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Identifying Fascism: Considerations for Community and Moderation
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Identifying Fascism
    Considerations for the Wintreath Community and Moderation


    "Understanding that fascist governments and movements have historically promoted discrimination, persecution, and violence against minorities in order to promote racial, ethnic, or cultural superiority; content that glorifies, promotes, or advocates for these ideologies is not allowed. This includes glorification or celebration of fascist leaders, movements, or nations."

    -Wintreath Ruleset: Glorification and Promotion of Fascism

    In June 2024, the Wintreath Regional Stability Squad (RSS) approved the addition of this rule with the support of the community, because we all understand that fascist ideologies are at odds with Wintrean principles and beliefs, and in many cases at odds with our personal principles as people. This is not an official document, but a personal one to elaborate on my thoughts around this rule. I strongly believe that resisting the resurgence of fascism is one of the most important causes of our time, and ultimately resistance begins at home: our online home.

    I also attempt to delve into common traits of fascist movements and regimes as provided by historical references (currently Umberto Eco's "Ur-Fascism"), to create a more objective standard towards deciding what exactly is fascist.

    I'm writing this as part of my own education of how fascism works, and I expect I will update this as I read and learn more. As always, I appreciate thoughts and feedback, so please feel free to reply if anything comes to mind.

    Why is Fascism Incompatible with Wintrean Principles?

    • Wintreath stands for the diversity of humanity as made up of each individual and the differences that make each of us unique and special, including our traits, identities, background, experiences, and beliefs. Fascist regimes attack any focus on individuality and diversity, because they try to reduce everyone to a single common trait which is usually their nationality or race.
    • Because we believe in individuality, we also believe in the right of self-determination: the right for people to make decisions for themselves so long as it does not harm others. This is not the case in a fascist regime, where the State is supreme and the purpose of the individual is to serve it in whatever way its leaders see fit.
    • We believes that every person has the right to exist and live as who they are without fear. Fascist movements need an enemy to whip people against in order to gain support, and minorities groups make for an easy target as undesirables whose existence is supposedly an abomination in some way (traitors, criminals, degenerates, inferior, etc.). These people are then targeted for persecution, intimidation, and removal.
    For these reasons, the ideology of fascism is incompatible with our principles and beliefs as a community. For that reason, promotion and glorification of fascist ideology and regimes is banned in our community.

    But what about free speech?

    While we aim to allow people to express themselves as freely as possible, our rules prohibit speech that is hateful, discriminatory, or inappropriate. As a private community, we have the right to sit standards that represent our principles and allow our community the comfort and safety to openly be themselves.

    Beyond that, free speech is not an unlimited obligation to tolerate anything and everything said. Using free speech comes with responsibilities such as ensuring what you say is truthful, does not slander people, and isn't used to silence or intimidate others from using their own right to free speech. It does not give people the right to knowingly lie in order to manipulate others. It does require those with authority to accept and engage with disagreement and criticism.

    For those reasons, any claims made by fascists about supporting free speech (usually while bemoaning their "censorship") are disingenuous at best, because free speech is incompatible with fascist ideologies. Fascism does not and cannot tolerate dissent or disagreement, because it cannot stand up to critical analysis or reasoned, truth-based debate. It relies on misinformation and propaganda to prey on people's grievances and frustrations in order to gain and maintain power. It uses intimidation and, once in power, the law to silence criticism and dissent.

    The truth is, the only people fascists want free speech for is themselves, and once in power quickly move to shut down free speech for everyone else.

    What is Fascism, Anyway?

    "...even the people who recklessly fling the word 'Fascist' in every direction attach at any rate an emotional significance to it. By 'Fascism' they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and benefit class. Except for the relatively Large number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any person would accept 'bully' as a synonym for 'Fascist'. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.

    But Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it?"

    -George Orwell to the Tribune in 1944

    In 1995 Umberto Eco, who grew up in Mussolini's fascist Italy, determined 14 common traits to all fascist movements in his essay, Ur-Fascism. Note that these are my interpretations after reading the essay and doing additional research. You are encouraged to read Ur-Fascism for yourself here.
    • The Cult of Tradition: Fascist movements promote a return to past traditions, ideals, or beliefs. For example, Mussolini's government idealized ancient Rome, while Nazi Germany glorified a mythic Aryan past that didn't actually exist.
    • The Rejection of Modernism: Fascist movements reject reason, skepticism, and science, believing them to be signs of depravity, degeneracy, or corruption. Because fascism relies on appeals to raw emotion, these things cannot be tolerated in a fascist society.
    • Action for Action's Sake: Thought and reflection are considered signs of weakness in fascist societies, and action is considered a sign of strength. In a fascist society, it's more important to do something than to take time to consider the consequences of what's being done.
    • Disagreement is Treason: Because fascism can not stand up to critical debate, those who challenge it are attacked as enemies and traitors. Fascist leaders cultivate an environment that demands absolute and complete loyalty.
    • Fear of Difference: Fascist movements exploit differences between people by dehumanizing minorities as traitors, degenerates, intruders, criminals, or mentally ill or inferior. They rely on false, discriminatory stereotypes and caricatures to foster hate against these people, which translates to support for action against them.
    • Appeal to Frustration: Fascism often takes root in uncertain times, exploiting people's fears of the future and their place in it.
    • Plot Obsession: Fascist regimes obsess with perceived enemies, blaming them for all problems and using conspiracy theories to convince people that these groups are plotting to take over or to sabotage society in some way.
    • Enemies Both Too Strong and Too Weak: Fascist regimes portray their enemies as both powerful threats to society and so weak and degenerate that they cannot resist ultimately being crushed by the regime.
    • Life is Permanent Warfare: Under fascism, there are always enemies to right, and violence is glorified as the preferred solution. Diplomacy and negotiation are seen as weak, cowardly, and treasonous.
    • Contempt for the Weak: Fascist societies believe that the powerful should dominate the weak. Power and domination are celebrated, while compassion and empathy are ridiculed.
    • The Cult of Heroism and Death: Martyrdom is glorified, and sacrificing yourself for the nation, leader, or ideology is celebrated as noble and heroic.
    • Machismo and Weaponized Sexuality: Masculinity is idolized and traditional gender roles are strictly enforced. Groups who do not fit within traditional roles such as LGBTQ+ people and feminists are attacked as immoral threats to society.
    • Selective Populism: Fascist leaders portray themselves as the saviors of "the true/real people", which is usually based on a race or nationality and excludes "undesirable" minorities that have been targeted.
    • Newspeak: Language is restricted to limit critical thinking. Slogans, simple phrases, and distorted meanings replace discussion in order to control public perception.
    I believe that these factors should be considered when judging what movements and governments are fascist, both for purposes of general debate and for consideration of what violates the fascism promotion rule. If we are to resist fascism, then we must also resist the urge to use it casually against anything we don't like. It's especially important to have an objective, comprehensive, and easily referenced definition when it comes to moderation, both to reduce potential bias on the part of moderators and to hopefully keep everyone on the same objective page.


    "Ur-Fascism" by Umberto Eco (Hosted by the Anarchist Library)

    Wikipedia: Ur-Fascism

    Stanford University: The Book Haven - Orwell Watch #27: What is fascism? Does anybody know? Library: What is Fascism?

    1 person likes this post: Nebriana
    « Last Edit: February 25, 2025, 01:29:31 PM by Wintermoot »

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