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British Isles
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  • Village Drifter

  • The Monarchy of British Isles

    The Monarch: HM King John II
    Prince of Wales: HRH Jone
    Prince of Northumberland: HH Richard

    HM Executive Government

    Prime Minister: George Fominov
    Deputy Prime Minister: Maryanna Pollyanna Blythe
    Home Secretary: Earl Charles Grey
    Foreign Secretary: Charlotte Wessex
    Culture Secretary: Stephen Witcheson
    Defence Secretary: TBA
    Attorney General:Victoria

    In this Issue:

    New Prince of Wales
    With HH Prince Richard abdicating as the Prince of Wales it was time for the region to see a new Prince of Wales. So on the first of December when HH Richard was scheduled to abdicate His Majesty, King John II announced Jone (aka Jonewest) as the new Prince of Wales. HRH Jone has a deep history in the region serving in the Supreme Court, serving as the Deputy Prime Minister, etc. Each of which have gotten him large amounts of respect and skill.

    Rise of the Conservatives

    For the past two months Labour was the governing party with Sir Tony Benn completing a full term. A feat not done since Klaus Mikaelson. And it seemed as if Labour would once again hold the office for another two months. Mainly because they faced little opposition. But in the final days of the Tony Benn Government a new party arose. The Conservative Party founded by Lord George Fominov quickly gained regional support with many members joining within 24 hours. To some people this would be the most interesting election in a long time. With two parties of equal force clashing for the Premiership. But in the end the Conservatives won out.

    General Elections

    It is once again election season. With Tony Benn completing his full two months as Prime Minister he decided to step down as Party Leader. To take his place was Cameron Romefeller a long time member of BI who came back after months of absence. It was an election many people were anxious about. In the end the Conservatives won 3 seats and Labour won the other 2. No independents we elected this time.
    This was the division of seats.

     Scotland: Tony Benn (Lab)
    Northern England: George Fominov (Con)
    Southern England: Earl Charles Grey (Con)
    Wales: Zachary Marshall (Lab)
    Northern Ireland: Charlotte Wessex (Con)

    Christmas Speeches
    With Christmas now just around the corner the Foreign Office asked both the King and the Prince of Wales to give a Christmas speech to our friends across nationstates. The first one we will show will be the speech by His Majesty.
    Quote from: King John II
    We, JOHN II, King of the British Isles by the Grace of God and Parliament bid all those reading this statement greetings!

    People of the British Isles, good morning, and happy Christmas! I hope that you are spending this day with your families, whether chosen or by blood, and that all is well with you and yours.

    This year has been hard for us. As a region, we have faced inactivity, the loss of veteran members, and multiple changes in government. Despite of these challenges, British Isles has prospered. Our region has struggled together against the threat of destruction, and now, the seed of the hard labour of our members is beginning to bear fruit.

    We have gone through the tunnel of despair and are now seeing the light at the end, as activity is on the rise, cooperation between members of all political backgrounds, and a hardworking government headed by our dear Prime Minister, whom I thank from the bottom of my heart.

    I also want to thank our Administrative Team, who works tirelessly to keep the forum a secure and fun place to spend time. Without them, who knows where we’d be? Each and every one of you deserve the trust and respect that goes with being part of the Admin Team, and I’m glad to have you on board.

    The New Year will bring further changes, I am sure, which we must face together, as well as, inevitably, further hardships. However, I am proud to say that I am a member of this region, which has been my home for nearly three years. Other regions have failed where we have prospered, and I trust that we shall continue to prosper.

    With love, from the King and the entire House of Norfolk, Happy Christmas, and the Happiest of New Years.

    Christmas Song

    [big]Christmas Comic[/big]

    This publication is issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the British Isles.

    Approved and endorsed by the Prime Minister with agreement from the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.

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  • Village Drifter
  • I might just do that Jone!  :P
    We would love to have ypu
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  • Former Citizen

  • The Monarchy of British Isles

    The Monarch: HM King John II
    Prince of Wales: HRH Prince Jone

    HM Government

    Prime Minister: Tony Benn
    Deputy Prime Minister: Cameron Romefeller
    Home Secretary: Liana Soloviev
    Foreign Secretary: Daniel Norfolk
    Culture Secretary: Zachary Marshall
    Defence Secretary: TBA

    In this Issue:
    Election season returns to British Isles!
    Following the resignation of the Prime Minister on the 14th of January, the King declared an election to take place on the 21st. All the parties of the British Isles registered candidates.

    From the Labour Party, after a brief internal struggle, Tony Benn, former PM and MP took over as Leader, with Deputy Leader Cameron Romefeller and incumbent MP Zachary Marshall as the other two Labour candidates. The dominant Conservative Party lost two major members but came back strong after electing Nikolas Carmichael the party leader. Charlotte Wessex, Chief Whip, and newcomer Liana Soloviev round out the Conservative party's ticket. The minor Caesarian party fielded only its leader, perennial candidate Klaus Mikaelson, a popular former Prime Minister and Lord who has faced electoral defeat several times of late. Knowledgable observers, however, expected him to fare somewhat better this time around.

    Following a week of campaigning, in which the main issues were foreign policy, the future of the armed forces and constitutional reform, voters took to the polls on January 21st. The election, which was viewed as being too close to call, saw a high turnout: in fact, all 19 registered voters cast their ballot before the time period.

    The results confirmed how tight the race was: Labour leader Tony Benn and Conservative newcomer Liana Soloviev were the standout performers, gaining 12 votes apiece. Although the Conservative leader polled only half as many votes as his Labour counterpart, Nikolas Fominov's 6 votes were sufficient to ensure his election. Labour MP Zachary Marshall retained his seat convincingly with 9 votes, but Labour's deputy leader did . Charlotte Wessex and Klaus Mikaelson both received 5 votes, and consequently entered a run-off election for the final seat.

    Victory for Wessex in the run-off would have meant a Conservative majority, but Caesarian party candidate Klaus Mikaelson edged over the line, winning by 10 votes to 8. This meant a hung Parliament; the potential deadlock was broken, however, when Conservative MP Liana Soloviev voted for Labour leader Tony Benn in the first ballot of MPs. This meant that Tony Benn returned to 10 Downing Street for a second term as Prime Minister of British Isles.

    British Isles Signs C.O.P.S
    One of the first actions of the new government was to announce that it would seek to become a signatory of The Convention on Off Site Property Security (C.O.P.S.). In presenting the treaty to Parliament, Prime Minister Tony Benn explained the Government's reasoning for wanting to sign: 'by becoming signatory to this treaty the British Isles shall show that it is no safe heaven for any person who wishes to plague nations through vicious acts as described within the treaty. We as a region have experienced this sort of behaviour before on our own soil and this will be a declaration that we will never stand for it'.

    Although the treaty met with some opposition based on concerns that it might undermine the judicial system, it was ultimately ratified by a majority of each House of Parliament, and signed into law by King John I on January 30th. It is now expected that the Government will soon bring forward legislation to allow action to be taken against anyone who destroys forums. The signing of C.O.P.S underscores British Isles' denunciation of forum destruction as a war crime.

    Spotlight on: Jone Norfolk
    In this feature, we profile a citizen of British Isles. First up is the Prince of Wales, Jone Norfolk.
    Quote from: Interview with Jone Norfolk
    Spotlight on: Jone Norfolk
    What are the best and worst moments you've had on NS?
    My best moment in NS would be whenever I first found a region that I enjoyed. It was called The Brotherhood, and while it was small, it was a lot of fun. I even went so far as to buy a domain name, forum, etc. for it. It seems like so long ago, and I guess it is, almost 8 years now. I met a lot of neat characters back then.
    My worst moment in NS is whenever the Global Right Alliance hit one of its stagnant points and I had just about decided I was done with this game. I have never really liked the gameplay aspect of this game. So without a community to come to, it lost a lot of interest to me. I think that the best thing about this game is the communities you find, create, etc. The Raiding/Defending has always been fun to dabble in, but overall I believe this game is a great conduit to bring intelligent people together. I have found many great friendships through this game and I cherish that. There have been plenty of dark days while playing this game, but the majority of it have been light.

    Speaking of great friendships, who is the favourite person you've met while playing this game?
    That seems like a hard question to answer. There are a number of people I've met through NS that I have enjoyed. Probably too many to truly justice in naming.

    Since you'll be King one day, it's appropriate to ask - favourite English monarch?
    I think I am going to say King John, he had one of the longest reigns and had a very interesting life. Of course, he was excommunicated by the Pope, and had many shortfalls. But that makes him human, which is something I think you have to remember about being King. You are still human, you will make bad decisions. But you have to learn from them and do what is best for your Kingdom.

    That is true, but did John I actually do that?
    I don't believe he did, but that is why I think he is my favorite. Because he was such a shortfall as a King. He is exactly what I aim myself not to be. Whenever I am King, I aim not to mold my reign after another King's. I expect to reign as I would, and use previous monarchs as examples of what not to do. What is right will be up to whatever is the best decision at the time.

    A little bit about yourself: where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
    In 10 years I will be 37, that is quite the age to consider. In that time I will hopefully have fully established myself in a career and be doing something that I enjoy. I would really like to serve in an administrative position where the company I worked for genuinely cared about its clients. Oh, and I will totally fight crime and have sex with millionaires too.

    If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
    This is actually sort of a thing I've thought about before. Until a few years ago in Texas you could have almost anything as your last meal.I think it would be a combination of things I enjoy most. A 16oz angus Steak, cooked rare, an order of grilled shrimp, a quail kabob, a large order of bacon wrapped jalapeños, sautéed green beans, and steak fries. To drink it would probably be a Route 44 water from Sonic and a few Mexican cokes.

    Military Reform

    Prime Minister Tony Benn announced a reform of the military to be conducted after investigation by a commission established by the previous previous prime minister found that an overall majority of citizens supported continuing the military.

    It was announced that the new name of the military is to be the Royal Marines and appointment of a new Defence Secretary is due to take place soon as well as the beginning of recruitment.[c]Coronation Day

    On the 4th February the British Isles is to celebrate the one year anniversary of King John's succession to the throne. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport shall be leading the celebrations to celebrate the dedication of a monarch who has brought safety and stability to the British Isles.

    British Isles Creative Corner

    On Change
    by HM King John II
    A cold wind blows from the North,
    the cinnamon-smell of fallen leaves
    and petrichor,
    and something harder to place.

    That smell,
    which follows seasons
    like a dog to his master,
    is change.

    The change of years
    passing like batons
    in the marathon of life,
    on, and on, and on.

    These new days
    upon us so soon,
    bearing no mark,
    no witness,
    not yet.

    What can they bring?
    What have the gods
    in store for us?
    Ripening like grain
    in a silo,
    that earthy,
    fresh smell,
    we will know soon enough.

    This publication is issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the British Isles. Thank you for reading.

    Approved and endorsed by the Prime Minister with agreement from the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
    « Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 04:34:49 PM by Wintermoot »
    Check out my Interview!
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  • Mootles can you fix the coding dear?
    Check out my Interview!
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  • lol, can't you fix the coding? I already fix the coding on all of our dispatches to BI. :P

    * Wintermoot signs. Finnnneeeeee...

    In any case, sounds like you had an exciting election season, and the COPS issue is certainly interesting considering the large number of regions and organizations that are harboring recent forum crashers at the moment. I'm curious, was there any talk in BI during this process about the potential harm that may come from banishing its members over a principle that few seem to be upholding nowadays? And was there any concern that perhaps COPS would be used in an attempt to attack political opponents over trumped up forum destruction charges as has happened before?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Notice of Severance of Relations

    It is with regret that Wintreath must announce the severance of relations with British Isles.

    Wintreath has become aware that British Isles is providing military support to the rogue delegacy of Stujenske in Lazarus, in effect supporting the overthrow of a treaty ally of Wintreath. Wintreath will not protest the sovereign act of a region, but neither can we stand by and maintain active relations with those who attack our allies. To do so would be to raise doubts of our diplomatic credibility, our promises to our allies, and our honour as a region. This regretfully makes continued diplomatic relations between Wintreath and British Isles unviable at this time.

    I hope that in the future events will change to allow relations to become viable again.

    Inric Nordrim Kestar (Wintermoot I of Wintreath)
    Jarl of Foreign Affairs of Wintreath
    Monarch and Founder of Wintreath

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    Anders Blakewood
  • Former Citizen

  • The Monarchy of British Isles

    The Monarch: HM Daniel I
    Prince Consort: HH Richard

    HM Executive Government

    Prime Minister: John Norfolk
    Deputy Prime Minister: Liana Soloviev
    Home Secretary: Daniel Devon
    Foreign Secretary: Insaniac Talleyrand
    Culture Secretary:  Crushita Telcontar-Soloviev
    Defence Secretary: Cephal Talleyrand


    On the second of August an apology was issued from Prime Minister John Norfolk. The apology concerned a recent spat of inactivity from the Prime Minister. This inactivity was due to him getting a new job. He was no longer able to dedicate as much time to NationStates and as of such Prime Minister John Norfolk handed into the region his two weeks notice. He has stated that he will ask the King for general elections on the eight of August and these will occur on the fifteenth of August.

    This comes as a surprise to the region as a whole, John Norfolk has long been the most active member of the forum and the community is saddened at his departure from the premiership. We however wish him the best of luck with his new occupation.

    This however means General Elections will occur and the British Isles will have a new government within the next three weeks.  This is roughly three weeks earlier than planned.


    Renly, the former Culture Secretary, Associate Justice and MP of Wales for the British Isles resigned from all his posts during the month of July. He cited health reasons for his departure and the region wishes for his speedy recovery. The positions he occupied however needed new occupants. The Culture Office had Crushita Telcontar-Soloviev named as its new Secretary. Wales saw Anders Blakewood elected as its new MP in low contest by-election.  Associate Justice sits vacant however.

    Liana Soloviev has replaced Valfor Talleyrand as the Deputy Prime Minister on the twenty fourth of July. Insaniac Talleyrand was appointed as Foreign Secretary on the second of the August, replacing HH Richard. On the same day, Daniel Devon replaced Juris Lancaster as Home Secretary. As of such, only the Defense Minister and Prime Minister are the same as the beginning of the term.
    Anders Blakewood
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  • Thank you for the update.

    I thought we had kept ties severed due to the support of Stujenske?  I'm not sure when that changed, @Wintermoot?
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
    Citizenship Granted 24 Dec. 2013!

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    Anders Blakewood
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  • Thank you for the update.

    I thought we had kept ties severed due to the support of Stujenske?  I'm not sure when that changed, @Wintermoot?

    Our stance changed, but we regretfully failed to inform essentially anyone of this :P
    Anders Blakewood
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  • Former Citizen
  • Thank you for the update.

    I thought we had kept ties severed due to the support of Stujenske?  I'm not sure when that changed, @Wintermoot?

    Our stance changed, but we regretfully failed to inform essentially anyone of this :P

    Would you be able to post that change of stance here, as I asked in your application thread ? :)  Just wondering.
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
    Citizenship Granted 24 Dec. 2013!

    Other Areas of NS:
    00000 A World Power: 1st Sgt, A World Power Regional Defence Force
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • It is unfortunate that there was such a miscommunication, but it's good that it was resolved now. :)

    It sucks that your PM had to step down...unfortunately real life is the bane of the NS region, especially during the summer. I hope that everyone can come together and maintain activity to keep things running smooth. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Here's the link:

    Here it is without formatting:

    Posted Image

    Statement on Lazarus

    Dear Citizens of British Isles,

    It has become clear to me that there has been some confusion of where British Isles stands in relation to the coup in Lazarus. Following the allegations from Wintreath and the revocation of their embassy to British Isles, I feel our stance need be known.

    Until now my government had taken no stance on the issue instead allowing for it to play out as the internal issue it is. There were no orders to the British Isles military to move to Lazarus or to support Stujenske, and at that time it was made clear that any actions taken in regard to Lazarus would be that of private action not reflecting on British Isles.

    Since this, it has become clear that this stance isn't enough to convince some in the international community we have decided to show where we stand and that is with the Lazarus Government in Exile. British Isles condemns the actions taken in Lazarus and encourages dialogue between Stujenske and those he has exiled in coming together to find a resolution to the matter.

    I will also be revoking our embassy to Lazarus and closing theirs here, and I will be instructing our delegate to support the WA condemnation of Stujenske.

    Much love,

    Humphrey Appleby
    Prime Minister of British Isles
    Anders Blakewood
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  • lol, it wasn't an allegation. British Isles's Defense Secretary at the time explicitly told me that BI was supporting the coup, and when Mister Appleby contacted me after we posted our announcement he stated that BI wasn't supporting the coup, but wouldn't state that the Defense Secretary was incorrect when he said that BI was. He then went on to question whether we would cancel our treaty with Ainur, something that didn't even concern him, and I told him as much, which effectively ended the conversation.

    Your former Prime Minister was probably a huge part of the problem. He didn't exactly come off as very competent.
    1 person likes this post: Govindia
    « Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 10:07:12 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk

  • Official Notice of Consulate Closure

    It is with deepest regret that Wintreath must announce the closure of consulates with British Isles.

    While we endeavor to have positive and beneficial relations with all our diplomatic partners, it has been noted that British Isles does not appear to have a regional forum or coherent government at this time. These are considered a minimum requirement for establishing and maintaining relations with Wintreath, the absence of which make effective diplomacy between our regions impossible. Should your region re-establish a regional forum and government in the future, we would be happy to review an application to reopen embassies and resume diplomatic relations.

    Until then, I wish British Isles all the best in its future endeavors.

    Inric Nordrim Kestar (Wintermoot I of Wintreath)
    Jarl of Foreign Affairs of Wintreath
    Monarch of Wintreath

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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