember exactly what happened to the lawful, democratically elected government of Serech. That is exactly the type of thing that we are willing to go all the way to prevent from happening again. Regardless if this Ecthelion is a 'future tyrant' or not, I fail to see how any reign can have less of a regard for human dignity than Finrod's. No, the Thalasian military is ready to defend this uprising from foreign antagonists at all costs. If that means a few Escanthean warplanes have to be shot down, then so be it."
    He took a sip of water. "However, that is something which I want to avoid, since it would be an absolute disaster for what is supposed to be an era of thawing relations between the two Ainurian powers. I'm here to see if the two of us can reach an agreement to, at a minimum, enforce doctrines that would prevent civilian deaths and other human rights abuses. Oh, and please, call me Abe."
    Abe? Abraham? He's not a damned saracen at least...
    "I'm afraid, Abe, that you fail to understand the position I am in. I cannot allow any kind of extended conflict, even one I will inevitably win, on my continent. This is FLOAT's core, and I cannot allow it to be compromised. Not by you, not by Ecthelion, not by anyone I do not desire. For the sake of national and regional security, I must tell you to turn back and go home. I will not hesitate to engage any forces assaulting those of my allies or aiding their enemies. I am bound by treaty and by familial ties to do this, regardless of personal beliefs. You are not, and while I understand that your military has put you in a difficult position, I cannot break oaths to my friends for the benefit of my rivals. If you wish to arrange some sort of agreement to limited warfare if it should come to that, I'm all ears. I believe that neither of us wishes to inflict a nuclear war on each other."
    Justinian Ezkantion
    • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
    • Posts: 791
    • Karma: 289
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Abe? Abraham? He's not a damned saracen at least...
    "I'm afraid, Abe, that you fail to understand the position I am in. I cannot allow any kind of extended conflict, even one I will inevitably win, on my continent. This is FLOAT's core, and I cannot allow it to be compromised. Not by you, not by Ecthelion, not by anyone I do not desire. For the sake of national and regional security, I must tell you to turn back and go home. I will not hesitate to engage any forces assaulting those of my allies or aiding their enemies. I am bound by treaty and by familial ties to do this, regardless of personal beliefs. You are not, and while I understand that your military has put you in a difficult position, I cannot break oaths to my friends for the benefit of my rivals. If you wish to arrange some sort of agreement to limited warfare if it should come to that, I'm all ears. I believe that neither of us wishes to inflict a nuclear war on each other."
    "Yes, avoidance of nuclear war should be a given," President Santiago said as he twirled a pen in his thumbs. "Peace on that front should be maintained at all costs. But I simply can not accept loss after loss for ADDO in that region. I will be forced to do something, or I risk completely losing my government."
    He paused for a moment thoughtfully "At a very minimum, ADDO planes must be allowed to conduct operations above Nargothond, and an aerial denial zone for both rebel and Nargothond flights of any kind must be established. We also need to make humanitarian arrangements to make sure that illegal weapons aren't being used and that any refugees are able to escape the fighting safely."

    Abe cleared his throat. "Just to clarify, you should know that ADDO military flights will happen whether you want them to or not: I am asking your cooperation on the last two items."
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
    • Posts: 744
    • Karma: 226
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    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Justinian Ezkantion
  • Former Citizen
  • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
  • Abe? Abraham? He's not a damned saracen at least...
    "I'm afraid, Abe, that you fail to understand the position I am in. I cannot allow any kind of extended conflict, even one I will inevitably win, on my continent. This is FLOAT's core, and I cannot allow it to be compromised. Not by you, not by Ecthelion, not by anyone I do not desire. For the sake of national and regional security, I must tell you to turn back and go home. I will not hesitate to engage any forces assaulting those of my allies or aiding their enemies. I am bound by treaty and by familial ties to do this, regardless of personal beliefs. You are not, and while I understand that your military has put you in a difficult position, I cannot break oaths to my friends for the benefit of my rivals. If you wish to arrange some sort of agreement to limited warfare if it should come to that, I'm all ears. I believe that neither of us wishes to inflict a nuclear war on each other."
    "Yes, avoidance of nuclear war should be a given," President Santiago said as he twirled a pen in his thumbs. "Peace on that front should be maintained at all costs. But I simply can not accept loss after loss for ADDO in that region. I will be forced to do something, or I risk completely losing my government."
    He paused for a moment thoughtfully "At a very minimum, ADDO planes must be allowed to conduct operations above Nargothond, and an aerial denial zone for both rebel and Nargothond flights of any kind must be established. We also need to make humanitarian arrangements to make sure that illegal weapons aren't being used and that any refugees are able to escape the fighting safely."

    Abe cleared his throat. "Just to clarify, you should know that ADDO military flights will happen whether you want them to or not: I am asking your cooperation on the last two items."
    Justinian frowned and became increasingly angered by this fool he was speaking to
    "ADDO never had a presence in that region to begin with. You have consistently violated the sovereignty of our states and promoted discord among all of us. Not just this, or Serech, but even in my own country. Do not think I forget my brother's fate. Just to let you know, I am aware of your little child soldier project, and I must say he was quite impressive, but bullets tear through all of us, and the pilots of your little bombing sorties will be no different, I trust. Still, I am willing to accept that civilians ought to be evacuated in good order. Currently combat protocols for my troops are in the "no mercy" category so it's best they do get out of there. I will speak to the Dancerians on the subject, so refugee camps can be prepared. As for your blatant violations of state sovereignty and your desire to destroy my forces I say go right ahead, and see what happens..."
    Justinian Ezkantion
    • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
    • Posts: 791
    • Karma: 289
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      Wintreath Nation
    Ashton Mercer
  • Former Citizen
  • icy hot
  • Justinian frowned and became increasingly angered by this fool he was speaking to
    "ADDO never had a presence in that region to begin with. You have consistently violated the sovereignty of our states and promoted discord among all of us. Not just this, or Serech, but even in my own country. Do not think I forget my brother's fate. Just to let you know, I am aware of your little child soldier project, and I must say he was quite impressive, but bullets tear through all of us, and the pilots of your little bombing sorties will be no different, I trust. Still, I am willing to accept that civilians ought to be evacuated in good order. Currently combat protocols for my troops are in the "no mercy" category so it's best they do get out of there. I will speak to the Dancerians on the subject, so refugee camps can be prepared. As for your blatant violations of state sovereignty and your desire to destroy my forces I say go right ahead, and see what happens..."
    (OOC: @Finrod Fegalund, do the rebels have any air capability of their own? Do they have a fighting chance, however brief, at blocking FLOAT air control?)

    President Santiago sighed. "That was a different time, Justinian. Thalasi involvement in your civil war and the subsequent assassination was was never proven by any unbiased third party. Not to mention the fact that Thalasi SPARTAN soldiers simply do not exist anymore."
    Technically true. The original SPARTANs had been removed from the military in one of many IAT internal purges. The new super soldier program was under a different name: Project Romulus. The few elite soldiers being trained under the new program, still selected as infants or young children from poor orphanages, were designated as PRs, not SPARTANs.
    "In any case, I'm glad we could reach a humanitarian agreement, but I'm sorry you feel this way about the imminent Thalasi intervention. Just remember it was never been my intention to cause death to any Escanthean, period. If your forces choose to engage my Air Force, the resulting casualties are entirely on your hands."
    Suddenly, he started laughing. Abraham spoke to Justinian like he was a friend. "You know, I find it really fucking funny, actually. Justinian IV, conquerer of Serech, is sitting here lecturing me about about having respect for sovereignty. It seems you remember the so-called 'Serech civil war'  quite differently than it actually happened. I sure haven't." With that, he ended the teleconference.

    The helicopter landed at a military airfield, close to the water's edge. The Presidential plane loomed before him, a hulking and roaring mass of white, blue and yellow. It seemed a storm was blowing in: the Marines who came out to salute Santiago and escort him across the tarmac were wearing military-issue ponchos. The president and his entourage quickly boarded the plane and took off for Farbanti, followed by a fighter escort. He watched an F-22 Raptor graze a dark thundercloud as it flashed in anger.
    It always happens before a storm, doesn't it? He closed his eyes and took a rest. Soon, he would have to call on Danceria for some kind of help.

    The large Thalasian armada continued moving through calm seas. Within hours, the two carrier groups and the battle group will have met, and the naval force of Thalasus will be ready to act on commands from home immediately. Assuming nobody had the guts to encounter them in international waters...

    « Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 09:20:22 PM by Ashton Mercer »
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
    • Posts: 744
    • Karma: 226
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Justinian Ezkantion
  • Former Citizen
  • (Not) Not the Fourth King of Ainur
  • Justinian frowned and became increasingly angered by this fool he was speaking to
    "ADDO never had a presence in that region to begin with. You have consistently violated the sovereignty of our states and promoted discord among all of us. Not just this, or Serech, but even in my own country. Do not think I forget my brother's fate. Just to let you know, I am aware of your little child soldier project, and I must say he was quite impressive, but bullets tear through all of us, and the pilots of your little bombing sorties will be no different, I trust. Still, I am willing to accept that civilians ought to be evacuated in good order. Currently combat protocols for my troops are in the "no mercy" category so it's best they do get out of there. I will speak to the Dancerians on the subject, so refugee camps can be prepared. As for your blatant violations of state sovereignty and your desire to destroy my forces I say go right ahead, and see what happens..."
    (OOC: @Finrod Fegalund, do the rebels have any air capability of their own? Do they have a fighting chance, however brief, at blocking FLOAT air control?)

    President Santiago sighed. "That was a different time, Justinian. Thalasi involvement in your civil war and the subsequent assassination was was never proven by any unbiased third party. Not to mention the fact that Thalasi SPARTAN soldiers simply do not exist anymore."
    Technically true. The original SPARTANs had been removed from the military in one of many IAT internal purges. The new super soldier program was under a different name: Project Romulus. The few elite soldiers being trained under the new program, still selected as infants or young children from poor orphanages, were designated as PRs, not SPARTANs.
    "In any case, I'm glad we could reach a humanitarian agreement, but I'm sorry you feel this way about the imminent Thalasi intervention. Just remember it was never been my intention to cause death to any Escanthean, period. If your forces choose to engage my Air Force, the resulting casualties are entirely on your hands."
    Suddenly, he started laughing. Abraham spoke to Justinian like he was a friend. "You know, I find it really fucking funny, actually. Justinian IV, conquerer of Serech, is sitting here lecturing me about about having respect for sovereignty. It seems you remember the so-called 'Serech civil war'  quite differently than it actually happened. I sure haven't." With that, he ended the teleconference.

    The helicopter landed at a military airfield, close to the water's edge. The Presidential plane loomed before him, a hulking and roaring mass of white, blue and yellow. It seemed a storm was blowing in: the Marines who came out to salute Santiago and escort him across the tarmac were wearing military-issue ponchos. The president and his entourage quickly boarded the plane and took off for Farbanti, followed by a fighter escort. He watched an F-22 Raptor graze a dark thundercloud as it flashed in anger.
    It always happens before a storm, doesn't it? He closed his eyes and took a rest. Soon, he would have to call on Danceria for some kind of help.

    The large Thalasian armada continued moving through calm seas. Within hours, the two carrier groups and the battle group will have met, and the naval force of Thalasus will be ready to act on commands from home immediately. Assuming nobody had the guts to encounter them in international waters...
    It's VI you reprobate...
    Justinian had enough of the pretentious little shit anyway, and ordered his fleets to move out into where the predicted Thalasian naval incursion would be. Though technically they were international waters, Justinian had some papers signed declaring an extension of the territorial seas of the FLOAT countries to the expected landing point. A dirty move that would receive no international recognition, of course, but an added casus belli and a way to intercept the naval force without technically being the aggressor. With hope, the presence of the western fleet would force the enemy navy to relocate to a less effective position, though knowing traditional Thalasian hotheadedness this would likely not happen. In the mean time, success against the rebels was beginning to show through, and in a few moments the battle between the eastern fleet and Ecthelion's mutineers would begin. Though the enemy force has technological superiority, the Escantheans are better organized and greater in number. Predictions for a costly, yet crushing victory are the general consensus among the admiralty. After that, the eastern fleet will link up with the west and fuck the Thalasians in their asses with allied help, hopefully putting an end to foreign involvement and allowing cleanup operations to get rid of whatever rebels are left at that point. With hope, the battle with the rebels wouldn't take too long. Otherwise the two navies would be on equal footing, and unacceptable losses would be sure to follow...

    Meanwhile, Nargothond's top military secrets and scientists were being hurriedly transported through the mountains to Danceria, where a letter from Justinian was being sent to the Queen, his cousin Zoe. It asked of her one simple thing:
    "Get him on our side"
    « Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 10:33:53 PM by Justinian Ezkantion »
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • It's VI you reprobate...
    Justinian had enough of the pretentious little shit anyway, and ordered his fleets to move out into where the predicted Thalasian naval incursion would be. Though technically they were international waters, Justinian had some papers signed declaring an extension of the territorial seas of the FLOAT countries to the expected landing point. A dirty move that would receive no international recognition, of course, but an added casus belli and a way to intercept the naval force without technically being the aggressor. With hope, the presence of the western fleet would force the enemy navy to relocate to a less effective position, though knowing traditional Thalasian hotheadedness this would likely not happen. In the mean time, success against the rebels was beginning to show through, and in a few moments the battle between the eastern fleet and Ecthelion's mutineers would begin. Though the enemy force has technological superiority, the Escantheans are better organized and greater in number. Predictions for a costly, yet crushing victory are the general consensus among the admiralty. After that, the eastern fleet will link up with the west and fuck the Thalasians in their asses with allied help, hopefully putting an end to foreign involvement and allowing cleanup operations to get rid of whatever rebels are left at that point. With hope, the battle with the rebels wouldn't take too long. Otherwise the two navies would be on equal footing, and unacceptable losses would be sure to follow...
    Admiral Devon Nicanor was placed in command of the joint naval effort, Operation Testament. While he was reviewing movement plans and a drill plan on board, his officers informed him of had good news, bad news, and ugly news.
    -The good news was that they had just made a rendezvous with the Libertador carrier battle group, consolidating the awesome power of the three Thalasian naval forces into one cohesive unit: the Hercules Fleet. From the bridge, the myriad of new grey shapes were visible as they moved forward, floating on a glistening yet cold blue sea, Thalasi flags fluttering proudly. Jets roared by, patrolling the bright skies. As he watched from his flagship, the battleship TNS Tanager, Admiral Nicanor's chest swelled with pride. This was their fleet, and they were going to bring freedom to the darkest, most oppressed place on the planet.

    The bad news was that the territory all of these majestic ships were now sitting in suddenly was now a part of FLOAT territorial waters. Anyone with half a brain could see that this was a completely idiotic claim meant to give a rapid Escanthean naval response some kind of legitimacy other than "the protection of our interests", since this territory was deep into open water, far away from any fisheries, known oil deposits, or even any islands whatsoever. If it weren't for it's relative proximity to the coast, it wouldn't even be a sensible strategic claim. "Not a problem," Admiral Nicanor responded to the report. "We will traverse these waters openly. Nobody will have to tolerate this half-baked claim, and we will make sure that the freedom of navigation is completely protected."

    Then the ugly news arrived. Satellite images and recon conducted by Thalasi nuclear submarines showed that a large Escanthean naval force was approaching from the west. It looked like they were being sent specifically to surround the Thalasi fleet and either destroy them or force them to retreat. This western fleet alone would be enough to give the Hercules Fleet a run for it's money. The combination of the two forces would be a near insurmountable challenge.

    Although the typical Thalasi hot-headedness did rule out the possibility of them backing down, this was not the War Room. Admiral Nicanor decided that if the Escantheans intended to outflank him, then two can play at that game: he ordered the entire fleet to retreat from the approaching western forces and move full steam ahead to make a beeline for the Escanthean naval forces in the east. The goal would be to trap them, sandwiching the Escantheans between the Hercules Fleet and the rebel naval forces (along with the limited coastal defense forces). By the time that the Thalsians would arrive, the battle between the rebel fleet and the Escantheans would be in full swing, and it would be a significant struggle for both sides. The sudden arrival of the fresh Thalasi fleet would likely result in some kind of Pyrrhic victory for the rebels, with the battered Escanthean fleet either being forced into a retreat after being bloodied in order to meet up with the stronger reinforcements coming in from the west, or being trapped by the Thalasi ships and damaged even further.

    Admiral Nicanor was not a fool, however. He realized that using this maneuver was like trying to stop a leaking dam with duct tape. It would suffice for now to gain a slight maneuverability advantage and possibly "inadvertently" cause some damage to the Escanthean east fleet, but unless there was a dramatic shift in the military situation, the Escantheans united would still have enough of a strategic superiority to force the Thalasians into a completely unacceptable retreat, or much worse. As the fleet moved to push away the Escanthean eastern forces and to gain advantageous ground in preperation for the Nargothond civil war, he beamed a request to Thalasian Military Headquarters on Jacinto Island. The Hercules Fleet needed naval reinforcements (another CVBG and perhaps a Expeditionary Strike Group would suffice), an overwhelming display of long-range aerial superiority, or both, and they needed it right now. Unless he or the rebels got a tactical lucky break, he could not be expected to continue in this way for very long, especially once the missiles actually start flying. If he didn't receive a response in the affirmative immediately, he would have to take actions to make sure his operation is a success. The Hercules Fleet would be forced to take advantage of their flanking position to engage and completely eliminate the Escanthean east fleet. It would be Thalasus' only chance of victory without reinforcements, but it would mean that the Thalasi Navy would have to openly attack Escanthea, rather than maintaining a shoving match until a more-or-less comfortable arrangement could be found to provide the rebels with support.

    Admiral Devon Nicanor continued making battle plans. Radars were working overtime and every ship was in constant communication with the flotilla of TAF satellites. Captains and officers kept scanning the horizon, looking for something that shouldn't be there yet. Warplanes aboard both aircraft carriers were ordered to loaded with air to air and anti-ship munitions, ready to take to the skies and engage anything at any given moment...
    « Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 06:03:09 AM by Ashton Mercer »
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Is it still locked for you all? I don't remember locking it.
    Finrod Felagund
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • (No, it's alright now)
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Ashton Mercer
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  • (@Finrod Felagund @Justinian Ezkantion)

    I can't post any more stuff till Dancy does his thing. Simple as that, Ashton.
    Finrod Felagund
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