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Horse's long procrastinated guide to NS
Post #1238
November 10, 2013, 08:17:30 PM
Former Citizen
Post #1238
November 10, 2013, 08:17:30 PM
It's finally here!!
For once, a politician finally keeps his promises!
Wow, much guide, many tips. Wow. Horse clap
-Welcome!!! You have joined the game of nationstates, a ¾ political simulation game, ¼ backstabbing your friends game. It was started back in 2002, and has not gone done (minus a few server crashes
) since.
Sounds cool. How do you win this game?
Winning, there is no winning, young grasshopper. You win by whatever standards you set.
Want to be a conservative paradise? Try it. Want to RP? DO ET. DO ET NAOW.
Want to debate? Go try it out.
Ok then, so what CAN I do?
You can do a multitude of things in this game.
You can:
Create WA resolutions
Debate on Forums
Join communities, large and small
RP on the forums
Raid and Defend
Write news.
And run your own nation.
Stop right there.
The WA is a UN type organization used by nations to create/ vote on resolutions, and to have something to belong too. It is divided into 2 sections. The General Assembly, and The Security council.
What do these pieces do?
They propose separate resolutions, which affect nations differently. One through stats, the other through RP.
Through stats? How?
Like the UN, nations can either pass/ defeat a bill that would limit some activities (waste dumping, Chemical Weapons, etc). These can affect how your nation functions( Economy, civil rights, etc)
Stop with the bullshit. Don’t like the organization? Don’t join it. Simple.
What about the Security Council?
They pass Condemnations / Commendations, acknowledgments of “Good/Bad” behavior by a nation/region.
Do they do anything?
Other then raise someone's ego, no. Not at all. You do get a nice badge, though.
How do I write a resolution?
On the Nationstates forums, go to “The World Assembly”. Write a draft there, or ask for some help to write one. There is a polished form everyone uses, which can be found here:
Click the spoiler, and AWAY YOU GO!!!!!
Does the WA provide anything to member nations?
You get a nice little symbol on the menu. Other than that, no.
Debate on the Forums? Where do I do this?
Click on the Forum. Go to General. Done, and debate to your heart’s desire.
What can I do in this forum?
Debate things within reason.
“Which dildo is the best dildo” is NOT a debate topic.
“Which country has the best military” IS a debate topic.
As long as you’re discussing something PG-13, you're fine.
And as long as your op brings in discussion.
Discussion? What context do you mean?
As long as you say “What are your thoughts”, you’re more than likely fine.
What can I say/not say/do?
or Porn(yes, this rule sucks, I know. Just go with it)
So, I heard you haz communities. How do I join them?
Well, communities here range from small regions, to large organizations that have people from every region imaginable. So, depends on what type of community you want to join.
Region? What the hell is that?
It’s basically a home for your nation. You can do almost anything in the region.
So, what can do?
Communicate with your region mates, start a RP group, start a government, or just chat. You can also make embassies.
So what are these embassies you speak of??
Embassies are areas within regional forums where ambassadors can post news about what’s happening in their region.
But what’s the difference between in-game ones and ones on forums…?
In-game embassies are basically just for roleplay purposes - it’s the ones on the forums that actually do stuff!
So what about RP…?
RP = Roleplay. It’s when a group of people assume roles other than their real life identities and pretend to assume roles, such as soldiers, citizens, rulers, etc.
Are there rules?
Other than the rules listed above, only one unwritten rule: No Godmodding.
What is that?
Stuff like “My army has anti-nuke shields LOL FGGT” and stuff like that are godmodding. You won’t get in trouble for it, just nobody will RP with you. As long as your movements are REASONABLE, you’ll be fine.
So, is there any way to simulate war with nations, excluding RP?
Yes, sort of. Welcome to Raiding and Defending!!!
The Whoodewhat?
Raiding and defending, it’s where people, at update, move World Assembly nations to different regions, and try to take over/stop take over regions, depending on which side you're on.
Update, what’s that?
Update is that magic time between 12:00.00 and 1:00.00 (AM and PM) when regions update. This includes nations, and this is also the time when nations issues get solved.
So how does raiding/defending fit into this?
At update, WA endorsements are refreshed, and the delegate position either changes to a new delegate/no delegate, or no delegate/the current delegate stays in power.
So, how does one raid?
There are multiple ways to raid. One method is to go into a region, pretend to be a native, then take over the region. It’s, in other words, a Coup d’etat. Another, more widely used method, is to raid at update, with quick, lighting strikes on regions, using 2+ people. This usually occurs every update, which much shenanigans ensuing. They usually edit the WFE, make embassies with their home region, and suppress messages. This is called tagging, and probably one of the easier methods of raiding. The final one is, at update, raiders all move in at once, and take over a region. They occupy the region, have a bit of fun, and either destroy the region, or leave.
Is there a guide I can read, somewhere?
Yes, actually.
This guide is like the Bible of raiders, just not filled with fairy tales(
). To my knowledge, many current guides are based off of this guide.
Who are the big regions/organizations I can join?
There are a few out there, at the time, and the following are completely raider, raid sometimes, or at least align themselves as raider
The Black Riders
The Black Hawks
Lone Wolves United
The New Inquisition
The Land of Kings and Emperors
The [violet] Syndicate
All but the last are open to anyone, the final name is a invite only group.
So, does anyone stop raiders?
Yes, they are called defenders. (sexiest folk ever)
What do they do?
Defenders do a few things.
-Attempt to stop tag raids, with success varying night to night.
-Attempt to liberate taken over regions.
-And detag regions.
Detagging, what is that?
It’s where defenders go to a region, and put the region back in it’s original place (WFE, embassy, ban list, and message wise)
Is there any guide to defending?
As far as I know, no, it’s a hand’s on learning job.
How do they stop them?
If defenders see raider setup before update, they generally call others to come and help. They try and move very fast with the raiders, to try and stop tag raids/occupations.
Do they ever win?
Sometimes, they do, sometimes, they don’t. It’s the same for the raiders, it really depends on who is helping,how fast you are, and how many people you have.
What regions/organizations can I join?
The following are large communities that have emerged as defenders, or at least align themselves as defender, from time to time.
The Founderless Regions Alliance
10000 Islands
The Rejected Realms
That’s all, really?
No, there are a few more out there, these are ones that I can name off of the top of my head right now. These are also large regions/organizations, and have many experienced members
Like who?
For the Raiders:
General Halcones of TBR(The Black Riders)
Bob Moran of TBR
Gest of TBR
Koth of basically all of them
Mall of TBH(The Black Hawks)
Venico of Osiris
Cormac of Osiris
Georgie of Osiris
Spartzerium of TBH
Cerian Quilor of UIAF
For the Defenders:
Tim of SDF
Dawsinian of SDF
Toms of SDF
Horse of the SDF
The Saturnian Republic of SDF
baaaasically the whole SDF is capable(
Unibot of UDL
Mahaj of UDL
Ravania of UDL
Hodori of UDL
Alyekra of the UDL
Frattastan of FRA/TRR
Luna of FRA
Falconias of FRA
Wop of FRA/Mordor
Karputsk: Basically saved Defending- FRA
So, what’s the point of it all?
There rarely is, most just do it for fun. Some, like to push their political policies on others, others for their beliefs. So, no real point really.
So, I heard you can write news?
Yes, for your region, or others.
How do I do this?
Either contact your local govt. official to do this, write it on your own, or contact someone to put it in a paper.
So, how do I run my nation?
Anyway you want. You develop your nation through answering issues.
Yes, issues. You get two of them every day(unless you change that), and they determine what policy you employ for your nation.
What can issues change?
Anything from Harry Potter books to meeting Aliens, it's all up to you. Each issue is weighted based on how much it affects. For example, allowing Gay Marriage is going to affect your nation more then nudity, answering it the first time around. But, if you legalize gay marriage, and then get the issue again, it will do less to your civil rights.
Can I pick the issues I get?
No, they're based on your category generally. If you allow elections, your not going to get issues to allow elections. You will get issues, however, to make a dictatorship, anarchy, Council, etc.
Is there a way to see all names at once?
Yes, here.
First Image down on the article
Is that is, is that ALL I need to know?
These are just the basics you need to start off in NS, you will learn more as you progress.
Have fun in Nationstates, and remember, don’t piss off the mods, or else they’ll oppress you with their liberal elitism*
Written by Horse, Editing done in the raiding/defending piece done by Tim.
*This is a joke. Don’t coming yelling at me “You ebul conservative!!!”. Seeing as, you know, I’m far left.
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Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 08:13:54 PM by Horse
Posts: 279
Karma: 23
Has no clue how to do the the thing
Former Citizen
Wintreath Nation
Post #1240
November 10, 2013, 08:36:01 PM
Post #1240
November 10, 2013, 08:36:01 PM
Replace TSP with Lazarus, dear.
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Drexyl Nox
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Wintreath Nation
Post #1241
November 10, 2013, 08:37:51 PM
Former Citizen
Post #1241
November 10, 2013, 08:37:51 PM
Posts: 279
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Wintreath Nation
Post #1267
November 11, 2013, 05:07:16 AM
Libetarian Republics
Former Citizen
Post #1267
November 11, 2013, 05:07:16 AM
Looks really good
though the background by the quotebox might make things hard to read. anyway we can change the color of the fonts?
Libetarian Republics
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Libetarian Wintreaths
Post #1286
November 11, 2013, 07:34:02 PM
Former Citizen
Post #1286
November 11, 2013, 07:34:02 PM
I'll look into it right now
Posts: 279
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Wintreath Nation
Post #1517
November 15, 2013, 06:41:48 AM
Saeturn Valerius
Former Citizen
Post #1517
November 15, 2013, 06:41:48 AM
First: <3 for the shoutout but I'm also UDL and WHR.
Also, many do have reasons to defend. I've met a lot of moralistic defenders, many who came from founderless regions and saw what invasions do to communiites.
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Saeturn Valerius
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The Saturnian Republic II
Post #1536
November 15, 2013, 08:35:08 PM
Former Citizen
Post #1536
November 15, 2013, 08:35:08 PM
We don't want to confuse them anymore then we already have
Posts: 279
Karma: 23
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Wintreath Nation
Post #3209
December 25, 2013, 03:28:26 PM
Former Citizen
Post #3209
December 25, 2013, 03:28:26 PM
Not bad of a guide, but isn't there a guide that explains what Wintreath is all about ?
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