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Werewolf Interest Thread
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Hey there everyone, Tredania here.

    So I have a game idea I'd like to propose starting in here, though I want to see if there's enough interest, first.  It's one of 10KI's more popular game series that we play, and I'd really like to bring it here if the interest level is high enough.

    If you've ever played or heard of the game Mafia, then you'll know Werewolf pretty well.  It's a fantasy version of Mafia that can be played online.

    If you've never played or heard of the game Mafia, then here's an explanation of Werewolf:

    In this game, there are the good guys, the "Power" roles, and the Werewolves.  The object of the game is to kill off all of the Werewolves before they kill off enough of the good guys.  The games goes in "Phases." 

    During each Day Phase (which last 48 hours), everyone will discuss and vote on who they believe one of the wolves are.  The person voted on will be killed off and their role revealed.  Obviously during this phase, its the wolves' job to muddy the waters and make the good guys turn against each other.

    During each Night Phase (which lasts 24 hours), Power roles and Werewolves will send separate PMs to the game host and they can use their skill during that night to attempt to tip the scales in their favor.  Regular good roles will be "asleep" at this time, and voting will resume in the following Day Phase after hearing the Night Phase results.

    The different roles (the generic ones) and their respective skills are:

    *The Villager - Good guys that vote during the day phase on who they believe is a Werewolf.  Villagers have no special skills they can use during the night phase.

    *The Seer - A good power role that, like the other roles, votes during the day phase on who they believe is a Werewolf.  Seers also have a unique skill known as "Scanning."  What this means is that they'll PM the Game Host during a night phase with a member's name that they believe is a Werewolf.  The host will reveal that person's role.  If it's a good role, the Seer can add that person to the PM, building what is known as the "Seer's Army."  If it's a good role, the Seer can either subtly make their findings known, or take a risk and publicly announce them and hope for the best.

    *The Guardian/Defender - A good role that, like the other roles, votes during the day phase on who they believe is a Werewolf.  Defenders also have the skill of "Defend."  What this means is that they'll PM the Game Host during a night phase with a member's name.  If a Werewolf tries to attack the named player in that same night phase, the attack will miss and that player will survive.

    *The Werewolf - The bad guys of the game that will attempt to make the good guys turn on each other, while masking their true identities.  During each day phase, they'll act like one of the villagers and vote with them as well.  During the night phase, they'll decide as a team on which player they want to kill off next.

    The objectives:
    *The Good guys win when all Werewolves are dead
    *The Werewolves win if the remaining number of players equals the remaining number of Werewolves.

    There's also other little rules and additions that can be made so that the game is always unique and different than the last.  Different themes can be utilized, roles can be tweaked or added/removed, and the like.

    If there's anything I haven't explained well and you would like me to elaborate on, please feel free to ask.  This is possibly my favorite game that I've played on our forums, and I'd love to see it played in others as well.  So if you're interested, please say so in here, and if there's enough interest, I'll create and host a game thread on here to give you guys a much better idea of how it's played.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • I would be interested in joining in.
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    Drexyl Nox
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  • I'm actually playing a mafia game on another forum that takes place in post-apocalyptic Beijing
    Drexyl Nox
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I'm actually playing a mafia game on another forum that takes place in post-apocalyptic Beijing

    Oh nice.  ^_^  I finished hosting one recently that was a spin on America's Got Talent, and there's one going on now that plays with elements from the cartoon Rick and Morty. :D
    My Wintreath Resumé
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    I'm in!
    Applebane Stark-Montresor
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  • I'm familiar with was (and is?) a stable on Spiritus. The problem with organizing such a game is all the work that the game host has to do to initiate and advance each turn of the game, but if you're ok with doing that that's awesome. :D

    I would be happy to participate. :)

    Also, moving this to the Merriment Quarter since this isn't really a spam thing. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I'm familiar with was (and is?) a stable on Spiritus. The problem with organizing such a game is all the work that the game host has to do to initiate and advance each turn of the game, but if you're ok with doing that that's awesome. :D

    I would be happy to participate. :)

    Also, moving this to the Merriment Quarter since this isn't really a spam thing. :P

    It's actually not as much work as it sounds like.  The host pops on to announce the game and beginning of the first phase, counts up the votes of that day phase when it's getting near and ends it with the day phase results and announce the night phase, and then go through each skill used, ignore it if the victim chosen was a defended player, and answer the seer, announce the night phase results and the beginning of the day phase, and repeat.

    Really the most work the host does is setting up the game, how they envision it playing, and tweaking the little things to make sure it runs smoothly.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I guess some people just make it look like a lot of work then. :P
    1 person likes this post: Michi

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I participated in a Mafia game a while back that was based off the Sims 2; with the extensive number of mods, it was pretty hilarious to see how the "killer" haha, it totally wasn't me, what are you talking about? would provide death mods and the players, in response, would wail on the thread (until they were dead; then they had to move on to the OOC thread and wail there).

    It was all really fun, so I'm definitely interested in another variant of that here. When this gets rolling, consider me signed up! c:
    Vinaza/Papa Jet | Sampetrius | They pronouns | #witchsquad
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  • By my count that's five people who have expressed interest. Not sure if Nox was expressing interest or just making a comment, so I didn't count her. I'll mention this in the next Greetings from the Monarch telegram dispatch that goes out too. :)

    It's been a long time since I was a part of one of these things, so I'm very excited about it. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I'll play, I enjoyed the last game I played; it should be pretty fun here too.
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  • For those interested in playing, I'll refer you to the signups if you haven't seen them yet.  :)

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    My Wintreath Resumé
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